module ActiveFedora module Rdf module Indexing extend Deprecation extend ActiveSupport::Concern # In active_fedora 8, we can get the prefix part from Datastream.prefix def apply_prefix(name) "#{dsid.underscore}__#{name}" end def prefix(name) Deprecation.warn Indexing, "prefix is deprecated. Use apply_prefix instead. In active-fedora 8, the prefix method will just return the prefix to be applied, and will not do the applying. This will enable conformity between OmDatastream and RdfDatastream" apply_prefix(name) end def to_solr(solr_doc = # :nodoc: fields.each do |field_key, field_info| values = get_values(rdf_subject, field_key) Array(values).each do |val| val = val.to_s if val.kind_of? RDF::URI Solrizer.insert_field(solr_doc, apply_prefix(field_key), val, *field_info[:behaviors]) end end solr_doc end # Gives the primary solr name for a column. If there is more than one indexer on the field definition, it gives the first def primary_solr_name(field) config = self.class.config_for_term_or_uri(field) if behaviors = config.behaviors ActiveFedora::SolrService.solr_name(apply_prefix(field), behaviors.first, type: config.type) end end module ClassMethods def prefix(dsid, name) Deprecation.warn Indexing, "prefix is deprecated and will be removed in active-fedora 8.0.0.", caller "#{dsid.underscore}__#{name}".to_sym end # Gives the datatype for a column. def type(field) config_for_term_or_uri(field).type end end private # returns a Hash, e.g.: {field => {:values => [], :type => :something, :behaviors => []}, ...} def fields field_map = {}.with_indifferent_access rdf_subject = self.rdf_subject query = do pattern [rdf_subject, :predicate, :value] end query.execute(graph).each do |solution| predicate = solution.predicate value = solution.value name, config = self.class.config_for_predicate(predicate) next unless config type = config.type behaviors = config.behaviors next unless type and behaviors field_map[name] ||= {:values => [], :type => type, :behaviors => behaviors} field_map[name][:values] << value.to_s end field_map end end end end