def grab(val) Atome.grab(val) end def read(file, action=:text) Internal.send("read_#{action}", file) end def wait(seconds) seconds = seconds.to_f `setTimeout(function(){ #{yield} }, #{seconds * 1000})` end def repeater(counter,proc) instance_exec(counter,&proc) if proc.is_a?(Proc) end def repeat(delay = 1, repeat = 0, &proc) # below we exec the call a first time instance_exec(0,&proc) if proc.is_a?(Proc) # as we exec one time above we subtract one below %x{ var x = 1 var intervalID = window.setInterval(function(){ Opal.Object.$repeater(x,#{proc}) if (++x ===#{repeat} ) { window.clearInterval(intervalID); }}, #{delay * 1000}) } end def schedule(date, &proc) date = date.to_s delimiters = [",", " ", ":", "-"] formated_date = date.split(Regexp.union(delimiters)) missing_datas = missing_datas = missing_datas.to_s delimiters = [",", " ", ":", "-"] missing_datas_formated_date = missing_datas.split(Regexp.union(delimiters)) case formated_date.length when 1 seconds = formated_date[0] minutes = missing_datas_formated_date[4] hours = missing_datas_formated_date[3] days = missing_datas_formated_date[2] months = missing_datas_formated_date[1] years = missing_datas_formated_date[0] when 2 seconds = formated_date[0] minutes = formated_date[1] hours = missing_datas_formated_date[3] days = missing_datas_formated_date[2] months = missing_datas_formated_date[1] years = missing_datas_formated_date[0] when 3 seconds = formated_date[0] minutes = formated_date[1] hours = formated_date[2] days = missing_datas_formated_date[2] months = missing_datas_formated_date[1] years = missing_datas_formated_date[0] when 4 seconds = formated_date[0] minutes = formated_date[1] hours = formated_date[2] days = formated_date[3] when 5 seconds = formated_date[0] minutes = formated_date[1] hours = formated_date[2] days = formated_date[3] months = formated_date[4] years = missing_datas_formated_date[0] else years = formated_date[0] months = formated_date[1] days = formated_date[2] hours = formated_date[3] minutes = formated_date[4] seconds = formated_date[5] end `atome.jsSchedule(#{years},#{months},#{days},#{hours},#{minutes},#{seconds},#{proc})` end def schedule_callback(proc) instance_exec(&proc) if proc.is_a?(Proc) end def play_video(params, &proc) params[:atome] # TODO : change timeupdate for when possible requestVideoFrameCallback (opal-browser/opal/browser/event.rb line 36) video_callback = params[:atome].bloc # this is the video callback not the play callback play_callback = params[:proc] # this is the video callback not the play callback params[:atome].html_object.on(:timeupdate) do |e| # e.prevent # Prevent the default action (eg. form submission) # You can also use `e.stop` to stop propagating the event to other handlers. instance_exec(params[:atome].html_object.currentTime, &video_callback) if video_callback.is_a?(Proc) instance_exec(params[:atome].html_object.currentTime, &play_callback) if play_callback.is_a?(Proc) end end def pause_video(params, &proc) params[:atome].html_object.pause end