###################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2008-2013, Alliance for Sustainable Energy. # All rights reserved. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ###################################################################### # TODO: this should its own gem because this file may be useful in various workflows module OpenStudio module Weather class Epw attr_accessor :filename attr_reader :city attr_reader :state attr_reader :country attr_accessor :data_type attr_reader :wmo attr_reader :lat attr_reader :lon attr_reader :gmt attr_reader :elevation attr_accessor :data_period # access to all the weather data in array of arrays attr_reader :header_data attr_accessor :weather_data def initialize(filename) @filename = filename @city = '' @state = '' @country = '' @data_type = '' @wmo = '' @lat = '' @lon = '' @gmt = '' @elevation = '' @valid = false @header_data = [] @weather_data = [] process_header end def self.load(filename) fail "EPW file does not exist: #{filename}" unless File.exist?(filename) f = OpenStudio::Weather::Epw.new(filename) end def to_kml(xml_builder_obj, url) xml_builder_obj.Placemark do xml_builder_obj.name @city xml_builder_obj.visibility '0' xml_builder_obj.description do xml_builder_obj.cdata!("
\n" + # "\n"+ "\n" + # "\n"+ # "\n"+ "\n" + # "\n"+ # "\n"+ # "\n"+ "
"\ "#{@city}
Data Type
WMO #{@wmo}
E 3� 15' N 36� 43'
25 m
Time Zone GMT #{@gmt} hours
ASHRAE Std 169 Climate Zone 4A - Mixed - Humid
99% Heating DB=3.1, 1% Cooling DB=33.2
HDD18 1019, CDD10 2849
URL #{url}
") end xml_builder_obj.styleUrl '#weatherlocation' xml_builder_obj.Point do xml_builder_obj.altitudeMode 'absolute' xml_builder_obj.coordinates "#{@lon},#{@lat},#{elevation}" end end end def valid? return @valid end def save_as(filename) File.delete filename if File.exist? filename FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(filename)) unless Dir.exist?(File.dirname(filename)) CSV.open(filename, 'wb') do |csv| @header_data.each { |r| csv << r } csv << [ 'DATA PERIODS', @data_period[:count], @data_period[:records_per_hour], @data_period[:name], @data_period[:start_day_of_week], @data_period[:start_date], @data_period[:end_date] ] @weather_data.each { |r| csv << r } end true end # Append the weather data (after data periods) to the end of the weather file. This allows # for the creation of multiyear weather files. Note that the date/order is not checked. It assumes # that the data are being added at the end is the more recent data # # @param filename [String] Path to the file that will be appended def append_weather_data(filename) to_append = OpenStudio::Weather::Epw.load(filename) prev_length = @weather_data.size @weather_data += to_append.weather_data prev_length + to_append.weather_data.size == @weather_data.size end def metadata_to_hash { city: @city, state: @state, country: @country, data_type: @data_type, wmo: @wmo, latitude: @lat, longitude: @lon, elevation: @elevation } end private # initialize def process_header header_section = true row_count = 0 CSV.foreach(@filename, 'r') do |row| row_count += 1 if header_section if row[0] =~ /data.periods/i @data_period = { count: row[1].to_i, records_per_hour: row[2].to_i, name: row[3], start_day_of_week: row[4], start_date: row[5], end_date: row[6] } header_section = false next else @header_data << row end else @weather_data << row end # process only header row # LOCATION,Adak Nas,AK,USA,TMY3,704540,51.88,-176.65,-10.0,5.0 if row_count == 1 @valid = true @city = row[1].tr('/', '-') @state = row[2] @country = row[3] @data_type = row[4] if @data_type =~ /TMY3/i @data_type = 'TMY3' elsif @data_type =~ /TMY2/i @data_type = 'TMY2' elsif @data_type =~ /TMY/i @data_type = 'TMY' end @wmo = row[5] @wmo.nil? ? @wmo = 'wmoundefined' : @wmo = @wmo.to_i @lat = row[6].to_f @lon = row[7].to_f @gmt = row[8].to_f @elevation = row[9].to_f end end end end end end