#disclaimer should: %s == "All the domain data that is visible in the whois search is protected by law. It is not permitted to use it for any purpose other than technical or administrative requirements associated with the operation of the Internet or in order to contact the domain holder over legal problems. You are not permitted to save it electronically or in any other way without DENIC's express written permission. It is prohibited, in particular, to use it for advertising or any similar purpose. By maintaining the connection you assure that you have a legitimate interest in the data and that you will only use it for the stated purposes. You are aware that DENIC maintains the right to initiate legal proceedings against you in the event of any breach of this assurance and to bar you from using its whois query." #domain should: %s == "google.de" #domain_id should: %s raise_error(Whois::PropertyNotSupported) #status should: %s == :registered #available? should: %s == false #registered? should: %s == true #created_on should: %s raise_error(Whois::PropertyNotSupported) #updated_on should: %s be_a(Time) should: %s == Time.parse('2009-02-28 12:03:09 +01:00') #expires_on should: %s raise_error(Whois::PropertyNotSupported) #registrar should: %s be_a(_registrar) should: %s.id == nil should: %s.name == "Domain Billing" should: %s.organization == "MarkMonitor" #registrant_contacts should: %s be_a(Array) should: %s have(1).items should: %s[0] be_a(_contact) should: %s[0].type == Whois::Record::Contact::TYPE_REGISTRANT should: %s[0].id == nil should: %s[0].name == "Google Inc." should: %s[0].city == "Mountain View" should: %s[0].zip == "94043" should: %s[0].state == nil should: %s[0].phone == nil should: %s[0].fax == nil should: %s[0].email == nil #admin_contacts should: %s be_a(Array) should: %s have(1).items should: %s[0] be_a(_contact) should: %s[0].type == Whois::Record::Contact::TYPE_ADMIN should: %s[0].id == nil should: %s[0].name == "Lena Tangermann" should: %s[0].organization == "Google Germany GmbH" should: %s[0].address == "ABC-Strasse 19" should: %s[0].city == "Hamburg" should: %s[0].zip == "20354" should: %s[0].state == nil should: %s[0].phone == nil should: %s[0].fax == nil should: %s[0].email == nil #technical_contacts should: %s be_a(Array) should: %s have(1).items should: %s[0] be_a(_contact) should: %s[0].type == Whois::Record::Contact::TYPE_TECHNICAL should: %s[0].id == nil should: %s[0].name == "Google Inc." should: %s[0].city == "Mountain View" should: %s[0].zip == "94043" should: %s[0].state == nil should: %s[0].phone == "+1-6503300100" should: %s[0].fax == "+1-6506188571" should: %s[0].email == "dns-admin@google.com" #nameservers should: %s be_a(Array) should: %s have(4).items should: %s[0] be_a(_nameserver) should: %s[0].name == "ns1.google.com" should: %s[1] be_a(_nameserver) should: %s[1].name == "ns4.google.com" should: %s[2] be_a(_nameserver) should: %s[2].name == "ns3.google.com" should: %s[3] be_a(_nameserver) should: %s[3].name == "ns2.google.com"