# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helpers')) module ArchiveTaskHelpers # Not too smart, we just create some content based on file name to make sure you read what you write. def content_for(file) "Content for #{File.basename(file)}" end # Qualify a filename # # e.g. qualify("file.zip", "src") => "file-src.zip" def qualify(filename, qualifier) ext = (filename =~ /\.$/) ? "." : File.extname(filename) base = filename[0..0-ext.size-1] base + "-" + qualifier + ext end # Create an archive not using the archive task, this way we do have a file in existence, but we don't # have an already invoked task. Yield an archive task to the block which can use it to include files, # set options, etc. def create_without_task archive(qualify(@archive, "tmp")).tap do |task| yield task if block_given? task.invoke mv task.name, @archive end end def create_for_merge zip(qualify(@archive, "src")).include(@files).tap do |task| yield task end end def init_dir unless @dir @dir = File.expand_path('test') @files = %w{Test1.txt Text2.html}.map { |file| File.expand_path(file, @dir) }. each { |file| write file, content_for(file) } @empty_dirs = %w{EmptyDir1 EmptyDir2}.map { |file| File.expand_path(file, @dir) }. each { |file| mkdir file } end end end shared_examples_for 'ArchiveTask' do include ArchiveTaskHelpers before(:each) do init_dir end it 'should point to archive file' do archive(@archive).name.should eql(@archive) end it 'should create file' do lambda { archive(@archive).invoke }.should change { File.exist?(@archive) }.to(true) end it 'should create empty archive if no files included' do archive(@archive).invoke inspect_archive { |archive| archive.should be_empty } end it 'should raise error when include() is called with nil values' do lambda { archive(@archive).include(nil) }.should raise_error lambda { archive(@archive).include([nil]) }.should raise_error end it 'should create empty archive if called #clean method' do archive(@archive).include(@files).clean.invoke inspect_archive { |archive| archive.should be_empty } end it 'should archive all included files' do archive(@archive).include(@files).invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive[File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } inspect_archive.size.should eql(@files.size) end it 'should archive file tasks' do tasks = @files.map { |fn| file(fn) } archive(@archive).include(tasks).invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive[File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } inspect_archive.size.should eql(@files.size) end it 'should invoke and archive file tasks' do file = file('included') { write 'included' } lambda { archive(@archive).include(file).invoke }.should change { File.exist?(file.to_s) }.to(true) inspect_archive.keys.should include('included') end it 'should archive artifacts' do write 'library-1.0.txt', 'library-1.0' artifact("org.example:library:txt:1.0").from 'library-1.0.txt' archive(@archive).include("org.example:library:txt:1.0").invoke inspect_archive.keys.should include('library-1.0.txt') end it 'should archive project artifacts' do define 'p1' do project.version = '1.0' package(:zip) end archive(@archive).include(project('p1')).invoke inspect_archive.keys.should include('p1-1.0.zip') end it 'should include entry for directory' do archive(@archive).include(@dir).invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive['test/' + File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } end it 'should not archive any excluded files' do archive(@archive).include(@files).exclude(@files.last).invoke inspect_archive do |archive| archive.keys.should include(File.basename(@files.first)) archive.keys.should_not include(File.basename(@files.last)) end end it 'should not archive any excluded files in included directories' do archive(@archive).include(@dir).exclude(@files.last).invoke inspect_archive do |archive| archive.keys.should include('test/' + File.basename(@files.first)) archive.keys.should_not include('test/' + File.basename(@files.last)) end end it 'should not archive any excluded files when using :from/:as' do archive(@archive).include(:from=>@dir).exclude(@files.last).invoke inspect_archive do |archive| archive.keys.should include(File.basename(@files.first)) archive.keys.should_not include(File.basename(@files.last)) end end it 'should raise error when using :from with nil value' do lambda { archive(@archive).include(:from=>nil) }.should raise_error end it 'should exclude entire directory and all its children' do mkpath "#{@dir}/sub" write "#{@dir}/sub/test" archive(@archive).include(@dir).exclude("#{@dir}/sub").invoke inspect_archive do |archive| archive.keys.select { |file| file =~ /sub/ }.should be_empty end end it 'should not archive any excluded files when pattern is *.ext' do write "test/file.txt" write "test/file.swf" archive(@archive).include(@dir).exclude('**/*.swf').invoke inspect_archive do |archive| archive.keys.should include('test/file.txt') archive.keys.should_not include('test/file.swf') end end it 'should archive files into specified path' do archive(@archive).include(@files, :path=>'code').invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive['code/' + File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } end it 'should include entry for directory' do archive(@archive).include(@dir).invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive['test/' + File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } end it 'should archive files into specified path' do archive(@archive).include(@files, :path=>'code').invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive['code/' + File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } end it 'should archive directories into specified path' do archive(@archive).include(@dir, :path=>'code').invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive['code/test/' + File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } end it 'should understand . in path' do archive(@archive).path('.').should == archive(@archive).path('') archive(@archive).path('foo').path('.').should == archive(@archive).path('foo') end it 'should understand .. in path' do archive(@archive).path('..').should == archive(@archive).path('') archive(@archive).path('foo').path('..').should == archive(@archive).path('') archive(@archive).path('foo/bar').path('..').should == archive(@archive).path('foo') end it 'should understand leading / in path' do archive(@archive).path('/').should == archive(@archive).path('') archive(@archive).path('foo/bar').path('/').should == archive(@archive).path('') end it 'should archive file into specified name' do archive(@archive).include(@files.first, :as=>'test/sample').invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive['test/sample'].should eql(content_for(@files.first)) } } end it 'should archive directory into specified alias, without using "."' do archive(@archive).include(@dir, :as=>'.').invoke inspect_archive { |archive| archive.keys.should_not include(".") } end it 'should archive directories into specified alias, even if it has the same name' do archive(@archive).include(@dir, :as=>File.basename(@dir)).invoke inspect_archive { |archive| archive.keys.should_not include "#{File.basename(@dir)}" } end it 'should archive file into specified name/path' do archive(@archive).include(@files.first, :as=>'test/sample', :path=>'path').invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive['path/test/sample'].should eql(content_for(@files.first)) } } end it 'should archive files starting with dot' do write 'test/.config', '# configuration' archive(@archive).include('test').invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive['test/.config'].should eql('# configuration') } } end it 'should archive directory into specified name' do archive(@archive).include(@dir, :as=>'code').invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive['code/' + File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } end it 'should archive directory into specified name/path' do archive(@archive).include(@dir, :as=>'code', :path=>'path').invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive['path/code/' + File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } end it 'should archive directory contents' do archive(@archive).include(@dir, :as=>'.').invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive[File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } end it 'should archive directory contents into specified path' do archive(@archive).include(@dir, :as=>'.', :path=>'path').invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive['path/' + File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } end it 'should not allow two files with the :as argument' do lambda { archive(@archive).include(@files.first, @files.last, :as=>'test/sample') }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /one file/) end it 'should expand another archive file' do create_for_merge do |src| archive(@archive).merge(src) archive(@archive).invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive[File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } end end it 'should expand another archive file with include pattern' do create_for_merge do |src| archive(@archive).merge(src).include(File.basename(@files.first)) archive(@archive).invoke inspect_archive do |archive| archive[File.basename(@files.first)].should eql(content_for(@files.first)) archive[File.basename(@files.last)].should be_nil end end end it 'should expand another archive file with exclude pattern' do create_for_merge do |src| archive(@archive).merge(src).exclude(File.basename(@files.first)) archive(@archive).invoke inspect_archive do |archive| @files[1..