#!/usr/bin/ruby # so my editor will like the file... =begin Copyright 2010, Roger Pack This file is part of Sensible Cinema. Sensible Cinema is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Sensible Cinema is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Sensible Cinema. If not, see . =end alias system_original system require 'fileutils' class String def snake_case self.gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase end def quotify '"' + self + '"' end end # a few I'll always need no matter what... require_relative '../jruby-swing-helpers/swing_helpers' require_relative '../jruby-swing-helpers/storage' require_relative '../edl_parser' require 'tmpdir' require 'whichr' require 'os' if OS.doze? autoload :WMI, 'ruby-wmi' autoload :EightThree, './lib/eight_three' end # attempt to load on demand...i.e. faster...gah for kls in [:MplayerEdl, :PlayAudio, :SubtitleProfanityFinder, :ConvertThirtyFps] autoload kls, "./lib/#{kls.to_s.snake_case}" end for kls in [:PlayAudio, :RubyClip, :DriveInfo] autoload kls, "./lib/jruby-swing-helpers/#{kls.to_s.snake_case}" end if OS.windows? vendor_cache = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/../../vendor/cache' for name in ['.', 'ffmpeg', 'mplayer_edl'] # put them all before the old path ENV['PATH'] = (vendor_cache + '/' + name).to_filename + ';' + ENV['PATH'] end def add_smplayer_paths discovered_smplayer_folders = Dir['{c,d,e,f,g}:/program files*/smplayer'] for folder in discovered_smplayer_folders ENV['PATH'] = ENV['PATH'] + ";#{folder.gsub('/', "\\")}" end end add_smplayer_paths else # handled in check_mac_installed.rb file end import 'javax.swing.ImageIcon' module SensibleSwing include SwingHelpers # various swing classes JFrame VERSION = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../VERSION").strip puts "v. " + VERSION UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()) # class MainWindow < JFrame include SwingHelpers # work-around? def initialize start_visible = true, args = ARGV # lodo not optionals super "Sensible-Cinema #{VERSION} (GPL)" @args = args # save them away so this works with sub-child-windows force_accept_license_first # in other file :P setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame::EXIT_ON_CLOSE # closes the whole app when they hit X ... @panel = JPanel.new @buttons = [] @panel.set_layout nil add @panel # why can't I just slap these down? panel? huh? @starting_button_y = 40 @button_width = 400 add_text_line "Welcome to Sensible Cinema!" @starting_button_y += 10 # kinder ugly... add_text_line " Rest mouse over buttons for \"help\" type descriptions (tooltips)." @current_dvds_line1 = add_text_line "Checking present DVD's..." @current_dvds_line2 = add_text_line "" @callbacks_for_dvd_edl_present = [] DriveInfo.create_looping_drive_cacher DriveInfo.add_notify_on_changed_disks { update_currently_inserted_dvd_list } icon_filename = __DIR__ + "/../../vendor/profs.png" raise unless File.exist? icon_filename # it doesn't check this for us? setIconImage(ImageIcon.new(icon_filename).getImage()) check_for_various_dependencies LocalStorage.set_once('init_preferences_once') { show_blocking_message_dialog "let's setup user preferences once..." set_individual_preferences } set_visible start_visible end def add_callback_for_dvd_edl_present &block raise unless block @callbacks_for_dvd_edl_present << block update_currently_inserted_dvd_list # updates them :P end def update_currently_inserted_dvd_list present_discs = [] DriveInfo.get_dvd_drives_as_openstruct.each{|disk| if disk.VolumeName dvd_id = DriveInfo.md5sum_disk(disk.MountPoint) edit_list_path_if_present = EdlParser.single_edit_list_matches_dvd(dvd_id, true) if edit_list_path_if_present human_name = parse_edl(edit_list_path_if_present)['name'] human_name ||= '' end present_discs << [human_name, disk.VolumeName, edit_list_path_if_present] end } found_one = false present_discs.map!