/* $Id: ruby_xslt_stylesheet.c,v 1.2 2006/03/21 22:42:21 roscopeco Exp $ */ /* See the LICENSE file for copyright and distribution information. */ #include "libxslt.h" #include "ruby_xslt_stylesheet.h" VALUE cXSLTStylesheet; /* call-seq: * sheet.apply => (true|false) * * Apply this stylesheet transformation to the source * document. */ VALUE ruby_xslt_stylesheet_apply(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { ruby_xslt_stylesheet *xss; ruby_xml_document *rxd; const char **params; VALUE parameter, tmp; int i, len; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_xslt_stylesheet, xss); if (NIL_P(xss->xml_doc_obj)) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Need a document object"); Data_Get_Struct(xss->xml_doc_obj, ruby_xml_document, rxd); params = NULL; switch(argc) { case 0: break; case 1: parameter = argv[0]; #if RUBY_VERSION_CODE >= 180 if (TYPE(parameter) == T_HASH) { /* Convert parameter to an array */ parameter = rb_hash_to_a(parameter); } #endif if (TYPE(parameter) == T_ARRAY) { /* A hash is better than an array, but we can live with an array of arrays */ len = RARRAY(parameter)->len; params = (void *)ALLOC_N(char *, (len * 2) + 2); for (i=0; i < RARRAY(parameter)->len; i++) { tmp = RARRAY(parameter)->ptr[i]; Check_Type(tmp, T_ARRAY); Check_Type(RARRAY(tmp)->ptr[0], T_STRING); Check_Type(RARRAY(tmp)->ptr[1], T_STRING); params[2*i] = RSTRING(RARRAY(tmp)->ptr[0])->ptr; params[2*i+1] = RSTRING(RARRAY(tmp)->ptr[1])->ptr; } params[2*i] = params[2*i+1] = 0; } else { /* I should test to see if the object responds to to_a and to_h before calling this, but oh well */ rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "xslt_stylesheet_appy: expecting a hash or an array of arrays as a parameter"); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (0 or 1)"); } xss->parsed = ruby_xml_document_new(cXMLDocument, xsltApplyStylesheet(xss->xsp, rxd->doc, params)); if (params) { free(params); } if (xss->parsed == Qnil) return(Qfalse); else return(Qtrue); } /* call-seq: * sheet.debug(to = $stdout) => (true|false) * * Output a debug dump of this stylesheet to the specified output * stream (an instance of IO, defaults to $stdout). Requires * libxml/libxslt be compiled with debugging enabled. If this * is not the case, a warning is triggered and the method returns * false. */ VALUE ruby_xslt_stylesheet_debug(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { #ifdef LIBXML_DEBUG_ENABLED OpenFile *fptr; VALUE io; FILE *out; ruby_xml_document *parsed; ruby_xslt_stylesheet *xss; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_xslt_stylesheet, xss); if (NIL_P(xss->parsed)) rb_raise(eXMLXSLTStylesheetRequireParsedDoc, "must have a parsed XML result"); switch (argc) { case 0: io = rb_stdout; break; case 1: io = argv[0]; if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(io, rb_cIO) == Qfalse) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "need an IO object"); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (0 or 1)"); } Data_Get_Struct(xss->parsed, ruby_xml_document, parsed); if (parsed->doc == NULL) return(Qnil); GetOpenFile(io, fptr); rb_io_check_writable(fptr); out = GetWriteFile(fptr); xmlDebugDumpDocument(out, parsed->doc); return(Qtrue); #else rb_warn("libxml/libxslt was compiled without debugging support. Please recompile libxml/libxslt and their Ruby modules"); return(Qfalse); #endif } void ruby_xslt_stylesheet_free(ruby_xslt_stylesheet *xss) { if (xss->xsp != NULL) { xsltFreeStylesheet(xss->xsp); xss->xsp = NULL; } free(xss); } void ruby_xslt_stylesheet_mark(ruby_xslt_stylesheet *xss) { if (!NIL_P(xss->parsed)) rb_gc_mark(xss->parsed); if (!NIL_P(xss->xml_doc_obj)) rb_gc_mark(xss->xml_doc_obj); switch (xss->data_type) { case RUBY_LIBXSLT_SRC_TYPE_FILE: if (xss->data != NULL) rb_gc_mark((VALUE)xss->data); break; } } VALUE ruby_xslt_stylesheet_new(VALUE