-1].each { |f| archive[File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } archive[File.basename(@files.first)].should be_nil end end end it 'should expand another archive file with nested exclude pattern' do @files = %w{Test1.txt Text2.html}.map { |file| File.join(@dir, "foo", file) }. each { |file| write file, content_for(file) } zip(qualify(@archive, "src")).include(@dir).tap do |task| archive(@archive).merge(task).exclude('test/*') archive(@archive).invoke inspect_archive.should be_empty end end it 'should expand another archive file into path' do create_for_merge do |src| archive(@archive).path('test').merge(src) archive(@archive).invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive['test/' + File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } end end it 'should expand another archive file into path with :path option' do create_for_merge do |src| archive(@archive).merge(src, :path=>'test') archive(@archive).invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive['test/' + File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } end end it "should expand another archive file into path with :path=>'/'" do create_for_merge do |src| archive(@archive).merge(src, :path=>'/') archive(@archive).invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive[File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } end end it 'should expand another archive file into path with merge option' do create_for_merge do |src| archive(@archive).include(src, :merge=>true) archive(@archive).invoke inspect_archive { |archive| @files.each { |f| archive[File.basename(f)].should eql(content_for(f)) } } end end it 'should update if one of the files is recent' do create_without_task { |archive| archive.include(@files) } # Touch archive file to some point in the past. This effectively makes # all included files newer. File.utime Time.now - 100, Time.now - 100, @archive archive(@archive).include(@files).invoke File.stat(@archive).mtime.should be_within(10).of(Time.now) end it 'should update if a file in a subdir is more recent' do subdir = File.expand_path("subdir", @dir) test3 = File.expand_path("test3.css", subdir) mkdir_p subdir write test3, '/* Original */' create_without_task { |archive| archive.include(:from => @dir) } inspect_archive { |archive| archive["subdir/test3.css"].should eql('/* Original */') } write test3, '/* Refreshed */' File.utime(Time.now + 100, Time.now + 100, test3) archive(@archive).include(:from => @dir).invoke inspect_archive { |archive| archive["subdir/test3.css"].should eql('/* Refreshed */') } end it 'should do nothing if all files are uptodate' do create_without_task { |archive| archive.include(@files) } # By touching all files in the past, there's nothing new to update. (@files + [@archive]).each { |f| File.utime Time.now - 100, Time.now - 100, f } archive(@archive).include(@files).invoke File.stat(@archive).mtime.should be_within(10).of(Time.now - 100) end it 'should update if one of the files is recent' do create_without_task { |archive| archive.include(@files) } # Change files, we expect to see new content. write @files.first, '/* Refreshed */' File.utime(Time.now - 100, Time.now - 100, @archive) # Touch archive file to some point in the past. archive(@archive).include(@files).invoke inspect_archive { |archive| archive[File.basename(@files.first)].should eql('/* Refreshed */') } end it 'should create new archive when updating' do create_without_task { |archive| archive.include(@files) } File.utime(Time.now - 100, Time.now - 100, @archive) # Touch archive file to some point in the past. archive(@archive).include(@files[1..