{|human_name, volume_name, has_edl| if human_name found_one = true "DVD: #{human_name} has an Edit List available! (#{volume_name})" else "DVD: (#{volume_name}) has NO Edit List available!" end } if present_discs.length > 0 @current_dvds_line1.text= ' ' + present_discs[0] @current_dvds_line2.text= ' ' + present_discs[1..2].join(" ") else @current_dvds_line1.text= ' No DVD discs currently inserted.' @current_dvds_line2.text = '' end @callbacks_for_dvd_edl_present.each{|c| c.call(present_discs.length > 0, found_one)} end def get_title_track_string descriptors, use_default_of_one = true given = descriptors["dvd_title_track"] given ||= "1" if use_default_of_one given end def get_srt_filename descriptors, edl_filename path = descriptors['subtitles_to_display_relative_path'] if descriptors if path path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(edl_filename) + '/' + path) raise 'nonexisting srt file must be relative to the edl file...' + path unless File.exist? path end path end def we_are_in_create_mode @args.index("--create-mode") end def we_are_in_developer_mode? @args.detect{|a| a == '--developer-mode'} end def new_jbutton title, tooltip = nil button = JButton.new title button.tool_tip = tooltip button.set_bounds(44, @starting_button_y, @button_width, 23) @panel.add button @buttons << button if block_given? # allow for new_jbutton("xx") do ... end [this is possible through some miraculous means LOL] button.on_clicked { yield } end increment_button_location button end def add_text_line line jlabel = JLabel.new line happy = Font.new("Tahoma", Font::PLAIN, 11) jlabel.setFont(happy) jlabel.set_bounds(44,@starting_button_y ,460,14) @panel.add jlabel increment_button_location 18 jlabel end def increment_button_location how_much = 30 @starting_button_y += how_much setSize @button_width+80, @starting_button_y + 50 end LocalStorage = Storage.new("sensible_cinema_storage_#{VERSION}") def when_thread_done(thread) Thread.new {thread.join; yield } end # a window that when closed doesn't bring the whole app down def new_child_window child = MainWindow.new true, [] child.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame::DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE) # don't exit on close child.parent=self # this should have failed in the PPL # make both windows visible by moving the child down and to the right of its parent x, y = self.get_location.x, self.get_location.y child.set_location(x + 100, y + 100) child end def run_smplayer_non_blocking *args @background_thread = Thread.new { run_smplayer_blocking *args } end # basically run mplayer/smplayer on a file or DVD def run_smplayer_blocking play_this, title_track_maybe_nil, passed_in_extra_options, force_use_mplayer, show_subs, start_full_screen, srt_filename raise unless passed_in_extra_options # cannot be nil extra_options = [] # -framedrop is for slow CPU's # same with -autosync to try and help it stay in sync... -mc 0.03 is to A/V correct 1s audio per 2s video # -hardframedrop might help but hurts the eyes just too much extra_options << "-framedrop" # even in create mode, if the audio ever gets off, we're hosed with making accurate timestamps...so drop, until I hear otherwise... extra_options << "-mc 2" extra_options << "-autosync 30" if we_are_in_create_mode extra_options << "-osdlevel 2" extra_options << "-osd-verbose" if we_are_in_developer_mode? end extra_options << "-osd-fractions 1" if !show_subs && !srt_filename # disable all subtitles :P extra_options << "-nosub -noautosub -forcedsubsonly -sid 1000" end if srt_filename extra_options << "-sub #{srt_filename}" else extra_options << "-alang en" extra_options << "-slang en" end force_use_mplayer ||= OS.mac? parent_parent = File.basename(File.dirname(play_this)) if parent_parent == 'VIDEO_TS' # case d:\yo\VIDEO_TS\title0.vob dvd_device_dir = normalize_path(File.dirname(play_this)) play_this = "\"dvdnav://#{title_track_maybe_nil}/#{dvd_device_dir}/..\"" elsif File.exist?