# This file makes Haml work with Rails # using the > 2.0.1 template handler API. module Haml class Plugin < ActionView::TemplateHandler include ActionView::TemplateHandlers::Compilable if defined?(ActionView::TemplateHandlers::Compilable) def compile(template) options = Haml::Template.options.dup # template is a template object in Rails >=2.1.0, # a source string previously if template.respond_to? :source # Template has a generic identifier in Rails >=3.0.0 options[:filename] = template.respond_to?(:identifier) ? template.identifier : template.filename source = template.source else source = template end Haml::Engine.new(source, options).send(:precompiled_with_ambles, []) end def cache_fragment(block, name = {}, options = nil) @view.fragment_for(block, name, options) do eval("_hamlout.buffer", block.binding) end end end end if defined? ActionView::Template and ActionView::Template.respond_to? :register_template_handler ActionView::Template else ActionView::Base end.register_template_handler(:haml, Haml::Plugin) # In Rails 2.0.2, ActionView::TemplateError took arguments # that we can't fill in from the Haml::Plugin context. # Thus, we've got to monkeypatch ActionView::Base to catch the error. if ActionView::TemplateError.instance_method(:initialize).arity == 5 class ActionView::Base def compile_template(handler, template, file_name, local_assigns) render_symbol = assign_method_name(handler, template, file_name) # Move begin up two lines so it captures compilation exceptions. begin render_source = create_template_source(handler, template, render_symbol, local_assigns.keys) line_offset = @@template_args[render_symbol].size + handler.line_offset file_name = 'compiled-template' if file_name.blank? CompiledTemplates.module_eval(render_source, file_name, -line_offset) rescue Exception => e # errors from template code if logger logger.debug "ERROR: compiling #{render_symbol} RAISED #{e}" logger.debug "Function body: #{render_source}" logger.debug "Backtrace: #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end # There's no way to tell Haml about the filename, # so we've got to insert it ourselves. e.backtrace[0].gsub!('(haml)', file_name) if e.is_a?(Haml::Error) raise ActionView::TemplateError.new(extract_base_path_from(file_name) || view_paths.first, file_name || template, @assigns, template, e) end @@compile_time[render_symbol] = Time.now # logger.debug "Compiled template #{file_name || template}\n ==> #{render_symbol}" if logger end end end