-1]).invoke inspect_archive.size.should be(@files.size - 1) end it 'should not accept invalid options' do archive(@archive).include(@files) lambda { archive(@archive).with :option=>true }.should raise_error end it 'should invoke paths supplied in from parameters' do included_file = File.expand_path("somefile.myext") write included_file, content_for(included_file) archive2_filename = File.expand_path("somebug.zip") a2 = zip(archive2_filename). include(included_file, :as => 'folder1/somefile1.ext'). include(included_file, :as => 'folder2/somefile2.ext'). invoke a = archive(@archive) f1 = unzip('target/folder1' => archive2_filename).from_path("folder1/*").root f2 = unzip('target/folder2' => archive2_filename).from_path("folder2/*").root a.include(:from => f1) a.include(:from => f2) a.invoke contents = inspect_archive contents["folder1/somefile1.ext"].should_not be_nil contents["folder2/somefile2.ext"].should_not be_nil end end describe TarTask do it_should_behave_like 'ArchiveTask' before(:each) do @archive = File.expand_path('test.tar') end define_method(:archive) { |file| tar(file) } def inspect_archive entries = {} Archive::Tar::Minitar.open @archive, 'r' do |reader| reader.each { |entry| entries[entry.directory ? "#{entry.name}/" : entry.name] = entry.read } end yield entries if block_given? entries end # chmod is not reliable on Windows unless Buildr::Util.win_os? it 'should preserve file permissions' do # with JRuby it's important to use absolute paths with File.chmod() # http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-3300 hello = File.expand_path('src/main/bin/hello') write hello, 'echo hi' File.chmod(0777, hello) fail("Failed to set permission on #{hello}") unless (File.stat(hello).mode & 0777) == 0777 tar('foo.tgz').include('src/main/bin/*').invoke unzip('target' => 'foo.tgz').extract (File.stat('target/hello').mode & 0777).should == 0777 end it 'should preserve file permissions when merging zip files' do # with JRuby it's important to use absolute paths with File.chmod() # http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-3300 hello = File.expand_path('src/main/bin/hello') write hello, 'echo hi' File.chmod(0777, hello) fail("Failed to set permission on #{hello}") unless (File.stat(hello).mode & 0777) == 0777 foo = zip('foo.zip') foo.include('src/main/bin/*').invoke bar = tar('bar.tgz') bar.merge(foo) bar.invoke unzip('target' => 'bar.tgz').extract (File.stat('target/hello').mode & 0777).should == 0777 end end end describe TarTask, ' gzipped' do it_should_behave_like 'ArchiveTask' before(:each) do @archive = File.expand_path('test.tgz') end define_method(:archive) { |file| tar(file) } def inspect_archive entries = {} Zlib::GzipReader.open @archive do |gzip| Archive::Tar::Minitar.open gzip, 'r' do |reader| reader.each { |entry| entries[entry.directory ? "#{entry.name}/" : entry.name] = entry.read } end end yield entries if block_given? entries end end describe "ZipTask" do include ArchiveTaskHelpers it_should_behave_like 'ArchiveTask' before(:each) do init_dir @archive = File.expand_path('test.zip') end define_method(:archive) { |file| zip(file) } after(:each) do checkZip(@archive) end # Check for possible corruption using Java's ZipInputStream and Java's "jar" command since # they are stricter than rubyzip def checkZip(file) return unless File.exist?(file) zip = Java.java.util.zip.ZipInputStream.new(Java.java.io.FileInputStream.new(file)) zip_entry_count = 0 while entry = zip.getNextEntry do # just iterate over all entries zip_entry_count = zip_entry_count + 1 end zip.close() # jar tool fails with "ZipException: error in opening zip file" if empty if zip_entry_count > 0 sh "#{File.join(ENV['JAVA_HOME'], 'bin', 'jar')} tvf #{file}" end end def inspect_archive entries = {} Zip::File.open @archive do |zip| zip.entries.each do |entry| if entry.directory? # Ignore the / directory created for empty ZIPs when using java.util.zip. if entry.name.to_s != '/' entries[entry.name.to_s] = nil end else entries[entry.name.to_s] = zip.read(entry.name) end end end yield entries if block_given? entries end it 'should include empty dirs' do archive(@archive).include(@dir) archive(@archive).invoke inspect_archive do |archive| archive.keys.should include('test/EmptyDir1/') end end it 'should include empty dirs from Dir' do archive(@archive).include(Dir["#{@dir}/*"]) archive(@archive).invoke inspect_archive do |archive| archive.keys.should include('EmptyDir1/') end end it 'should work with path object' do archive(@archive).path('code').include(@files) archive(@archive).invoke inspect_archive { |archive| archive.keys.should include('code/') } end it 'should have path object that includes empty dirs' do archive(@archive).path('code').include(Dir["#{@dir}/*"]) archive(@archive).invoke inspect_archive do |archive| archive.keys.should include('code/EmptyDir1/') end end # chmod is not reliable on Windows unless Buildr::Util.win_os? it 'should preserve file permissions' do # with JRuby it's important to use absolute paths with File.chmod() # http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-3300 hello = File.expand_path('src/main/bin/hello') write hello, 'echo hi' File.chmod(0777, hello) fail("Failed to set permission on #{hello}") unless (File.stat(hello).mode & 0777) == 0777 