module Formtastic
module Helpers
# ButtonsHelper encapsulates the responsibilties of the {#buttons} and {#commit_button} helpers
# for submitting forms.
# {#buttons} is used to wrap the form's button(s) and actions in a `
` and ``,
# with each item in the list containing the markup representing a single button.
# {#buttons} is usually called with a block containing a single {#commit_button} call:
# <%= semantic_form_for @post do |f| %>
# ...
# <%= f.buttons do %>
# <%= f.commit_button
# <% end %>
# <% end %>
# The HTML output will be something like:
# While this may seem slightly over-engineered, it is consistent with the way form inputs are
# handled, and makes room for other types of buttons and actions in future versions (such as
# cancel buttons or links, reset buttons and even alternate actions like 'save and continue
# editing').
# It's important to note that the `semantic_form_for` and {#buttons} blocks wrap the
# standard Rails `form_for` helper and form builder, so you have full access to every standard
# Rails form helper, with any HTML markup and ERB syntax, allowing you to "break free" from
# Formtastic when it doesn't suit to create your own buttons, links and actions:
# <%= semantic_form_for @post do |f| %>
# ...
# <%= f.buttons do %>
# <%= f.submit "Save" %>
# Or <%= link_to "Cancel", posts_url %>
# <% end %>
# <% end %>
# There are many other syntax variations and arguments to customize your form. See the
# full documentation of {#buttons} and {#commit_button} for details.
module ButtonsHelper
include Formtastic::Helpers::FieldsetWrapper
include Formtastic::LocalizedString
# Creates a fieldset and ol tag wrapping for use around a set of buttons. It can be
# called either with a block (in which you can do the usual Rails form stuff, HTML, ERB, etc),
# or with a list of named buttons. These two examples are functionally equivalent:
# # With a block:
# <% semantic_form_for @post do |f| %>
# ...
# <% f.buttons do %>
# <%= f.commit_button %>
# <% end %>
# <% end %>
# # With a list of fields:
# <% semantic_form_for @post do |f| %>
# <%= f.buttons :commit %>
# <% end %>
# # Output:
# Only one type of named button is supported at this time (:commit), and it's assumed to be
# the default choice, so this is also functionally equivalent, but may change in the future:
# # With no args:
# <% semantic_form_for @post do |f| %>
# ...
# <%= f.buttons %>
# <% end %>
# While this may seem slightly over-engineered, it is consistent with the way form inputs are
# handled, and makes room for other types of buttons and actions in future versions (such as
# cancel buttons or links, reset buttons and even alternate actions like 'save and continue
# editing').
# All options except `:name` and `:title` are passed down to the fieldset as HTML
# attributes (`id`, `class`, `style`...). If provided, the `:name` or `:title` option is
# passed into a `` inside the ` ` to name the set of buttons.
# @example Quickly add button(s) to the form, accepting all default values, options and behaviors
# <% semantic_form_for @post do |f| %>
# ...
# <%= f.buttons %>
# <% end %>
# @example Specify which named buttons you want, accepting all default values, options and behaviors
# <% semantic_form_for @post do |f| %>
# ...
# <%= f.buttons :commit %>
# <% end %>
# @example Specify which named buttons you want, and name the fieldset
# <% semantic_form_for @post do |f| %>
# ...
# <%= f.buttons :commit, :name => "Actions" %>
# or
# <%= f.buttons :commit, :label => "Actions" %>
# <% end %>
# @example Get full control over the commit_button options
# <% semantic_form_for @post do |f| %>
# ...
# <%= f.buttons do %>
# <%= f.commit_button :label => "Go", :input_html => { ... }, :wrapper_html => { ... }
# <% end %>
# <% end %>
# @example Make your own custom buttons, links or actions with standard Rails helpers or HTML
# <% semantic_form_for @post do |f| %>
# ...
# <%= f.buttons do %>
# <%= f.submit "Submit" %>
# <%= link_to "Cancel", posts_url %>
# <% end %>
# <% end %>
# @example Add HTML attributes to the fieldset
# <% semantic_form_for @post do |f| %>
# ...
# <%= f.buttons :commit, :style => "border:1px;" %>
# or
# <%= f.buttons :style => "border:1px;" do %>
# ...
# <% end %>
# <% end %>
# @option *args :label [String, Symbol]
# Optionally specify text for the legend of the fieldset
# @option *args :name [String, Symbol]
# Optionally specify text for the legend of the fieldset (alias for `:label`)
# @todo document i18n keys
def buttons(*args, &block)
html_options = args.extract_options!
