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†tablepostspostsCREATE TABLE "posts" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "title" varchar(255), "preview_image" varchar(255), "body" text, "user_id" integer, "users_ids_who_favorite_it" text DEFAULT '[]', "users_ids_who_comment_it" text DEFAULT '[]', "users_ids_who_reblog_it" text DEFAULT '[]', "communities_ids" text DEFAULT '[]', "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)P++Ytablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq)^ƒtableusersusersCREATE TABLE "users" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "nick" varchar(255), "name" varchar(255), "avatar" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)ūū śśĮƒD†[tablecommentscommentsCREATE TABLE "comments" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "user_id" integer, "body" text, "parent_comment_id" integer, "topmost_obj_id" integer, "upper_comments_tree" text, "users_ids_who_favorite_it" text DEFAULT '[]', "users_ids_who_comment_it" text DEFAULT '[]', "users_ids_who_reblog_it" text DEFAULT '[]', "topmost_obj_type" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)‚<„Gtablebloglinesbloglines CREATE TABLE "bloglines" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "item_id" integer, "is_reblog" boolean, "owner_id" integer, "item_type" varchar(255), "owner_type" varchar(255), "category_ids" text DEFAULT '[]', "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)ū5ū4 ¦¾|:ų¶t2š®l*č¦@ AAcu2013-05-15 12:05:45.7920982013-05-15 12:05:45.792098@ AA pu2013-05-15 12:05:45.7863172013-05-15 12:05:45.786317@ AApu2013-05-15 12:05:45.7787912013-05-15 12:05:45.778791@ AA pu2013-05-15 12:05:45.7720892013-05-15 12:05:45.772089@ AA pu2013-05-15 12:05:45.7639692013-05-15 12:05:45.763969@AApu2013-05-15 12:05:45.7577512013-05-15 12:05:45.757751@AApu2013-05-15 12:05:45.7510022013-05-15 12:05:45.751002@AApu2013-05-15 12:05:45.7441802013-05-15 12:05:45.744180@AApu2013-05-15 12:05:45.7362892013-05-15 12:05:45.736289@AAcu2013-05-15 12:05:45.7306962013-05-15 12:05:45.730696@AApu2013-05-15 12:05:45.7238282013-05-15 12:05:45.723828@AApu2013-05-15 12:05:45.7168862013-05-15 12:05:45.716886@AApu2013-05-15 12:05:45.7083842013-05-15 12:05:45.708384 RģœR‚G 55„1tablebloglines_categoriesbloglines_categoriesCREATE TABLE "bloglines_categories" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "blog_item_id" integer, "category_id" integer, "item_id" integer, "item_type" varchar(255), "blog_item_created_at" datetime, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)‚M !!„etablecategoriescategories CREATE TABLE "categories" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255), "parent_ids" text DEFAULT '[]', "child_ids" text DEFAULT '[]', "owner_id" integer, "owner_type" varchar(255), "parent_category_id" integer, "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL)‚''ƒatablefavoritelinesfavoritelines CREATE TABLE "favoritelines" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "item_id" integer, "owner_id" integer, "item_type" varchar(255), "owner_type" varchar(255), "created_at" datetime NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime NOT NULL) j oŖĄT²] ŗoO !AACategory_2[][9]u2013-05-15 12:05:45.2819972013-05-15 12:05:45.319868U !AACategory_0[][3,4,5,6]u2013-05-15 12:05:45.2467112013-05-15 12:05:45.294370Q %AACategory_2_0[][]u2013-05-15 12:05:45.2871832013-05-15 12:05:45.287183PN !AACategory_1[][]u2013-05-15 12:05:45.2762202013-05-15 12:05:45.276220Q %AACategory_0_1[][]u2013-05-15 12:05:45.2704672013-05-15 12:05:45.270467S )AACategory_0_0_1[][]u2013-05-15 12:05:45.2643242013-05-15 12:05:45.264324S )AACategory_0_0_0[][]u2013-05-15 12:05:45.2587822013-05-15 12:05:45.258782MT %AACategory_0_0[][4,5]u2013-05-15 12:05:45.2527182013-05-15 12:05:45.299527T -AAWithout category[][]u2013-05-15 12:05:45.2368732013-05-15 12:05:45.236873ö8ūö76 slow and rough Each moment multiplies the sadness Within the heart of hapless love Disturbing all the hopes of madness I'm silent; not a