# -*- ruby -*- #encoding: utf-8 require 'schedulability' require 'loggability' require 'arborist/observer' unless defined?( Arborist::Observer ) # An action taken by an Observer. class Arborist::Observer::Action extend Loggability # Loggability API -- log to the Arborist logger log_to :arborist ### Create a new Action that will call the specified +block+ +during+ the given schedule, ### but only +after+ the specified number of events have arrived +within+ the given ### time threshold. def initialize( within: 0, after: 1, during: nil, &block ) raise ArgumentError, "Action requires a block" unless block @block = block @time_threshold = within @schedule = Schedulability::Schedule.parse( during ) if during if within.zero? @count_threshold = after else # It should always be 2 or more if there is a time threshold @count_threshold = [ after, 2 ].max end @event_history = {} end ###### public ###### ## # The object to #call when the action is triggered. attr_reader :block ## # The maximum number of seconds between events that cause the action to be called attr_reader :time_threshold ## # The minimum number of events that cause the action to be called when the #time_threshold # is met. attr_reader :count_threshold ## # The schedule that applies to this action. attr_reader :schedule ## # The Hash of recent events, keyed by their arrival time. attr_reader :event_history ### Call the action for the specified +event+. def handle_event( event ) self.record_event( event ) self.call_block( event ) if self.should_run? end ### Execute the action block with the specified +event+. ### def call_block( event ) if self.block.arity >= 2 || self.block.arity < 0 self.block.call( event.dup, self.event_history.dup ) else self.block.call( event.dup ) end rescue => err self.log.error "Exception while running observer: %s: %s\n%s" % [ err.class.name, err.message, err.backtrace.join("\n ") ] ensure self.event_history.clear end ### Record the specified +event+ in the event history if within the scheduled period(s). def record_event( event ) return if self.schedule && !self.schedule.now? self.event_history[ Time.now ] = event self.event_history.keys.sort.each do |event_time| break if self.event_history.size <= self.count_threshold self.event_history.delete( event_time ) end end ### Returns +true+ if the threshold is exceeded and the current time is within the ### action's schedule. def should_run? return self.time_threshold_exceeded? && self.count_threshold_exceeded? end ### Returns +true+ if the time between the first and last event in the #event_history is ### less than the #time_threshold. def time_threshold_exceeded? return true if self.time_threshold.zero? return false unless self.count_threshold_exceeded? first = self.event_history.keys.min last = self.event_history.keys.max self.log.debug "Time between the %d events in the record (%p): %0.5fs" % [ self.event_history.size, self.event_history, last - first ] return last - first <= self.time_threshold end ### Returns +true+ if the number of events in the event history meet or exceed the ### #count_threshold. def count_threshold_exceeded? return self.event_history.size >= self.count_threshold end end # class Arborist::Observer::Action