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Commands should be separated by `;;`E!RUBY_DEBUG_NO_RCEGBOOT: ignore loading ~/.rdbgrc(.rb)E/RUBY_DEBUG_HISTORY_FILEE%BOOT: history file stringE~/.rdbg_historyE/RUBY_DEBUG_SAVE_HISTORYEABOOT: maximum save history linesE 10000ERUBY_DEBUG_OPENEoREMOTE: Open remote port (same as `rdbg --open` option)ERUBY_DEBUG_PORTEKREMOTE: TCP/IP remote debugging: portERUBY_DEBUG_HOSTEKREMOTE: TCP/IP remote debugging: hostE127.0.0.1E)RUBY_DEBUG_SOCK_PATHEqREMOTE: UNIX Domain Socket remote debugging: socket pathE'RUBY_DEBUG_SOCK_DIRE{REMOTE: UNIX Domain Socket remote debugging: socket directoryE/RUBY_DEBUG_LOCAL_FS_MAPE9REMOTE: Specify local fs mapE%RUBY_DEBUG_SKIP_BPEgREMOTE: Skip breakpoints if no clients are attachedE#RUBY_DEBUG_COOKIEE=REMOTE: Cookie for negotiationE-RUBY_DEBUG_CHROME_PATHEREMOTE: Platform dependent path of Chrome (For more information, See [here](https://github.com/ruby/debug/pull/334/files#diff-5fc3d0a901379a95bc111b86cf0090b03f857edfd0b99a0c1537e26735698453R55-R64))E3RUBY_DEBUG_PARENT_ON_FORKE_OBSOLETE: Keep debugging parent process on forkENV FileProcessDir HashEncoding UTF_8 StringE:ShellwordsOptionParserE\A\s*### (.+)E;\A register_command (.+)E!\A\s+# (\s*\*.+)E'([a-z]+)'ObjectSpace Thread STDERRE\A/(.+)/\z RegexpVERSIONwE \A\d\zE\A(\S+):(\d+)\z ClientDSHSSSSSTTT(T