(play_this + '/VIDEO_TS') || (play_this =~ /\/dev\/rdisk\d/) # case d:\ where d:\VIDEO_TS exists [DVD mounted in drive, or DVD dir] or mac's /dev/rdisk1 play_this = "\"dvdnav://#{title_track_maybe_nil}/#{play_this}\"" else # case g:\video\filename.mpg # leave it the same... end if play_this =~ /dvdnav/ && title_track_maybe_nil extra_options << "-msglevel identify=4" # prevent smplayer from using *forever* to look up info on DVD's with -identify ... end extra_options << "-mouse-movements #{get_upconvert_secondary_settings}" # just in case smplayer also needs -mouse-movements... :) LODO extra_options << "-lavdopts threads=#{OS.cpu_count}" # just in case this helps [supposed to with h.264] # NB fast *crashes* doze... if force_use_mplayer extra_options << "-font #{File.expand_path('vendor/subfont.ttf')}" key_strokes = <<-EOL RIGHT seek +10 LEFT seek -10 DOWN seek -60 UP seek +60 ENTER {dvdnav} dvdnav select MOUSE_BTN0 {dvdnav} dvdnav select MOUSE_BTN0_DBL vo_fullscreen MOUSE_BTN2 vo_fullscreen KP_ENTER dvdnav select # some for os x, some for doze. huh? EOL conf_file = File.expand_path './mplayer_input_conf' File.write conf_file, key_strokes extra_options << "-volume 100" # why start low? mplayer why oh why LODO if OS.windows? # direct3d for windows 7 old nvidia cards' sake [yipes] and also dvdnav sake extra_options << "-vo direct3d" conf_file = conf_file[2..-1] # strip off drive letter, which it doesn't seem to like no sir end if start_full_screen extra_options << "-fs" upconv = get_upconvert_vf_settings upconv = "-vf #{upconv}" if upconv.present? else upconv = "" end if OS.doze? mplayer_loc = LocalModifiedMplayer assert File.exist?(mplayer_loc) else mplayer_loc = "mplayer" end c = "#{mplayer_loc} #{extra_options.join(' ')} #{upconv} -input conf=\"#{conf_file}\" #{passed_in_extra_options} \"#{play_this}\" " else if OS.windows? extra_options << "-vo direct3d" # more light nvidia...should be ok...this wastes cpu...but we have to have it I guess... end set_smplayer_opts extra_options.join(' ') + " " + passed_in_extra_options, get_upconvert_vf_settings, show_subs c = "smplayer \"#{play_this}\" -config-path \"#{File.dirname EightThree.convert_path_to_8_3(SMPlayerIniFile)}\" " c += " -fullscreen " if start_full_screen if !we_are_in_create_mode #c += " -close-at-end " # still too unstable... end end puts c system_blocking c end SMPlayerIniFile = File.expand_path("~/.smplayer_sensible_cinema/smplayer.ini") LocalModifiedMplayer = File.expand_path "vendor/cache/mplayer_edl/mplayer.exe" def set_smplayer_opts to_this, video_settings, show_subs = false p 'setting smplayer extra opts to this:' + to_this old_prefs = File.read(SMPlayerIniFile) rescue '' unless old_prefs.length > 0 # LODO double check the rest here... old_prefs = "[%General]\nmplayer_bin=\n[advanced]\nmplayer_additional_options=\nmplayer_additional_video_filters=\n[subtitles]\nautoload_sub=false\n[performance]\npriority=3" end raise to_this if to_this =~ /"/ # unexpected, unfortunately... assert new_prefs = old_prefs.gsub(/mplayer_additional_options=.*/, "mplayer_additional_options=#{to_this}") assert new_prefs.gsub!(/autoload_sub=.*$/, "autoload_sub=#{show_subs.to_s}") raise 'unexpected' if get_upconvert_vf_settings =~ /"/ assert new_prefs.gsub!(/mplayer_additional_video_filters=.*$/, "mplayer_additional_video_filters=\"#{video_settings}\"") raise 'smplayer on non doze not expected...' unless OS.doze? mplayer_to_use = LocalModifiedMplayer assert File.exist?(mplayer_to_use) new_value = "\"" + mplayer_to_use.to_filename.gsub("\\", '/') + '"' # forward slashes. Weird. assert new_prefs.gsub!(/mplayer_bin=.*$/, "mplayer_bin=" + new_value) # now some less important ones... new_prefs.gsub!(/priority=.*$/, "priority=3") # normal priority...scary otherwise! lodo tell smplayer... # enable dvdnav navigation, just for kicks I guess. new_prefs.gsub!(/use_dvdnav=.*$/, "use_dvdnav=true") FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(SMPlayerIniFile) File.write(SMPlayerIniFile, new_prefs) new_prefs.each_line{|l| print l if l =~ /additional_video/} # debug end def system_blocking command return true if command =~ /^@rem/ # JRUBY-5890 bug raise command + " failed env #{ENV['PATH']}" unless system_original command end def system_non_blocking command @background_thread = Thread.new { system_original command } end # force them choose which system call to use explicitly if respond_to? :system undef system else # it's a reload end def play_dvd_smplayer_unedited use_mplayer_instead drive_or_file, dvd_volume_name, dvd_id, edl_path_maybe_nil, descriptors = choose_dvd_or_file_and_edl_for_it(force_choose_edl_file_if_no_easy_match = true) title_track_maybe_nil = get_title_track_string(descriptors, false) if is_dvd?