require 'spec_helper' describe OmniAuth::Strategies::Dice do let!(:app) { } let(:invalid_subject) { } let(:dice_default_opts) { { cas_server: '', authentication_path: '/users' } } let(:valid_subject) {, dice_default_opts ) } let!(:client_dn_from_cert) { '/DC=org/DC=ruby-lang/CN=Ruby certificate rbcert' } let(:client_dn_reversed) { client_dn_from_cert.split('/').reverse.join('/') } let(:formatted_client_dn) { 'CN=RUBY CERTIFICATE RBCERT,DC=RUBY-LANG,DC=ORG' } # Travis-CI hack? before(:all) do @rack_env = ENV['RACK_ENV'] ENV['RACK_ENV'] = 'test' end context "invalid params" do subject { invalid_subject } let(:subject_without_authentication_path) {, cas_server: '') } it 'should require a cas server url' do expect{ subject.request_phase }.to raise_error(RequiredCustomParamError, "omniauth-dice error: cas_server is required") end it 'should require an authentication path' do expect{ subject_without_authentication_path.request_phase }.to raise_error(RequiredCustomParamError, "omniauth-dice error: authentication_path is required") end end context "defaults" do subject { valid_subject } it 'should have the correct name' do expect( eq('dice') end it "should return the default options" do expect(subject.options.format).to eq('json') expect(subject.options.format_header).to eq('application/json') end end context "configured with options" do subject { valid_subject } it 'should have the configured CAS server URL' do expect(subject.options.cas_server).to eq("") end it 'should have the configured authorization path' do expect(subject.options.authentication_path).to eq('/users') end end context ".format_dn" do subject { valid_subject } it 'should ensure the client DN format is in the proper order' do formatted_cert_dn = subject.format_dn(client_dn_from_cert) expect(formatted_cert_dn).to eq(formatted_client_dn) formatted_reverse_client_dn = subject.format_dn(client_dn_reversed) expect(formatted_reverse_client_dn).to eq(formatted_client_dn) end end context ".set_name" do before do @info_hash = { 'common_name' => 'twilight.sparkle', 'full_name' => 'Princess Twilight Sparkle', 'first_name' => 'twilight', 'last_name' => 'sparkle' } end it 'should not set a name field if it is already defined' do dice = app, dice_default_opts ) name = dice.send(:set_name, @info_hash.merge({'name' => 'nightmare moon'}) ) expect(name).to eq('nightmare moon') end it 'should default to :cn then :first_name and finally :first_last_name' do dice = app, dice_default_opts ) # With only full_name available name = dice.send(:set_name, { 'full_name' => @info_hash['full_name'] }) expect(name).to eq(@info_hash['full_name']) # With only first_name and last_name available name = dice.send(:set_name, { 'first_name' => @info_hash['first_name'], 'last_name' => @info_hash['last_name'] }) expect(name).to eq("#{@info_hash['first_name']} #{@info_hash['last_name']}") # With only the dn available name = dice.send(:set_name, { 'common_name' => @info_hash['common_name'] }) expect(name).to eq(@info_hash['common_name']) end it 'should support custom name formatting set as :cn' do dice = app, dice_default_opts.merge({name_format: :cn}) ) name = dice.send(:set_name, @info_hash) expect(name).to eq(@info_hash['common_name']) end it 'should support custom name formatting set as :full_name' do dice = app, dice_default_opts.merge({name_format: :full_name}) ) name = dice.send(:set_name, @info_hash) expect(name).to eq(@info_hash['full_name']) end it 'should support custom name formatting set as :first_last_name' do dice = app, dice_default_opts.merge({name_format: :first_last_name}) ) name = dice.send(:set_name, @info_hash) expect(name).to eq("#{@info_hash['first_name']} #{@info_hash['last_name']}") end end context ".identify_npe" do before do @dice = app, dice_default_opts ) @all_info = { 'dn' => 'cn=twilight.sparkle,ou=c001,ou=mlp,ou=pny,o=princesses of celestia,c=us', 'full_name' => 'Princess Twilight Sparkle', 'first_name' => 'twilight', 'last_name' => 'sparkle', 'email' => '' } end it "should identify a client as a likely npe when the CN contains a *.tld" do npe = @dice.send( :identify_npe, @all_info.merge({'common_name' => ''}) ) expect(npe).to eq(true) end it "should identify a client as a likely npe when there is a DN & no email" do ['email'].each { |k| @all_info.delete(k) } npe = @dice.send(:identify_npe, @all_info) expect(npe).to eq(true) end it "should identify a client as a likely npe when there is a DN, email, and NO name fields" do ['full_name', 'first_name', 'last_name'].each { |k| @all_info.delete(k) } npe = @dice.send(:identify_npe, @all_info) expect(npe).to eq(true) end it "should identify a client as not an npe when there is a DN, email, and ANY name field" do name_keys = ['full_name', 'first_name', 'last_name'] names = ['Twilight Sparkle', 'Twilight', 'Sparkle'] name_keys.each{ |key| @all_info.delete(key) } name_keys.each_with_index do |key, index| name_hash = @all_info.dup name_hash[key] = names[index] npe = @dice.send(:identify_npe, name_hash) expect(npe).to eq(false) end end it "should identify sample DNs as NPE / non-NPE properly" do samples = [ {dn: '/C=US/O=A.D. Velopment/OU=AaA/OU=BBB/OU=C001/CN=JACKELOPE JERRY JR. 2B3C4D', result: false}, {dn: '/C=US/O=A.D. Velopment/OU=AaA/OU=BBB/OU=C001/CN=AARDVARK A.ALAN-A- 1A2B3C', result: false}, {dn: '/C=US/O=A.D. Velopment/OU=AaA/OU=BBB/OU=C001/', result: true}, {dn: '/C=US/O=A.D. Velopment/OU=AaA/OU=BBB/OU=C001/', result: true}, {dn: '/C=US/O=A.D. Velopment/OU=AaA/OU=BBB/OU=C001/CN=go.vm', result: true} ] samples.each do |dn_pair| npe = @dice.send( :identify_npe, @all_info.merge({'common_name' => dn_pair[:dn]}) ) expect(npe).to eq(dn_pair[:result]) end end end context ".primary_visa?" do it 'should return false if no visas are defined' do dice = app, dice_default_opts.merge({primary_visa: 'EQUESTRIA'}) ) visa_present = dice.send( :includes_primary_visa?, { } ) expect(visa_present).to eq(false) end it "should return false if the visa is not present in ['info']['visas']" do dice = app, dice_default_opts.merge({primary_visa: 'EQUESTRIA'}) ) visa_present = dice.send( :includes_primary_visa?, {'visas' => ['CLOUDSDALE','PONYVILLE']} ) expect(visa_present).to eq(false) end it "should return true if the visa is present in ['info']['visas']" do dice = app, dice_default_opts.merge({primary_visa: 'EQUESTRIA'}) ) visa_present = dice.send( :includes_primary_visa?, {'visas' => ['CLOUDSDALE','EQUESTRIA'] } ) expect(visa_present).to eq(true) end end end