require 'test_helper' class Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::HTTP::FaradayTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::HTTP context "Faraday transport" do setup do @transport = :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234 } ] end should "implement host_unreachable_exceptions" do assert_instance_of Array, @transport.host_unreachable_exceptions end should "implement __build_connections" do assert_equal 1, @transport.hosts.size assert_equal 1, @transport.connections.size assert_instance_of ::Faraday::Connection, @transport.connections.first.connection assert_equal 'http://foobar:1234/', @transport.connections.first.connection.url_prefix.to_s end should "perform the request" do @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:run_request).returns(stub_everything) @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/' end should "return a Response" do @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:run_request).returns(stub_everything) response = @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/' assert_instance_of Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response, response end should "properly prepare the request" do @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:run_request).with do |method, url, body, headers| assert_equal :post, method assert_equal '{"foo":"bar"}', body assert_nil headers['Accept'] true end.returns(stub_everything) @transport.perform_request 'POST', '/', {}, {:foo => 'bar'} end should "properly prepare the request with custom headers" do @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:run_request).with do |method, url, body, headers| assert_equal :post, method assert_equal '{"foo":"bar"}', body assert_nil headers['Accept'] assert_equal "application/x-ndjson", headers['Content-Type'] true end.returns(stub_everything) @transport.perform_request 'POST', '/', {}, {:foo => 'bar'}, {"Content-Type" => "application/x-ndjson"} end should "properly pass the Content-Type header option" do transport = :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234 } ], :options => { :transport_options => { :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'foo/bar' } } } transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:run_request).with do |method, url, body, headers| assert_equal 'foo/bar', headers['Content-Type'] true end.returns(stub_everything) transport.perform_request 'GET', '/' end should "serialize the request body" do @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:run_request).returns(stub_everything) @transport.serializer.expects(:dump) @transport.perform_request 'POST', '/', {}, {:foo => 'bar'} end should "not serialize a String request body" do @transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:run_request).returns(stub_everything) @transport.serializer.expects(:dump).never @transport.perform_request 'POST', '/', {}, '{"foo":"bar"}' end should "pass the selector_class options to collection" do @transport = :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234 } ], :options => { :selector_class => Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Connections::Selector::Random } assert_instance_of Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Connections::Selector::Random, @transport.connections.selector end should "pass the selector option to collection" do @transport = :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234 } ], :options => { :selector => } assert_instance_of Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Connections::Selector::Random, @transport.connections.selector end should "pass a configuration block to the Faraday constructor" do config_block = lambda do |f| f.response :logger f.path_prefix = '/moo' end transport = :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234 } ], &config_block handlers = transport.connections.first.connection.builder.handlers assert_equal 1, handlers.size assert handlers.include?(::Faraday::Response::Logger), "#{handlers.inspect} does not include <::Faraday::Adapter::Logger>" assert_equal '/moo', transport.connections.first.connection.path_prefix assert_equal 'http://foobar:1234/moo', transport.connections.first.connection.url_prefix.to_s end should "pass transport_options to the Faraday constructor" do transport = :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234 } ], :options => { :transport_options => { :request => { :open_timeout => 1 }, :headers => { :foo_bar => 'bar' }, :ssl => { :verify => false } } } assert_equal 1, transport.connections.first.connection.options.open_timeout assert_equal 'bar', transport.connections.first.connection.headers['Foo-Bar'] assert_equal false, transport.connections.first.connection.ssl.verify? end should "merge in parameters defined in the Faraday connection parameters" do transport = :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234 } ], :options => { :transport_options => { :params => { :format => 'yaml' } } } # transport.logger = transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:run_request). with do |method, url, params, body| assert_match /\?format=yaml/, url true end. returns(stub_everything) transport.perform_request 'GET', '' end should "not overwrite request parameters with the Faraday connection parameters" do transport = :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234 } ], :options => { :transport_options => { :params => { :format => 'yaml' } } } # transport.logger = transport.connections.first.connection.expects(:run_request). with do |method, url, params, body| assert_match /\?format=json/, url true end. returns(stub_everything) transport.perform_request 'GET', '', { :format => 'json' } end should "set the credentials if passed" do transport = :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234, :user => 'foo', :password => 'bar' } ] assert_equal 'Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==', transport.connections.first.connection.headers['Authorization'] end should "set the credentials if they exist in options" do transport = :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234 } ], :options => { :user => 'foo', :password => 'bar' } assert_equal 'Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==', transport.connections.first.connection.headers['Authorization'] end should "override options credentials if passed explicitly" do transport = :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234, :user => 'foo', :password => 'bar' }, { :host => 'foobar2', :port => 1234 } ], :options => { :user => 'foo2', :password => 'bar2' } assert_equal 'Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==', transport.connections.first.connection.headers['Authorization'] assert_equal 'Basic Zm9vMjpiYXIy', transport.connections[1].connection.headers['Authorization'] end should "set connection scheme to https if passed" do transport = :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234, :scheme => 'https' } ] assert_instance_of ::Faraday::Connection, transport.connections.first.connection assert_equal 'https://foobar:1234/', transport.connections.first.connection.url_prefix.to_s end should "set connection scheme to https if it exist in options" do transport = :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234} ], :options => { :scheme => 'https' } assert_instance_of ::Faraday::Connection, transport.connections.first.connection assert_equal 'https://foobar:1234/', transport.connections.first.connection.url_prefix.to_s end should "override options scheme if passed explicitly" do transport = :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234, :scheme => 'http'} ], :options => { :scheme => 'https' } assert_instance_of ::Faraday::Connection, transport.connections.first.connection assert_equal 'http://foobar:1234/', transport.connections.first.connection.url_prefix.to_s end should "use global http configuration" do transport = :hosts => [ { :host => 'foobar', :port => 1234 } ], :options => { :http => { :scheme => 'https', :user => 'U', :password => 'P' } } assert_equal 'https://U:P@foobar:1234/', transport.connections.first.full_url('') end end end