# frozen_string_literal: true

# Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The SFC licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# This file is automatically generated. Any changes will be lost!

Dir.glob("#{File.dirname(File.absolute_path(__FILE__))}/v120/*", &method(:require))

module Selenium
  module DevTools
    module V120
        accessibility: 'Accessibility',
        animation: 'Animation',
        audits: 'Audits',
        autofill: 'Autofill',
        background_service: 'BackgroundService',
        browser: 'Browser',
        css: 'CSS',
        cache_storage: 'CacheStorage',
        cast: 'Cast',
        dom: 'DOM',
        dom_debugger: 'DOMDebugger',
        event_breakpoints: 'EventBreakpoints',
        dom_snapshot: 'DOMSnapshot',
        dom_storage: 'DOMStorage',
        database: 'Database',
        device_orientation: 'DeviceOrientation',
        emulation: 'Emulation',
        headless_experimental: 'HeadlessExperimental',
        io: 'IO',
        indexed_db: 'IndexedDB',
        input: 'Input',
        inspector: 'Inspector',
        layer_tree: 'LayerTree',
        log: 'Log',
        memory: 'Memory',
        network: 'Network',
        overlay: 'Overlay',
        page: 'Page',
        performance: 'Performance',
        performance_timeline: 'PerformanceTimeline',
        security: 'Security',
        service_worker: 'ServiceWorker',
        storage: 'Storage',
        system_info: 'SystemInfo',
        target: 'Target',
        tethering: 'Tethering',
        tracing: 'Tracing',
        fetch: 'Fetch',
        web_audio: 'WebAudio',
        web_authn: 'WebAuthn',
        media: 'Media',
        device_access: 'DeviceAccess',
        preload: 'Preload',
        fed_cm: 'FedCm',
        console: 'Console',
        debugger: 'Debugger',
        heap_profiler: 'HeapProfiler',
        profiler: 'Profiler',
        runtime: 'Runtime',
        schema: 'Schema',
    end # V120
  end # DevTools
end # Selenium