class, xsltStylesheetPtr xsp) { ruby_xslt_stylesheet *xss; xss = ALLOC(ruby_xslt_stylesheet); xss->xsp = xsp; xss->xml_doc_obj = Qnil; xss->parsed = Qnil; xss->data_type = RUBY_LIBXSLT_SRC_TYPE_NULL; xss->data = NULL; return(Data_Wrap_Struct(cXSLTStylesheet, ruby_xslt_stylesheet_mark, ruby_xslt_stylesheet_free, xss)); } // TODO should this automatically apply the sheet if not already, // given that we're unlikely to do much else with it? /* call-seq: * sheet.print(to = $stdout) => number_of_bytes * * Output the result of the transform to the specified output * stream (an IO instance, defaults to $stdout). You *must* call * +apply+ before this method or an exception will be raised. */ VALUE ruby_xslt_stylesheet_print(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { OpenFile *fptr; VALUE io; FILE *out; ruby_xml_document *parsed; ruby_xslt_stylesheet *xss; int bytes; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_xslt_stylesheet, xss); if (NIL_P(xss->parsed)) rb_raise(eXMLXSLTStylesheetRequireParsedDoc, "must have a parsed XML result"); switch (argc) { case 0: io = rb_stdout; break; case 1: io = argv[0]; if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(io, rb_cIO) == Qfalse) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "need an IO object"); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (0 or 1)"); } Data_Get_Struct(xss->parsed, ruby_xml_document, parsed); if (parsed->doc == NULL) return(Qnil); GetOpenFile(io, fptr); rb_io_check_writable(fptr); out = GetWriteFile(fptr); bytes = xsltSaveResultToFile(out, parsed->doc, xss->xsp); return(INT2NUM(bytes)); } // TODO this, too. Either way, to_s probably should have prereqs // like this, for one thing it makes IRB use tricky... /* call-seq: * sheet.to_s => "result" * * Obtain the result of the transform as a string. You *must* call * +apply+ before this method or an exception will be raised. */ VALUE ruby_xslt_stylesheet_to_s(VALUE self) { ruby_xml_document *parsed; ruby_xslt_stylesheet *xss; xmlChar *str; int len; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_xslt_stylesheet, xss); if (NIL_P(xss->parsed)) rb_raise(eXMLXSLTStylesheetRequireParsedDoc, "must have a parsed XML result"); Data_Get_Struct(xss->parsed, ruby_xml_document, parsed); if (parsed->doc == NULL) return(Qnil); xsltSaveResultToString(&str, &len, parsed->doc, xss->xsp); if (str == NULL) return(Qnil); else return(rb_str_new((const char*)str,len)); } /* call-seq: * sheet.save(io) => true * * Save the result of the transform to the supplied open * file (an IO instance). You *must* call +apply+ before * this method or an exception will be raised. */ VALUE ruby_xslt_stylesheet_save(VALUE self, VALUE io) { ruby_xml_document *parsed; ruby_xslt_stylesheet *xss; OpenFile *fptr; if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(io, rb_cIO) == Qfalse) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Only accept IO objects for saving"); GetOpenFile(io, fptr); Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_xslt_stylesheet, xss); Data_Get_Struct(xss->parsed, ruby_xml_document, parsed); xsltSaveResultToFile(fptr->f, parsed->doc, xss->xsp); return(Qtrue); } #ifdef RDOC_NEVER_DEFINED mXML = rb_define_module("XML"); cXSLT = rb_define_class_under(mXML, "XSLT", rb_cObject); #endif void ruby_init_xslt_stylesheet(void) { cXSLTStylesheet = rb_define_class_under(cXSLT, "Stylesheet", rb_cObject); eXMLXSLTStylesheetRequireParsedDoc = rb_define_class_under(cXSLTStylesheet, "RequireParsedDoc", rb_eException); rb_define_method(cXSLTStylesheet, "apply", ruby_xslt_stylesheet_apply, -1); rb_define_method(cXSLTStylesheet, "debug", ruby_xslt_stylesheet_debug, -1); rb_define_method(cXSLTStylesheet, "print", ruby_xslt_stylesheet_print, -1); rb_define_method(cXSLTStylesheet, "to_s", ruby_xslt_stylesheet_to_s, 0); rb_define_method(cXSLTStylesheet, "save", ruby_xslt_stylesheet_save, 1); }