html_options[:class] ||= "buttons"
if block_given?
field_set_and_list_wrapping(html_options, &block)
args = [:commit] if args.empty?
contents = { |button_name| send(:"#{button_name}_button") }
field_set_and_list_wrapping(html_options, contents)
# Creates a submit input tag with the value "Save [model name]" (for existing records) or
# "Create [model name]" (for new records) by default. The output is an ` ` tag with the
# `type` of `submit` and a class of either `create` or `update` (if Formtastic can determin if)
# the record is new or not) with `submit` as a fallback class. The submit button is wrapped in
# an `` tag with a class of `commit`, and is intended to be rendered inside a {#buttons}
# block which wraps the button in a `fieldset` and `ol`.
# The textual value of the label can be changed from this default through the `:label`
# argument or through i18n.
# You can pass HTML attributes down to the ` ` tag with the `:button_html` option, and
# pass HTML attributes to the wrapping ` ` tag with the `:wrapper_html` option.
# @example Basic usage
# # form
# <%= semantic_form_for @post do |f| %>
# ...
# <%= f.buttons do %>
# <%= f.commit_button %>
# <% end %>
# <% end %>
# # output
# @example Set the value through the `:label` option
# <%= f.commit_button :label => "Go" %>
# @example Set the value through the optional first argument (like Rails' `f.submit`)
# <%= f.commit_button "Go" %>
# @example Pass HTML attributes down to the ` `
# <%= f.commit_button :button_html => { :class => 'pretty', :accesskey => 'g' } %>
# <%= f.commit_button :label => "Go", :button_html => { :class => 'pretty', :accesskey => 'g' } %>
# <%= f.commit_button "Go", :button_html => { :class => 'pretty', :accesskey => 'g' } %>
# @example Pass HTML attributes down to the ` ` wrapper
# <%= f.commit_button :button_html => { :class => 'special', :id => 'whatever' } %>
# <%= f.commit_button :label => "Go", :button_html => { :class => 'special', :id => 'whatever' } %>
# <%= f.commit_button "Go", :button_html => { :class => 'special', :id => 'whatever' } %>
# @option *args :label [String, Symbol]
# Override the label text with a String or a symbold for an i18n translation key
# @option *args :button_html [Hash]
# Override or add to the HTML attributes to be passed down to the ` ` tag
# @option *args :wrapper_html [Hash]
# Override or add to the HTML attributes to be passed down to the wrapping ` ` tag
# @todo document i18n keys
# @todo strange that `:accesskey` seems to be supported in the top level args as well as `:button_html`
def commit_button(*args)
options = args.extract_options!
text = options.delete(:label) || args.shift
if @object && (@object.respond_to?(:persisted?) || @object.respond_to?(:new_record?))
key = @object.persisted? ? :update : :create
# Deal with some complications with ActiveRecord::Base.human_name and two name models (eg UserPost)
# ActiveRecord::Base.human_name falls back to ("Userpost")
# if there's no i18n, which is pretty crappy. In this circumstance we want to detect this
# fall back (human_name == name.humanize) and do our own thing name.underscore.humanize ("User Post")
if @object.class.model_name.respond_to?(:human)
object_name = @object.class.model_name.human
object_human_name = @object.class.human_name # default is UserPost => "Userpost", but i18n may do better ("User post")
crappy_human_name = # UserPost => "Userpost"
decent_human_name = # UserPost => "User post"
object_name = (object_human_name == crappy_human_name) ? decent_human_name : object_human_name
key = :submit
object_name = @object_name.to_s.send(label_str_method)
text = (localized_string(key, text, :action, :model => object_name) ||
Formtastic::I18n.t(key, :model => object_name)) unless text.is_a?(::String)
button_html = options.delete(:button_html) || {}
button_html.merge!(:class => [button_html[:class], key].compact.join(' '))
wrapper_html_class = ['commit'] # TODO: Add class reflecting on form action.
wrapper_html = options.delete(:wrapper_html) || {}
wrapper_html[:class] = (wrapper_html_class << wrapper_html[:class]).flatten.compact.join(' ')
accesskey = (options.delete(:accesskey) || default_commit_button_accesskey) unless button_html.has_key?(:accesskey)
button_html = button_html.merge(:accesskey => accesskey) if accesskey
template.content_tag(:li, Formtastic::Util.html_safe(submit(text, button_html)), wrapper_html)