@import "../settings/compatibility"; @import "../settings/colours-palette"; @import "../settings/colours-organisations"; //// /// @group helpers/colour //// /// Get colour /// /// @param {String | Colour} $colour - Name of colour from the colour palette /// (`$govuk-colours`) /// @param {String} $legacy - Either the name of colour from the legacy palette /// or a colour literal, to return instead when in 'legacy mode' - matching /// the palette from GOV.UK Template, Elements or Frontend Toolkit /// @return {Colour} Representation of named colour /// /// @example scss - Using legacy colours from the palette /// .foo { /// background-colour: govuk-colour("mid-grey", $legacy: "grey-2"); /// } /// /// @example scss - Using legacy colour literals /// .foo { /// background-colour: govuk-colour("green", $legacy: #BADA55); /// } /// /// @throw if `$colour` is not a colour from the colour palette /// @access public @function govuk-colour($colour, $legacy: false) { @if $govuk-use-legacy-palette and $legacy { @if type-of($legacy) == "color" { @return $legacy; } $colour: $legacy; } @if type-of($colour) == "color" { // stylelint-disable-next-line scss/function-quote-no-quoted-strings-inside $colour: quote("#{$colour}"); } @if not map-has-key($govuk-colours, $colour) { @error "Unknown colour `#{$colour}`"; } @return map-get($govuk-colours, $colour); } /// Get the colour for a government organisation /// /// @param {String} $organisation - Organisation name, lowercase, hyphenated /// @param {Boolean} $websafe [true] - By default a 'websafe' version of the /// colour will be returned which meets contrast requirements . If you want to /// use the non-websafe version you can set this to `false` but your should /// ensure that you still meets contrast requirements for accessibility - for /// example, do not use the non-websafe version for text. /// /// @return {Colour} Representation of colour for organisation /// @throw if `$organisation` is not a known organisation /// @access public @function govuk-organisation-colour($organisation, $websafe: true) { @if not map-has-key($govuk-colours-organisations, $organisation) { @error "Unknown organisation `#{$organisation}`"; } $org-colour: map-get($govuk-colours-organisations, $organisation); @if $websafe and map-has-key($org-colour, colour-websafe) { @return map-get($org-colour, colour-websafe); } @else { @return map-get($org-colour, colour); } } /// Make a colour darker by mixing it with black /// /// @param {Colour} $colour - colour to shade /// @param {Number} $percentage - percentage of black to mix with $colour /// @return {Colour} /// @access public @function govuk-shade($colour, $percentage) { @return mix(#000000, $colour, $percentage); } /// Make a colour lighter by mixing it with white /// /// @param {Colour} $colour - colour to tint /// @param {Number} $percentage - percentage of white to mix with $colour /// @return {Colour} /// @access public @function govuk-tint($colour, $percentage) { @return mix(govuk-colour("white"), $colour, $percentage); } /*# sourceMappingURL=_colour.scss.map */