# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rubygems' require 'rake/testtask' require 'bundler' require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'bundler/setup' require 'jasmine' ENV['JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH'] ||= File.join(Dir.pwd, 'spec', 'assets', 'support', 'jasmine.yml') load 'jasmine/tasks/jasmine.rake' require 'rubocop/rake_task' RuboCop::RakeTask.new require 'yard' YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new desc "Generate documentation for Yard, and fail if there are any warnings" task :test_doc do sh "yard --fail-on-warning #{'--no-progress' if ENV['CI']}" end Bundler.require(:default, :test) module CustomBuild def build_gem `cp assets/message-bus* vendor/assets/javascripts` super end end module Bundler class GemHelper prepend CustomBuild end end task spec_client_js: 'jasmine:ci' backends = Dir["lib/message_bus/backends/*.rb"].map { |file| file.match(%r{backends/(?.*).rb})[:backend] } - ["base"] namespace :spec do spec_files = Dir['spec/**/*_spec.rb'] integration_files = Dir['spec/integration/**/*_spec.rb'] backends.each do |backend| desc "Run tests on the #{backend} backend" task backend do begin ENV['MESSAGE_BUS_BACKEND'] = backend sh "#{FileUtils::RUBY} -e \"ARGV.each{|f| load f}\" #{(spec_files - integration_files).to_a.join(' ')}" ensure ENV.delete('MESSAGE_BUS_BACKEND') end end end desc "Run integration tests" task :integration do def port_available?(port) server = TCPServer.open("", port) server.close true rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE false end begin ENV['MESSAGE_BUS_BACKEND'] = 'memory' pid = spawn("bundle exec puma -p 9292 spec/fixtures/test/config.ru") sleep 1 while port_available?(9292) sh "#{FileUtils::RUBY} -e \"ARGV.each{|f| load f}\" #{integration_files.to_a.join(' ')}" ensure ENV.delete('MESSAGE_BUS_BACKEND') Process.kill('TERM', pid) if pid end end end desc "Run tests on all backends, plus client JS tests" task spec: backends.map { |backend| "spec:#{backend}" } + [:spec_client_js, "spec:integration"] desc "Run performance benchmarks on all backends" task :performance do begin ENV['MESSAGE_BUS_BACKENDS'] = backends.join(",") sh "#{FileUtils::RUBY} -e \"ARGV.each{|f| load f}\" #{Dir['spec/performance/*.rb'].to_a.join(' ')}" ensure ENV.delete('MESSAGE_BUS_BACKENDS') end end desc "Run all tests, link checks and confirms documentation compiles without error" task default: [:spec, :rubocop, :test_doc]