zip('foo.zip').include('src/main/bin/*').invoke unzip('target' => 'foo.zip').extract (File.stat('target/hello').mode & 0777).should == 0777 end it 'should preserve file permissions when merging zip files' do # with JRuby it's important to use absolute paths with File.chmod() # http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-3300 hello = File.expand_path('src/main/bin/hello') write hello, 'echo hi' File.chmod(0777, hello) fail("Failed to set permission on #{hello}") unless (File.stat(hello).mode & 0777) == 0777 foo = zip('foo.zip') foo.include('src/main/bin/*').invoke bar = zip('bar.zip') bar.merge(foo) bar.invoke unzip('target' => 'bar.zip').extract (File.stat('target/hello').mode & 0777).should == 0777 end end end describe Unzip do before(:each) do @zip = File.expand_path('test.zip') @dir = File.expand_path('test') @files = %w{Test1.txt Text2.html}.map { |file| File.join(@dir, file) }. each { |file| write file, content_for(file) } @target = File.expand_path('target') @targz = File.expand_path('test.tar.gz') @targz2 = File.expand_path('test.tgz') end # Not too smart, we just create some content based on file name to # make sure you read what you write. def content_for(file) "Content for #{File.basename(file)}" end def with_tar(*args) tar(@targz).include(*args.empty? ? @files : args).invoke yield end def with_tar_too(*args) tar(@targz2).include(*args.empty? ? @files : args).invoke yield end def with_zip(*args) zip(@zip).include(*args.empty? ? @files : args).invoke yield end it 'should touch target directory' do with_zip do mkdir @target File.utime(Time.now - 10, Time.now - 10, @target) unzip(@target=>@zip).target.invoke end File.stat(@target).mtime.should be_within(2).of(Time.now) end it 'should expand files' do with_zip do unzip(@target=>@zip).target.invoke @files.each { |f| File.read(File.join(@target, File.basename(f))).should eql(content_for(f)) } end end it 'should expand files from a tar.gz file' do with_tar do unzip(@target=>@targz).target.invoke @files.each { |f| File.read(File.join(@target, File.basename(f))).should eql(content_for(f)) } end end it 'should expand files from a .tgz file' do with_tar_too do unzip(@target=>@targz2).target.invoke @files.each { |f| File.read(File.join(@target, File.basename(f))).should eql(content_for(f)) } end end it 'should expand all files' do with_zip do unzip(@target=>@zip).target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].size.should be(@files.size) end end it 'should expand all files from a .tar.gz file' do with_tar do unzip(@target=>@targz).target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].size.should be(@files.size) end end it 'should expand only included files' do with_zip do only = File.basename(@files.first) unzip(@target=>@zip).include(only).target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].should include(File.expand_path(only, @target)) FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].size.should be(1) end end it 'should expand only included files from a .tar.gz file' do with_tar do only = File.basename(@files.first) unzip(@target=>@targz).include(only).target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].should include(File.expand_path(only, @target)) FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].size.should be(1) end end it 'should expand all but excluded files' do with_zip do except = File.basename(@files.first) unzip(@target=>@zip).exclude(except).target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].should_not include(File.expand_path(except, @target)) FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].size.should be(@files.size - 1) end end it 'should expand all but excluded files with a .tar.gz file' do with_tar do except = File.basename(@files.first) unzip(@target=>@targz).exclude(except).target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].should_not include(File.expand_path(except, @target)) FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].size.should be(@files.size - 1) end end it 'should include with nested path patterns' do with_zip @files, :path=>'test/path' do only = File.basename(@files.first) unzip(@target=>@zip).include(only).target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].should be_empty Rake::Task.clear ; rm_rf @target unzip(@target=>@zip).include('test/path/' + only).target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, 'test/path/*')].size.should be(1) Rake::Task.clear ; rm_rf @target unzip(@target=>@zip).include('test/**/*').target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, 'test/path/*')].size.should be(2) Rake::Task.clear ; rm_rf @target