(drive_or_file) dvd_options = get_dvd_playback_options(descriptors) else dvd_options = '' end run_smplayer_non_blocking drive_or_file, title_track_maybe_nil, dvd_options, use_mplayer_instead, true, false, get_srt_filename(descriptors, edl_path_maybe_nil) end def get_dvd_playback_options descriptors out = [] nav, mpeg_time = descriptors['dvd_nav_packet_offset'] # like [0.5, 0.734067] if nav mpeg_time *= 1/1.001 # -> 29.97 fps offset_time = mpeg_time - nav else # readings: 0.213 0.173 0.233 0.21 0.18 0.197 they're almost all right around 0.20... show_blocking_message_dialog "error--your DVD EDL doesn\'t list a start offset time [dvd_nav_packet_offset] which is needed for precise accurate timing. Please run\nadvanced mode -> Display information about current DVD\nand add it to the EDL. Using a default for now...if you tweak any timing info you may want to set this more accurately first!" offset_time = 0.20 end raise if offset_time <= 0 # unexpected... # -osd-add is because the initial NAV packet is "x" seconds off from the mpeg, and since # we have it set within mplayer to "prefer to just give you the MPEG time when you haven't passed a DVD block" # we wanted to match that more precisely once we did get past it. # so basically today we are trying to "match" the underlying MPEG time well. Which is wrong, of course. # either match the file or match the DVD, punk! out << "-osd-add #{ "%0.3f" % offset_time}" out.join(' ') end if OS.doze? # avoids spaces in filenames :) EdlTempFile = EightThree.convert_path_to_8_3(Dir.tmpdir) + '\\mplayer.edl' # stay 8.3 friendly :) else raise if Dir.tmpdir =~ / / # that would be unexpected, and possibly cause problems... EdlTempFile = Dir.tmpdir + '/mplayer.temp.edl' end EdlFilesChosen = {} # allow for switching tapes but still cache EDL loc. :P def choose_dvd_or_file_and_edl_for_it force_choose_edl_file_if_no_easy_match = true drive_or_file, dvd_volume_name, dvd_id = choose_dvd_drive_or_file false edl_path = EdlFilesChosen[dvd_id] if !edl_path edl_path = EdlParser.single_edit_list_matches_dvd(dvd_id) if !edl_path && force_choose_edl_file_if_no_easy_match message = "Please pick a DVD Edit List File (none or more than one were found that seem to match #{dvd_volume_name})--may need to create one, if one doesn't exist yet" show_blocking_message_dialog message edl_path = new_existing_file_selector_and_select_file(message, EdlParser::EDL_DIR) end end p 're/loading ' + edl_path # in case it has changed on disk if edl_path # sometimes they don't have to choose one [?] descriptors = nil begin descriptors = parse_edl edl_path rescue SyntaxError => e show_non_blocking_message_dialog("this file has an error--please fix then hit ok: \n" + edl_path + "\n " + e) raise e end end EdlFilesChosen[dvd_id] ||= edl_path [drive_or_file, dvd_volume_name, dvd_id, edl_path, descriptors] end LocalStorage.set_default('mplayer_beginning_buffer', 0.5) def is_dvd? drive_or_file # it's like a/b/VIDEO_TS or d:/ if File.basename(File.dirname(drive_or_file)) == 'VIDEO_TS' # /a/b/c/VIDEO_TS/yo.vob true elsif File.exist?(drive_or_file + '/VIDEO_TS') # d:\ true elsif OS.mac? && (drive_or_file =~ /\/dev\/rdisk\d+/) true else false end end # MplayerBeginingBuffer = 1.0 # MplayerEndBuffer = 0.0 def begin_buffer_preference LocalStorage['mplayer_beginning_buffer'] end def play_smplayer_edl_non_blocking optional_file_with_edl_path = nil, extra_mplayer_commands_array = [], force_mplayer = false, start_full_screen = true, add_secs_end = 0, add_secs_begin = begin_buffer_preference, show_subs = false if we_are_in_create_mode assert(add_secs_begin == 0 && add_secs_end == 0) end if optional_file_with_edl_path drive_or_file, edl_path = optional_file_with_edl_path dvd_id = NonDvd # fake it out...LODO a bit smelly/ugly else drive_or_file, dvd_volume_name, dvd_id, edl_path, descriptors = choose_dvd_or_file_and_edl_for_it end start_add_this_to_all_ts = 0 if edl_path # some don't have one [?] begin # TODO combine these 2 methods yipzers descriptors = EdlParser.parse_file edl_path splits = [] # TODO not pass as parameter either edl_contents = MplayerEdl.convert_to_edl descriptors, add_secs_end, add_secs_begin, splits, start_add_this_to_all_ts # add a sec to mutes to accomodate for mplayer's oddness.. File.write(EdlTempFile, edl_contents) extra_mplayer_commands_array << "-edl #{EdlTempFile}" rescue SyntaxError => e show_blocking_message_dialog "unable to parse file! #{edl_path} #{e}" raise end title_track = get_title_track_string(descriptors) end if is_dvd?(drive_or_file) # it's a DVD of some sort extra_mplayer_commands_array << get_dvd_playback_options(descriptors) else check_for_ffmpeg_installed # it's a file # check if it has a start offset... all = `ffmpeg -i "#{drive_or_file}" 2>&1` # => Duration: 01:35:49.59, start: 600.000000 all =~ /Duration.*start: ([\d\.]+)/ start = $1.to_f if start > 1 # LODO dvd's themselves start at 0.3 [sintel], but I don't think much higher than that never seen it... show_non_blocking_message_dialog "Warning: file seems to start at an extra offset, adding it to the timestamps... #{start} maybe not compatible with XBMC, if that's what you use, and you probably don't" # LODO test it XBMC... start_add_this_to_all_ts = start end end run_smplayer_non_blocking drive_or_file, title_track, extra_mplayer_commands_array.join(' '), force_mplayer, show_subs, start_full_screen, get_srt_filename(descriptors, edl_path) end def print *args Kernel.print *args # avoid bin\sensible-cinema.rb:83:in `system_blocking': cannot convert instance of class org.jruby.RubyString to class java.awt.Graphics (TypeError) end def open_file_to_edit_it filename, options = {} # :start_minimized is the only option if OS.windows? if options[:start_minimized] system_non_blocking "start /min notepad \"#{filename}\"" else system_non_blocking "notepad \"#{filename}\"" end else # ignore minimized :P system_non_blocking "open -a TextEdit \"#{filename}\"" end end def new_nonexisting_filechooser_and_go title = nil, default_dir = nil, default_file = nil bring_to_front unless OS.mac? # causes triples on mac! TODO rdp JFileChooser.new_nonexisting_filechooser_and_go title, default_dir, default_file end # also caches directory previously selected ... def new_existing_file_selector_and_select_file title, dir = nil bring_to_front unless OS.mac? # causes duplicate prompts or something? unique_trace = caller.inspect if LocalStorage[unique_trace] dir = LocalStorage[unique_trace] end p 'using system default dir' unless dir # happens more frequently after code changes alter the path :P p 'using lookup dir ' + dir, LocalStorage[unique_trace] if $VERBOSE got = SwingHelpers.new_previously_existing_file_selector_and_go title, dir LocalStorage[unique_trace] = File.dirname(got) got end def show_blocking_message_dialog(message, title = message.split("\n")[0], style= JOptionPane::INFORMATION_MESSAGE) SwingHelpers.show_blocking_message_dialog message, title, style end # call dispose on this to close it if it hasn't been canceled yet... def show_non_blocking_message_dialog message, close_button_text = 'Close' bring_to_front # lodo NonBlockingDialog it can get to the top instead of being so buried... SwingHelpers.show_non_blocking_message_dialog message, close_button_text end java_import javax.swing.UIManager def get_user_input_with_persistence(message, storage_key) got = get_user_input(message, LocalStorage[storage_key]) LocalStorage[storage_key] = got got end def get_user_input(message, default = '', cancel_ok = false) SwingHelpers.get_user_input message, default, cancel_ok end def show_copy_pastable_string(message, value) bring_to_front RubyClip.set_clipboard value get_user_input message + " (has been copied to clipboard)", value, true end def show_in_explorer filename SwingHelpers.show_in_explorer filename end def show_select_buttons_prompt message, names ={} SwingHelpers.show_select_buttons_prompt(message, names) end def parse_edl path