#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: false # # metrics-libcurl # # DESCRIPTION: # Simple wrapper around libcurl for getting timing stats from the various phases # of connecting to an HTTP/HTTPS server. # # OUTPUT: # metric data # # PLATFORMS: # Linux # # DEPENDENCIES: # gem: sensu-plugin # gem: typhoeus # # USAGE: # #YELLOW # # NOTES: # Based on: metrics-curl.rb # by Joe Miller. # # LICENSE: # Copyright 2019 Jef Spaleta # Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE # for details. # require 'socket' require 'English' require 'sensu-plugin/metric/cli' require 'typhoeus' require 'json' # # Libcurl Metrics # class LibcurlMetrics < Sensu::Plugin::Metric::CLI::Graphite option :url, short: '-u URL', long: '--url URL', description: 'valid cUrl url to connect (default:', default: '' option :scheme, description: 'Metric naming scheme, text to prepend to metric', short: '-s SCHEME', long: '--scheme SCHEME', default: "#{Socket.gethostname}.curl_timings" option :debug, description: 'Include debug output, should not use in production.', short: '-d', long: '--debug', default: false option :libcurl_options, description: 'Libcurl Options as a key/value JSON string', short: '-o JSON', long: '--options JSON', default: '{}' option :http_headers, description: 'HTTP Request Headers as key/value JSON string', short: '-H JSON', long: '--headers JSON', default: '{}' option :http_params, description: 'HTTP Request Parameters as key/value JSON string', short: '-P JSON', long: '--params JSON', default: '{}' option :http_response_error, description: 'return critical status (2) if http response error status encountered (>= 400)', short: '-c', long: '--critical_http_error', default: false option :http_redirect_warning, description: 'return warning status (1) if http response redirect status encountered (3xx)', short: '-w', long: '--warn_redirect', default: false option :help, short: '-h', long: '--help', description: 'Show this message', on: :tail, boolean: true, show_options: true def usage_details <<~USAGE Detailed Info: This wrapper makes use of libcurl directly instead of the curl executable by way of the Typhoeus RubyGem. You can provide additional libcurl options via the commandline using the --options argument. Options Examples: Follow Redirects: --options '{\"followlocation\": true}' Use Proxy: --options '{proxy: \"http://proxyurl.com\", proxyuserpwd: \"user:password\"}' Disable TLS Verification: '{\"ssl_verifypeer\": false}' References: Typhoeus Docs: https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/typhoeus/1.3.1 Libcurl Options: https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html USAGE end def run if config[:help] puts usage_details ok end puts "[DEBUG] args config: #{config}" if config[:debug] begin headers = ::JSON.parse(config[:http_headers]) rescue ::JSON::ParserError critical "Error parsing http_headers JSON\n" end begin params = ::JSON.parse(config[:http_params]) rescue ::JSON::ParserError critical "Error parsing http_params JSON\n" end begin hash = ::JSON.parse(config[:libcurl_options]) rescue ::JSON::ParserError critical "Error parsing libcurl_options JSON\n" end begin opts = Hash[hash.map { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }] opts[:headers] = headers unless headers.empty? opts[:params] = params unless params.empty? request = Typhoeus::Request.new(config[:url], opts) if config[:debug] puts "[DEBUG] Request Options: #{request.options}" puts "[DEBUG] Request Base Url: #{request.base_url}" puts "[DEBUG] Request Full Url: #{request.url}" end response = request.run Typhoeus.get(config[:url], followlocation: true) if config[:debug] puts "[DEBUG] Response HTTP Code: #{response.response_code}" puts "[DEBUG] Response Return Code: #{response.return_code}" end rescue TyphoeusError critical "Something went wrong\n Request Options: #{request.options}\n Request Base Url: #{request.base_url}\n Request Full Url: #{request.url}" end output "#{config[:scheme]}.time_total", response.total_time output "#{config[:scheme]}.time_namelookup", response.namelookup_time output "#{config[:scheme]}.time_connect", response.connect_time output "#{config[:scheme]}.time_pretransfer", response.pretransfer_time output "#{config[:scheme]}.time_redirect", response.redirect_time output "#{config[:scheme]}.time_starttransfer", response.starttransfer_time output "#{config[:scheme]}.http_code", response.response_code if response.response_code == 0 critical end critical if config[:http_response_error] && response.response_code >= 400 warning if config[:http_redirect_warning] && response.response_code.between?(300, 399) ok end end