unzip(@target=>@zip).include('test/*').target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, 'test/path/*')].size.should be(2) end end it 'should include with nested path patterns with a .tar.gz file' do with_tar @files, :path=>'test/path' do only = File.basename(@files.first) unzip(@target=>@targz).include(only).target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].should be_empty Rake::Task.clear ; rm_rf @target unzip(@target=>@targz).include('test/path/' + only).target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, 'test/path/*')].size.should be(1) Rake::Task.clear ; rm_rf @target unzip(@target=>@targz).include('test/**/*').target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, 'test/path/*')].size.should be(2) end end it 'should include with relative path' do with_zip @files, :path=>'test/path' do only = File.basename(@files.first) unzip(@target=>@zip).tap { |unzip| unzip.from_path('test').include(only) }.target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].should be_empty Rake::Task.clear ; rm_rf @target unzip(@target=>@zip).tap { |unzip| unzip.from_path('test').include('test/*') }.target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, 'path/*')].should be_empty Rake::Task.clear ; rm_rf @target unzip(@target=>@zip).tap { |unzip| unzip.from_path('test').include('path/*' + only) }.target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, 'path/*')].size.should be(1) Rake::Task.clear ; rm_rf @target unzip(@target=>@zip).tap { |unzip| unzip.from_path('test').include('path/*') }.target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, 'path/*')].size.should be(2) end end it 'should include with relative path with a .tar.gz file' do with_tar @files, :path=>'test/path' do only = File.basename(@files.first) unzip(@target=>@targz).tap { |unzip| unzip.from_path('test').include(only) }.target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].should be_empty Rake::Task.clear ; rm_rf @target unzip(@target=>@targz).tap { |unzip| unzip.from_path('test').include('test/*') }.target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, 'path/*')].should be_empty Rake::Task.clear ; rm_rf @target unzip(@target=>@targz).tap { |unzip| unzip.from_path('test').include('path/*' + only) }.target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, 'path/*')].size.should be(1) Rake::Task.clear ; rm_rf @target unzip(@target=>@targz).tap { |unzip| unzip.from_path('test').include('path/*') }.target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, 'path/*')].size.should be(2) end end it 'should exclude with relative path' do with_zip @files, :path=>'test' do except = File.basename(@files.first) unzip(@target=>@zip).tap { |unzip| unzip.from_path('test').exclude(except) }.target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].should include(File.join(@target, File.basename(@files[1]))) FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].size.should be(@files.size - 1) end end it 'should exclude with relative path on a tar.gz file' do with_tar @files, :path=>'test' do except = File.basename(@files.first) unzip(@target=>@targz).tap { |unzip| unzip.from_path('test').exclude(except) }.target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].should include(File.join(@target, File.basename(@files[1]))) FileList[File.join(@target, '*')].size.should be(@files.size - 1) end end it "should handle relative paths without any includes or excludes" do lib_files = %w{Test3.so Test4.rb}. map { |file| File.join(@dir, file) }. each { |file| write file, content_for(file) } zip(@zip).include(@files, :path => 'src').include(lib_files, :path => 'lib').invoke unzip(@target=>@zip).tap { |unzip| unzip.from_path('lib') }.target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, '**/*')].should have(2).files end it "should handle relative paths without any includes or excludes with a tar.gz file" do lib_files = %w{Test3.so Test4.rb}. map { |file| File.join(@dir, file) }. each { |file| write file, content_for(file) } tar(@targz).include(@files, :path => 'src').include(lib_files, :path => 'lib').invoke unzip(@target=>@targz).tap { |unzip| unzip.from_path('lib') }.target.invoke FileList[File.join(@target, '**/*')].should have(2).files end it 'should return itself from root method' do task = unzip(@target=>@zip) task.root.should be(task) task.from_path('foo').root.should be(task) end it 'should return target task from target method' do task = unzip(@target=>@zip) task.target.should be(file(@target)) task.from_path('foo').target.should be(file(@target)) end it 'should alias from_path as path' do task = unzip(@target=>@zip) task.from_path('foo').should be(task.path('foo')) end end