require_relative "validate_section" require_relative "validate_style" module Metanorma module Ieee class Converter < Standoc::Converter def validate(doc) content_validate(doc) schema_validate(formattedstr_strip(doc.dup), File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "ieee.rng")) end def content_validate(doc) super bibdata_validate(doc.root) title_validate(doc.root) locality_validate(doc.root) bibitem_validate(doc.root) list_validate(doc) table_style(doc) figure_validate(doc) amend_validate(doc) end def bibdata_validate(doc) doctype_validate(doc) stage_validate(doc) end def doctype_validate(xmldoc) %w(standard recommended-practice guide whitepaper redline other) .include?(@doctype) or @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "#{@doctype} is not a recognised document type") docsubtype ="//bibdata/ext/subdoctype")&.text or return %w(amendment corrigendum erratum document).include? docsubtype or @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "#{docsubtype} is not a recognised document subtype") end def stage_validate(xmldoc) stage = xmldoc&.at("//bibdata/status/stage")&.text %w(draft approved superseded withdrawn).include? stage or @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "#{stage} is not a recognised stage") end def locality_validate(root) locality_range_validate(root) locality_erefs_validate(root) end # Style manual 17.2 &c def locality_range_validate(root) root.xpath("//eref | xref").each do |e|".//localityStack[@connective = 'from'] | .//referenceTo") and @log.add("Style", e, "Cross-reference contains range, " \ "should be separate cross-references") end end # Style manual 12.3.2 def locality_erefs_validate(root) root.xpath("//eref[descendant::locality]").each do |t| if !/[:-](\d+{4})$/.match?(t["citeas"]) @log.add("Style", t, "Undated reference #{t['citeas']} should not contain " \ "specific elements") end end end def bibitem_validate(root) normative_dated_refs(root) end # Style manual 12.3.1 def normative_dated_refs(root) root.xpath("//references[@normative = 'true']/bibitem").each do |b|".//date") or @log.add("Style", b, "Normative reference #{b&.at('./@id')&.text} is not dated.") end end def list_validate(doc) listcount_validate(doc) listdepth_validate(doc) end # Template provision of styles def listdepth_validate(doc) doc.xpath("//ul[.//ul//ul]").each do |u| next unless u.ancestors("ul").empty? @log.add("Style", u, "Use ordered lists for lists more than two levels deep.") end doc.xpath("//ol[.//ol//ol//ol//ol//ol]").each do |u| next unless u.ancestors("ol").empty? @log.add("Style", u, "Ordered lists should not be more than five levels deep.") end end # Style manual 13.3 def listcount_validate(doc) doc.xpath("//sections//clause | //annex").each do |c| next if c.xpath(".//ol").empty? ols = c.xpath(".//ol") - c.xpath(".//ul//ol | .//ol//ol | .//clause//ol") ols.size > 1 and style_warning(c, "More than 1 ordered list in a numbered clause", nil) end end # Style manual 17.1 def figure_validate(xmldoc) xrefs = xrefs(xmldoc) figure_name_validate(xmldoc, xrefs) figure_name_style_validate(xmldoc) table_figure_name_validate(xmldoc, xrefs) table_figure_quantity_validate(xmldoc) end def xrefs(xmldoc) klass = @lang, script: @script) xrefs = IsoDoc::Ieee::Xref .new(@lang, @script, klass,, @script), { hierarchicalassets: @hierarchical_assets }) # don't process refs without relaton-render init xrefs.parse_inclusions(clauses: true, assets: true) .parse(Nokogiri::XML(xmldoc.to_xml)) xrefs end def image_name_prefix(xmldoc) num ="//bibdata/docnumber") or return yr ="//bibdata/date[@type = 'published']") ||"//bibdata/date[@type = 'issued']") ||"//bibdata/copyright/from") yr = yr&.text || "#{num.text}-#{yr.sub(/-*$/, '')}" end def figure_name_validate(xmldoc, xrefs) pref = image_name_prefix(xmldoc) (xmldoc.xpath("//figure") - xmldoc.xpath("//table//figure")) .each do |f| (i ="./image") and !i["src"]&.start_with?("data:")) or next num = xrefs.anchor(f["id"], :label) base = File.basename(i["src"], ".*") base == "#{pref}_fig#{num}" or @log.add("Style", i, "Image name #{base} is expected to be #{pref}_fig#{num}") end end # Style manual 17.2 def figure_name_style_validate(docxml) docxml.xpath("//figure/name").each do |td| style_regex(/^(?\p{Lower}\s*)/, "figure heading should be capitalised", td, td.text) end end def table_figure_name_validate(xmldoc, xrefs) xmldoc.xpath("//table[.//figure]").each do |t| xmldoc.xpath(".//figure").each do |f| (i ="./image") and !i["src"]&.start_with?("data:")) or next num = tablefigurenumber(t, f, xrefs) base = File.basename(i["src"]) base == num or @log.add("Style", i, "Image name #{base} is expected to be #{num}") end end end def tablefigurenumber(table, figure, xrefs) tab = xrefs.anchor(table["id"], :label) td ="./ancestor::td | ./ancestor::th") cols = td.xpath("./preceding-sibling::td | ./preceding-sibling::td") rows = td.parent.xpath("./preceding::tr") &"./ancestor::table").xpath(".//tr") "Tab#{tab}Row#{rows.size + 1}Col#{cols.size + 1}" end def table_figure_quantity_validate(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//td[.//image] | //th[.//image]").each do |d| d.xpath(".//image").size > 1 and @log.add("Style", d, "More than one image in the table cell") end end # Style manual 20.2.2 def amend_validate(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//amend").each do |a| desc ="./description") if desc && !desc.text.strip.empty? amend_validate1(a, desc.text.strip,"./newcontent//figure | " \ "./newcontent//formula")) else @log.add("Style", a, "Editorial instruction is missing from change") end end end def amend_validate1(amend, description, figure_or_formula) case amend["change"] when "add" then /^Insert /.match?(description) or @log.add("Style", amend, "'Add' change description should start with _Insert_") when "delete" then /^Insert /.match?(description) or @log.add("Style", amend, "'Delete' change description should start with _Delete_") when "modify" amend_validate_modify(amend, description, figure_or_formula) end end AMD_VALID_MOD = [ "'Modify' change description should start with _Change_ or _Replace_", "'Modify' change description for change involving figure or equation " \ "should start with _Replace_", "'Modify' change description for change not involving figure or " \ "equation should start with _Change_", ].freeze def amend_validate_modify(amend, description, figure_or_formula) if !/^Change |^Replace/.match?(description) @log.add("Style", amend, AMD_VALID_MOD[0]) elsif /^Change /.match?(description) !figure_or_formula or @log.add("Style", amend, AMD_VALID_MOD[1]) else figure_or_formula or @log.add("Style", amend, AMD_VALID_MOD[2]) end end end end end