Feature: Rescue errors in Rails middleware Background: Given I successfully run `rails new rails_root -O --skip-gemfile` And I cd to "rails_root" And I configure the notifier to use the following configuration lines: """ config.logger = Logger.new STDOUT """ And I configure the Airbrake shim And I append to "app/metal/exploder.rb" with: """ class Exploder def call(env) raise "Explode!" end end """ And I remove the file "config/routes.rb" And I append to "config/routes.rb" with: """ RailsRoot::Application.routes.draw do mount Exploder.new => "/" end """ Scenario: It should not report to Airbrake in development When I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/metal/index?param=value" Then I should not receive a Airbrake notification Scenario: It should report to Airbrake in production When I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/metal/index?param=value" in the "production" environment Then I should receive a Airbrake notification