# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2020 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module MU # Plugins under this namespace serve as interfaces to cloud providers and # other provisioning layers. class Cloud # The public AWS S3 bucket where we expect to find YAML files listing our # standard base images for various platforms. BASE_IMAGE_BUCKET = "cloudamatic" # The path in the AWS S3 bucket where we expect to find YAML files listing # our standard base images for various platforms. BASE_IMAGE_PATH = "/images" # Aliases for platform names, in case we don't have actual images built for # them. PLATFORM_ALIASES = { "linux" => "centos7", "windows" => "win2k12r2", "win2k12" => "win2k12r2", "ubuntu" => "ubuntu16", "centos" => "centos7", "rhel7" => "rhel71", "rhel" => "rhel71", "amazon" => "amazon2016" } @@image_fetch_cache = {} @@platform_cache = [] @@image_fetch_semaphore = Mutex.new # Rifle our image lists from {MU::Cloud.getStockImage} and return a list # of valid +platform+ names. # @return [Array] def self.listPlatforms return @@platform_cache if @@platform_cache and !@@platform_cache.empty? @@platform_cache = MU::Cloud.supportedClouds.map { |cloud| begin resourceClass(cloud, :Server) rescue MU::Cloud::MuCloudResourceNotImplemented, MU::MuError next end images = MU::Cloud.getStockImage(cloud, quiet: true) if images images.keys else nil end }.flatten.uniq @@platform_cache.delete(nil) @@platform_cache.sort @@platform_cache end # Locate a base image for a {MU::Cloud::Server} resource. First we check # Mu's public bucket, which should list the latest and greatest. If we can't # fetch that, then we fall back to a YAML file that's bundled as part of Mu, # but which will typically be less up-to-date. # @param cloud [String]: The cloud provider for which to return an image list # @param platform [String]: The supported platform for which to return an image or images. If not specified, we'll return our entire library for the appropriate cloud provider. # @param region [String]: The region for which the returned image or images should be supported, for cloud providers which require it (such as AWS). # @param fail_hard [Boolean]: Raise an exception on most errors, such as an inability to reach our public listing, lack of matching images, etc. # @return [Hash,String,nil] def self.getStockImage(cloud = MU::Config.defaultCloud, platform: nil, region: nil, fail_hard: false, quiet: false) if !MU::Cloud.supportedClouds.include?(cloud) MU.log "'#{cloud}' is not a supported cloud provider! Available providers:", MU::ERR, details: MU::Cloud.supportedClouds raise MuError, "'#{cloud}' is not a supported cloud provider!" end urls = ["http://"+BASE_IMAGE_BUCKET+".s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com"+BASE_IMAGE_PATH] if $MU_CFG and $MU_CFG['custom_images_url'] urls << $MU_CFG['custom_images_url'] end images = nil urls.each { |base_url| @@image_fetch_semaphore.synchronize { if @@image_fetch_cache[cloud] and (Time.now - @@image_fetch_cache[cloud]['time']) < 30 images = @@image_fetch_cache[cloud]['contents'].dup else begin Timeout.timeout(2) do response = open("#{base_url}/#{cloud}.yaml").read images ||= {} images.deep_merge!(YAML.load(response)) break end rescue StandardError => e if fail_hard raise MuError, "Failed to fetch stock images from #{base_url}/#{cloud}.yaml (#{e.message})" else MU.log "Failed to fetch stock images from #{base_url}/#{cloud}.yaml (#{e.message})", MU::WARN if !quiet end end end } } @@image_fetch_semaphore.synchronize { @@image_fetch_cache[cloud] = { 'contents' => images.dup, 'time' => Time.now } } backwards_compat = { "AWS" => "amazon_images", "Google" => "google_images", } # Load from inside our repository, if we didn't get images elsewise if images.nil? [backwards_compat[cloud], cloud].each { |file| next if file.nil? if File.exist?("#{MU.myRoot}/modules/mu/defaults/#{file}.yaml") images = YAML.load(File.read("#{MU.myRoot}/modules/mu/defaults/#{file}.yaml")) break end } end # Now overlay local overrides, both of the systemwide (/opt/mu/etc) and # per-user (~/.mu/etc) variety. [backwards_compat[cloud], cloud].each { |file| next if file.nil? if File.exist?("#{MU.etcDir}/#{file}.yaml") images ||= {} images.deep_merge!(YAML.load(File.read("#{MU.etcDir}/#{file}.yaml"))) end if Process.uid != 0 basepath = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir+"/.mu/etc" if File.exist?("#{basepath}/#{file}.yaml") images ||= {} images.deep_merge!(YAML.load(File.read("#{basepath}/#{file}.yaml"))) end end } if images.nil? if fail_hard raise MuError, "Failed to find any base images for #{cloud}" else MU.log "Failed to find any base images for #{cloud}", MU::WARN if !quiet return nil end end PLATFORM_ALIASES.each_pair { |a, t| if images[t] and !images[a] images[a] = images[t] end } if platform if !images[platform] if fail_hard raise MuError, "No base image for platform #{platform} in cloud #{cloud}" else MU.log "No base image for platform #{platform} in cloud #{cloud}", MU::WARN if !quiet return nil end end images = images[platform] if region # We won't fuss about the region argument if this isn't a cloud that # has regions, just quietly don't bother. if images.is_a?(Hash) if images[region] images = images[region] else if fail_hard raise MuError, "No base image for platform #{platform} in cloud #{cloud} region #{region} found" else MU.log "No base image for platform #{platform} in cloud #{cloud} region #{region} found", MU::WARN if !quiet return nil end end end end else if region images.values.each { |regions| # Filter to match our requested region, but for all the platforms, # since we didn't specify one. if regions.is_a?(Hash) regions.delete_if { |r| r != region } end } end end images end end end