// Turns string into a flat list // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @param $string [String] : string // @param $find [Separator] : item to find which separates substrings (default is single space [" "]) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // @return [List] | error @function string-to-list($string, $find: " ") { @if is-string($string) { $string-list: (); $space-indexes: (); $length: str-length($string); // Find all spaces and their indices by looking over each character in string @for $i from 1 through $length { $slice: str-slice($string, $i, $i); @if $slice == $find { $space-indexes: append($space-indexes, $i, "comma"); } } @if length($space-indexes) >= 1 { // Keep a count of number of spaces $count: 1; // Loop through each space @each $space in $space-indexes { // If is initial count, grab first substring and store in list @if $count == 1 { $matched-string: str-slice($string, 0, ($space - 1)); $string-list: append($string-list, $matched-string, "comma"); // Else, add a little math to make up for the spaces to do the same } @else { $matched-string: str-slice($string, (nth($space-indexes, ($count - 1)) + 1), ($space - 1)); $string-list: append($string-list, $matched-string, "comma"); } // Increase count $count: $count + 1; } // Now grab that last selector $last-space: nth($space-indexes, length($space-indexes)); $matched-string: str-slice($string, ($last-space + 1), $length); $string-list: append($string-list, $matched-string, "comma"); // Finally, return comma separated list of selectors @return $string-list; } @else { @return false; } } @else { @return "You did not input a valid string: #{$string}"; } }