require "test_helper" class ChefProvisionerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase setup do @action_env =[:default].env) @klass = Vagrant::Provisioners::Chef @config = @action =, @config) @env = @action.env @vm = @action.vm end context "preparing" do should "error the environment" do assert_raises(@klass::ChefError) { @action.prepare } end end context "config" do should "not include the 'json' key in the config dump" do result = @config.to_json assert result !~ /"json":/ end should "provide accessors to the run list" do @config.run_list << "foo" assert !@config.run_list.empty? assert_equal ["foo"], @config.run_list end should "provide a writer for the run list" do data = mock("data") assert_nothing_raised { @config.run_list = data assert_equal data, @config.run_list } end should "have an empty run list to begin with" do assert @config.run_list.empty? end should "add a recipe to the run list" do @config.add_recipe("foo") assert_equal "recipe[foo]", @config.run_list[0] end should "not wrap the recipe in 'recipe[]' if it was in the name" do @config.add_recipe("recipe[foo]") assert_equal "recipe[foo]", @config.run_list[0] end should "add a role to the run list" do @config.add_role("user") assert_equal "role[user]", @config.run_list[0] end should "not wrap the role in 'role[]' if it was in the name" do @config.add_role("role[user]") assert_equal "role[user]", @config.run_list[0] end end context "verifying binary" do setup do @ssh = mock("ssh") @vm.ssh.stubs(:execute).yields(@ssh) end should "verify binary exists" do binary = "foo" @ssh.expects(:sudo!).with("which #{binary}", anything) @action.verify_binary(binary) end end context "permissions on provisioning folder" do should "create and chown the folder to the ssh user" do ssh_seq = sequence("ssh_seq") ssh = mock("ssh") ssh.expects(:sudo!).with("mkdir -p #{@config.provisioning_path}").once.in_sequence(ssh_seq) ssh.expects(:sudo!).with("chown #{@env.config.ssh.username} #{@config.provisioning_path}").once.in_sequence(ssh_seq) @vm.ssh.expects(:execute).yields(ssh) @action.chown_provisioning_folder end end context "generating and uploading chef configuration file" do setup do @vm.ssh.stubs(:upload!) @template = "template" @filename = "foo.rb" Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.stubs(:render).returns("foo") end should "render and upload file" do template_data = mock("data") string_io = mock("string_io") Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.expects(:render).with(@template, anything).returns(template_data) StringIO.expects(:new).with(template_data).returns(string_io) File.expects(:join).with(@config.provisioning_path, @filename).once.returns("bar") @vm.ssh.expects(:upload!).with(string_io, "bar") @action.setup_config(@template, @filename, {}) end should "provide log level by default" do Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.expects(:render).returns("foo").with() do |template, vars| assert vars.has_key?(:log_level) assert_equal @config.log_level.to_sym, vars[:log_level] true end @action.setup_config(@template, @filename, {}) end should "allow custom template variables" do custom = { :foo => "bar", :int => 7 } Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.expects(:render).returns("foo").with() do |template, vars| custom.each do |key, value| assert vars.has_key?(key) assert_equal value, vars[key] end true end @action.setup_config(@template, @filename, custom) end end context "generating and uploading json" do def assert_json @vm.ssh.expects(:upload!).with do |json, path| data = JSON.parse( yield data true end @action.setup_json end should "merge in the extra json specified in the config" do @config.json = { :foo => "BAR" } assert_json do |data| assert_equal "BAR", data["foo"] end end should "add the directory as a special case to the JSON" do assert_json do |data| assert_equal @env.config.vm.shared_folders["v-root"][:guestpath], data["vagrant"]["directory"] end end should "add the config to the JSON" do assert_json do |data| assert_equal @env.config.ssh.username, data["vagrant"]["config"]["ssh"]["username"] end end should "upload a StringIO to dna.json" do StringIO.expects(:new).with(anything).returns("bar") File.expects(:join).with(@config.provisioning_path, "dna.json").once.returns("baz") @vm.ssh.expects(:upload!).with("bar", "baz").once @action.setup_json end end end