#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'bundler/setup' require 'eventmachine' require 'em-websocket' require 'thin' require 'trollop' require './config/boot' opts = Trollop.options do version "Smartkiosk::Client #{Smartkiosk::Client::VERSION}" banner "Smartkiosk client application" opt :log, "Log file to use", type: String end Smartkiosk::Client::Logging.destination = opts[:log] if opts[:log] Smartkiosk::Client::Logging.init EventMachine.run do # # Serving front # Thin::Server.start '', 3001 do map '/assets' do run Application.sprockets end use Smartkiosk::Client::Logging::Middleware run Application end # # Serving WebSockets # @front_orders = EM::Channel.new EventMachine.add_periodic_timer 1 do @front_orders.push ['state', Terminal.state].to_json end EventMachine.add_periodic_timer 5 do @front_orders.push ['modified_at', Terminal.modified_at].to_json end Smartware.subscribe do |message| if message.key == "modem.accounting" message.acknowlege begin SessionRecord.create(message_id: message.id, started_at: message[0], upstream: message[1], downstream: message[2], time: message[3]) rescue => e Smartkiosk::Client::Logging.logger.error "unable to save session record: #{e}" e.backtrace.each { |line| Smartkiosk::Client::Logging.logger.error line } end else @front_orders.push ["smartware.#{message.key}", message.args].to_json end end EventMachine::WebSocket.run(:host => '', :port => 3002) do |ws| ws.onopen { sid = @front_orders.subscribe { |msg| ws.send msg } ws.onclose { @front_orders.unsubscribe(sid) } } end end