class NSArray # @param type [Symbol] type A pointer type from the list at { RubyMotion Pointers Reference#_pointers} # @return [Pointer] A pointer to the array, of the specified type def to_pointer(type) ret =, self.length) self.each_index do |i| ret[i] = self[i] end ret end # Creates an NSIndexPath object using the items in `self` as the indices # @return [NSIndexPath] def nsindexpath if self.length == 0 raise "An index path must have at least one index" end path = nil self.each do |val| if path path = path.indexPathByAddingIndex(val) else path = NSIndexPath.indexPathWithIndex(val) end end return path end # Creates an NSIndexSet object using the items in `self` as the indices # @return [NSIndexSet] def nsindexset if self.length == 0 raise "An index set must have at least one index" end set = NSMutableIndexSet.indexSet self.each do |val| set.addIndex val end set end # [160, 210, 242].uicolor => 0xA0D2F2.uicolor def uicolor(alpha=1.0) red = self[0] / 255.0 green = self[1] / 255.0 blue = self[2] / 255.0 UIColor.colorWithRed(red, green:green, blue:blue, alpha:alpha.to_f) end end