#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Copyright (c) 2008-2018 Kenshi Muto, Masayoshi Takahashi, KADO Masanori, Minero Aoki # Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Minero Aoki # # This program is free software. # You can distribute or modify this program under the terms of # the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1. # For details of the GNU LGPL, see the file "COPYING". # require 'pathname' bindir = Pathname.new(__FILE__).realpath.dirname $LOAD_PATH.unshift((bindir + '../lib').realpath) require 'review' require 'fileutils' require 'optparse' require 'yaml' DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME = 'config.yml'.freeze def main Signal.trap(:INT) { exit 1 } if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mswin(?!ce)|mingw|cygwin|bccwin/ Signal.trap(:PIPE, 'IGNORE') end _main rescue Errno::EPIPE exit 0 end def _main @logger = ReVIEW.logger @mode = :files @basedir = nil if /\Areview2/ =~ File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME) @target = File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME, '.rb').sub('review2', '') else @target = nil end @check_only = false @output_filename = nil @config = ReVIEW::Configure.values parse_opts begin loader = ReVIEW::YAMLLoader.new if @config['yaml'] error "#{config['yaml']} not found." unless File.exist?(@config['yaml']) begin @config.deep_merge!(loader.load_file(@config['yaml'])) rescue => e error "yaml error #{e.message}" end elsif File.exist?(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME) begin @config.deep_merge!(loader.load_file(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME)) rescue => e error "yaml error #{e.message}" end end @config['builder'] = @target ReVIEW::I18n.setup(@config['language']) begin @config.check_version(ReVIEW::VERSION) rescue ReVIEW::ConfigError => e warn e.message end @mode = :dir if ARGV.blank? case @mode when :files error('no input') if ARGV.empty? @basedir = File.dirname(ARGV[0]) book = ReVIEW::Book::Base.load(@basedir) book.config = @config # needs only at the first time ARGV.each do |item| error("file not found: #{item}") unless File.exist?(File.join(book.config['contentdir'], item)) chap_name = File.basename(item, '.*') chap = book.chapter(chap_name) compiler = ReVIEW::Compiler.new(load_strategy_class(@target, @check_only)) result = compiler.compile(chap) if @output_filename write @output_filename, result else puts result unless @check_only end end when :dir book = @basedir ? ReVIEW::Book.load(@basedir) : ReVIEW::Book::Base.load book.config = @config compiler = ReVIEW::Compiler.new(load_strategy_class(@target, @check_only)) book.chapters.each do |chap| str = compiler.compile(chap) write "#{chap.name}#{compiler.strategy.extname}", str unless @check_only end # PART book.parts_in_file.each do |part| str = compiler.compile(part) write "#{part.name}#{compiler.strategy.extname}", str unless @check_only end else raise "must not happen: #{@mode}" end rescue ReVIEW::ApplicationError => err error(err.message) end end def parse_opts opts = OptionParser.new opts.version = ReVIEW::VERSION opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)} [--target=FMT]" opts.on('--yaml=YAML', 'Read configurations from YAML file.') { |yaml| @config['yaml'] = yaml } opts.on('-c', '--check', 'Check manuscript') { @check_only = true } opts.on('--level=LVL', 'Section level to append number.') { |lvl| @config['secnolevel'] = lvl.to_i } opts.on('--toclevel=LVL', 'Section level to append number.') { |lvl| @config['toclevel'] = lvl.to_i } opts.on('--structuredxml', 'Produce XML with structured sections. (idgxml)') { @config['structuredxml'] = true } opts.on('--table=WIDTH', 'Default table width. (idgxml)') { |tbl| @config['tableopt'] = tbl } opts.on('--listinfo', 'Append listinfo tag to lists to indicate begin/end. (idgxml)') { @config['listinfo'] = true } opts.on('--chapref="before,middle,after"', 'Chapref decoration. (idgxml)') { |cdec| @config['chapref'] = cdec } opts.on('--chapterlink', 'make chapref hyperlink') { @config['chapterlink'] = true } opts.on('--stylesheet=file', 'Stylesheet file for HTML (comma separated)') { |files| @config['stylesheet'] = files.split(/\s*,\s*/) } opts.on('--mathml', 'Use MathML for TeX equation in HTML') { @config['mathml'] = true } opts.on('--htmlversion=VERSION', 'HTML version.') do |v| v = v.to_i @config['htmlversion'] = v if [4, 5].include?(v) end opts.on('--epubversion=VERSION', 'EPUB version.') do |v| v = v.to_i @config['epubversion'] = v if [2, 3].include?(v) end opts.on('--target=FMT', 'Target format.') { |fmt| @target = fmt } unless @target opts.on('--footnotetext', 'Use footnotetext and footnotemark instead of footnote (latex)') { @config['footnotetext'] = true } opts.on('--draft', 'use draft mode(inline comment)') { @config['draft'] = true } opts.on('--directory=DIR', 'Compile all chapters in DIR.') do |path| @mode = :dir @basedir = path end opts.on('--output-file=FILENAME', 'Write all results into file instead of stdout.') { |filename| @output_filename = filename } opts.on('--tabwidth=WIDTH', 'tab width') { |width| @config['tabwidth'] = width.to_i } opts.on('--catalogfile=FILENAME', 'Set catalog file') { |catalogfile| @config['catalogfile'] = catalogfile } opts.on('--help', 'Prints this message and quit.') do puts opts.help exit 0 end begin opts.parse! unless @target if @check_only @target = 'html' else raise OptionParser::ParseError, 'no target given' end end rescue OptionParser::ParseError => err warn(err.message) $stderr.puts opts.help exit 1 end end def error(msg) @logger.error "#{File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME, '.*')}: #{msg}" exit 1 end def warn(msg) @logger.warn "#{File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME, '.*')}: #{msg}" end def load_strategy_class(target, strict) require "review/#{target}builder" ReVIEW.const_get("#{target.upcase}Builder").new(strict) end def write(path, str) File.open(path, 'w') { |f| f.puts str } end main