EdlParser.parse_file path end def get_freespace path JFile.new(File.dirname(path)).get_usable_space end def get_drive_with_most_space_with_slash DriveInfo.get_drive_with_most_space_with_slash end attr_accessor :background_thread, :buttons NonDvd = 'non dvd has no dvdid' # we need it for convenience, say you want to go through your indexed vids and convert them all? # returns e:\, volume_name, dvd_id # or full_path.mkv, filename, '' def choose_dvd_drive_or_file force_choose_only_dvd_drive opticals = DriveInfo.get_dvd_drives_as_openstruct if @saved_opticals == opticals && @_choose_dvd_drive_or_file # memoize...if disks haven't changed :) return @_choose_dvd_drive_or_file else @saved_opticals = opticals # save currently mounted disk list, so we know if we should re-select later... # is this ok for os x? end has_at_least_one_dvd_inserted = opticals.find{|d| d.VolumeName } if !has_at_least_one_dvd_inserted && force_choose_only_dvd_drive show_blocking_message_dialog 'insert a dvd first' raise 'no dvd found' end names = opticals.map{|d| d.Name + "\\" + " (" + (d.VolumeName || 'Insert DVD to use') + ")"} if !force_choose_only_dvd_drive && !has_at_least_one_dvd_inserted names += ['No DVD mounted so click to choose a Local File (or insert DVD, then re-try)'] used_local_file_option = true end count = 0 opticals.each{|d| count += 1 if d.VolumeName} if count == 1 && !used_local_file_option # just choose it if there's only one disk available.. p 'selecting only disk currently present in the various DVD drives [if you have more than one, that is]' selected_idx = opticals.index{|d| d.VolumeName} unless selected_idx show_blocking_message_dialog "Please insert a disk first" raise 'inset disk' end else dialog = get_disk_chooser_window names selected_idx = dialog.go_selected_index end if used_local_file_option raise unless selected_idx == 0 # it was our only option...they must have selected it! filename = new_existing_file_selector_and_select_file("Select yer previously grabbed from DVD file") assert_ownership_dialog return [filename, File.basename(filename), NonDvd] else disk = opticals[selected_idx] out = show_non_blocking_message_dialog "calculating current disk's unique id...if this pauses more than 10s then clean your DVD..." begin dvd_id = DriveInfo.md5sum_disk(disk.MountPoint) rescue Exception => e show_blocking_message_dialog e.to_s # todo a bit ugly... raise ensure out.dispose end @_choose_dvd_drive_or_file = [disk.DevicePoint, opticals[selected_idx].VolumeName, dvd_id] return @_choose_dvd_drive_or_file end end def display_and_raise error_message show_blocking_message_dialog error_message raise error_message end def with_autoclose_message(message) a = show_non_blocking_message_dialog message yield a.close end def we_are_in_upconvert_mode @args.index("--upconvert-mode") end def setup_default_buttons if we_are_in_upconvert_mode add_play_upconvert_buttons else if we_are_in_create_mode setup_create_buttons else setup_normal_buttons end end # big else @exit = new_jbutton("Exit", "Exits the application and kills any background processes that are running at all--don't exit unless you are done processing all the way!") @exit.on_clicked { Thread.new { self.close } # don't waste the time to close it :P puts 'Thank you for using Sensible Cinema. Come again!' System.exit 0 } increment_button_location increment_button_location self end def get_disk_chooser_window names DropDownSelector.new(self, names, "Click to select DVD drive") end def get_temp_file_name name_with_ext File.dirname(EdlTempFile) + '/' + name_with_ext end # converts to full path, 8.3 if on doze def normalize_path path path = File.expand_path path path = EightThree.convert_path_to_8_3 path if OS.doze? end end end class ::File def self.get_root_dir this_path this_path = File.expand_path this_path if OS.doze? this_path[0..2] else this_path.split('/')[0] end end def self.strip_drive_windows this_complete_path if OS.doze? this_complete_path[2..-1] else this_complete_path end end end class ::String def just_letters gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/i, '').downcase end end