# Spreadsheet Architect
Spreadsheet Architect lets you turn any activerecord relation or plain ruby class object into a XLSX, ODS, or CSV spreadsheets. Generates columns from model activerecord column_names or from an array of ruby methods.
Spreadsheet Architect adds the following methods to your class:
# Plain Ruby
Post.to_xlsx(data: posts_array)
Post.to_ods(data: posts_array)
Post.to_csv(data: posts_array)
# Rails
Post.order(name: :asc).where(published: true).to_xlsx
Post.order(name: :asc).where(published: true).to_ods
Post.order(name: :asc).where(published: true).to_csv
## Note: Breaking Changes in 1.1.0
The `spreadsheet_columns` method has been moved from the class to the instance. So now you can use string interpolation in your values. Please re-read the Model section below to see the changes. The side effect of this is if you are using the spreadsheet_columns option directly on the .to_* methods.
# Install
gem install spreadsheet_architect
# Setup
### Model
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base #activerecord not required
include SpreadsheetArchitect
belongs_to :author
belongs_to :category
has_many :tags
#optional for activerecord classes, defaults to the models column_names
def spreadsheet_columns
#[[Label, Method/Statement to Call on each Instance, Cell Type(optional)]....]
['Title', :title],
['Content', content],
['Author', (author.name rescue nil)],
['Published?', (published ? 'Yes' : 'No')],
['Published At', :published_at],
['# of Views', :number_of_views],
['Rating', :rating],
['Category/Tags', "#{category.name} - #{tags.collect(&:name).join(', ')}"]
# OR if you want to use the method or attribute name as a label it must be a symbol ex. "Title", "Content", "Published"
[:title, :content, :published]
# OR a Combination of Both ex. "Title", "Content", "Author Name", "Published"
[:title, :content, ['Author Name',(author.name rescue nil)], :published]
# Usage
### Method 1: Controller (for Rails)
class PostsController < ActionController::Base
respond_to :html, :xlsx, :ods, :csv
# Using respond_with
def index
@posts = Post.order(published_at: :asc)
respond_with @posts
# Using respond_with with custom options
def index
@posts = Post.order(published_at: :asc)
if ['xlsx','ods','csv'].include?(request.format)
respond_with @posts.to_xlsx(row_style: {bold: true}), filename: 'Posts'
respond_with @posts
# Using responders
def index
@posts = Post.order(published_at: :asc)
respond_to do |format|
format.xlsx { render xlsx: @posts }
format.ods { render ods: @posts }
format.csv{ render csv: @posts }
# Using responders with custom options
def index
@posts = Post.order(published_at: :asc)
respond_to do |format|
format.xlsx { render xlsx: @posts.to_xlsx(headers: false) }
format.ods { render ods: Post.to_odf(data: @posts) }
format.csv{ render csv: @posts.to_csv(headers: false), file_name: 'articles' }
### Method 2: Save to a file manually
File.open('path/to/file.xlsx') do |f|
f.write{ Post.order(published_at: :asc).to_xlsx }
File.open('path/to/file.ods') do |f|
f.write{ Post.order(published_at: :asc).to_ods }
File.open('path/to/file.csv') do |f|
f.write{ Post.order(published_at: :asc).to_csv }
# Ex. with plain ruby class
File.open('path/to/file.xlsx') do |f|
f.write{ Post.to_xlsx(data: posts_array) }
# Method Options
### to_xlsx, to_ods, to_csv
**data** - *Array* - Mainly for Plain Ruby objects pass in an array of instances. Optional for ActiveRecord relations, you can just chain the method to the end of your relation. If Plain Ruby object it defaults to the instances `to_a` method.
**headers** - *Boolean* - Default: true - Pass in false if you do not want a header row.
**spreadsheet_columns** - *Array* - Use this to override the models spreadsheet_columns/column_names method for one time. Must use symbols that correspond to instance methods of the object. Ex: `[:name, :title, :address]` or `[['Name',:name],['Post Title', :title],['Address', :address]]`
### to_xlsx
**sheet_name** - *String*
**header_style** - *Hash* - Default: `{background_color: "AAAAAA", color: "FFFFFF", align: :center, font_name: 'Arial', font_size: 10, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false}`
**row_style** - Hash - Default: `{background_color: nil, color: "FFFFFF", align: :left, font_name: 'Arial', font_size: 10, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false}`
### to_ods
**sheet_name** - *String*
**header_style** - *Hash* - Default: `{color: "000000", align: :center, font_size: 10, bold: true}` - Note: Currently only supports these options
**row_style** - *Hash* - Default: `{color: "000000", align: :left, font_size: 10, bold: false}` - Note: Currently only supports these options
### to_csv
Only the generic options
# Change model default method options
class Post
include SpreadsheetArchitect
def spreadsheet_columns
[:name, :content]
headers: true,
header_style: {background_color: "AAAAAA", color: "FFFFFF", align: :center, font_name: 'Arial', font_size: 10, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false},
row_style: {background_color: nil, color: "FFFFFF", align: :left, font_name: 'Arial', font_size: 10, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false},
sheet_name: self.name
# Change project wide default method options
# config/initializers/spreadsheet_architect.rb
SpreadsheetArchitect.module_eval do
headers: true,
header_style: {background_color: "AAAAAA", color: "FFFFFF", align: :center, font_name: 'Arial', font_size: 10, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false},
row_style: {background_color: nil, color: "FFFFFF", align: :left, font_name: 'Arial', font_size: 10, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false},
sheet_name: 'My Project Export'
# Credits
Created by Weston Ganger - @westonganger
Heavily influenced by the dead gem `acts_as_xlsx` by @randym but adapted to work for more spreadsheet types and plain ruby models.