module Statsample module Test # From Wikipedia: # The Wilcoxon signed-rank test is a non-parametric statistical hypothesis test used when comparing two related samples, matched samples, or repeated measurements on a single sample to assess whether their population mean ranks differ (i.e. it is a paired difference test). It can be used as an alternative to the paired Student's t-test, t-test for matched pairs, or the t-test for dependent samples when the population cannot be assumed to be normally distributed. class WilcoxonSignedRank include Statsample::Test include Summarizable # Name of F analysis attr_accessor :name attr_reader :w attr_reader :nr attr_writer :tails # Parameters: def initialize(v1,v2, @v1 = v1 @v2 = v2 opts_default={:name=>_("Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test"),:tails=>:both} @opts=opts_default.merge(opts) opts_default.keys.each {|k| send("#{k}=", @opts[k]) } calculate end def calculate df ={:v1 => @v1,:v2 => @v2}) # df[:abs]=df.collect(:row) { |row| (row[:v2] - row[:v1]).abs } df[:abs] = (df[:v2] - df[:v1]).abs df[:sgn] = df.collect(:row) { |row| r = row[:v2] - row[:v1] r == 0 ? 0 : r/r.abs } df = df.filter_rows { |row| row[:sgn] != 0} df[:rank] = df[:abs].ranked @nr = df.nrows @w = df.collect(:row) { |row| row[:sgn] * row[:rank] }.sum end def report_building(generator) # :nodoc: generator.section(:name=>@name) do |s| s.table(:name=>_("%s results") % @name) do |t| t.row([_("W Value"), "%0.3f" % @w]) t.row([_("Z"), "%0.3f (p: %0.3f)" % [z, probability_z]]) if(nr<=10) t.row([_("Exact probability"), "p-exact: %0.3f" % [probability_exact]]) end end end end def z sigma=Math.sqrt((nr*(nr+1)*(2*nr+1))/6) (w-0.5)/sigma end # Assuming normal distribution of W, this calculate # the probability of samples with Z equal or higher than # obtained on sample def probability_z (1-Distribution::Normal.cdf(z))*(@tails==:both ? 2:1) end # Calculate exact probability. # Don't calculate for large Nr, please! def probability_exact str_format="%0#{nr}b" combinations=2**nr #p str_format do |i| comb=sprintf(str_format,i) w_local=comb.length.times.inject(0) do |ac,j| sgn=comb[j]=="0" ? -1 : 1 ac+(j+1)*sgn end end.sort total_w.find_all do |v| if @tails==:both v<=-w.abs or v>=w.abs elsif @tails==:left v<=w elsif @tails==:right v>=w end end.count/(combinations.to_f) end end end end