word I breathe. I weep, my tears -- my consolation My soul, held captive by the grief Still finds delight in this sensation. No longer do I care if life goes by, O, hollow phantom into darkness flee; The sorrow of my love is dear to me-- If I die loving, then I pray let die![][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:44.7780132013-05-15 12:05:44.778013ractive, Your sacred and divine expressions. Detained in darkness, isolation, My days would slowly drag in strife. With lack of faith and inspiration, With lack of tears, and love and life. My soul attained its waking moment: You re-appeared before my sight, As though a brief and fleeting omen, Pure phantom in enchanting light. And now, my heart, in fascination Beats rapidly and finds revived: Devout faith and inspiration, And tender tears and love and life.[][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:44.7840682013-05-15 12:05:44.784068 $’$Žc ›5AATo ***http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumbimg_555/1289349125WGtmdw.jpgI still remember that amazing moment You have appeared before my sight As though a brief and fleeting omen, Pure phantom in enchanting light. Locked in depression's hopeless captive, In haste of clamorous processions, I heard your voice-- soft and attractive. And dreamt of your beloved expressions. Time passed. In gusts, rebellious and active, A tempest scattered my affections And I forgot your voice att‡n KAAA wishhttp://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumbimg_402/12432758188IXZbQ.jpgMy days still linger, ””ˆ Ž{AATo ***Don't ask me why alone in dismal thought In ti…n) ‰;AAI loved you...http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumbimg_655/13252228518VaQ2Q.jpgI loved you and this love by chance, Inside my soul has never fully vanished; No longer shall it ever make you tense; I wouldn't want to sadden you with anguish. I loved you speechlessly and wildly, By modesty and jealousy was stressed; I loved you so sincerely and so mildly, As, God permit, may love you someone else.[][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:44.7904192013-05-15 12:05:44.790419mes of mirth, I'm often filled with strife, And why my weary stare is so distraught, And why I don't enjoy the dream of life; Don't ask me why my soul has slowly perished And ceased to love the love that pleased me then No longer can I call someone "my cherished"-- Who once has loved will never love again; Who once felt bliss will never feel its essence, A moment's happiness is all that we receive: From youth, prosperity and joyful pleasance All that is left is apathy and grief...[][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:44.7964482013-05-15 12:05:44.796448te and loving kiss. Your soul is pure and unexposed to sadness Your conscience is as bright as any day Why then perceive the lunacy and madness Of the uninteresting hearsay? It will replace your peace with aggravation You'll tremble with your heart and cry in bed Your soul will lose its trust in agitation And you, perhaps... my love may grow to dread Who knows? perhaps forever... No, my dear I fear to cast the only joy away Don't ask for dangerous confessions here Today I love, I'm happy for today.[][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:44.8025182013-05-15 12:05:44.802518 ¶¶Ž? šsAA***http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumbimg_490/1269734684o72ihn.jpgMy friend, forgotten are the fleeting era's prints Forgotten is my youth's uprising flow Don't question me on what I'm lacking since, On what I felt in the times of joy and woe, On what I loved, on how I was forlorn I've yet to taste true joy, -- that is inborn; But you are innocent! conceived for only bliss Believe in it and seize each moment's portion Your soul was made for friendship and devotion, A passiona yy‡ Œ{AA***I've lived to see desire vanish, With hope I've slowly grown to part, And I am left with only anguish, The fruit of emptiness at heart. Under the storms of merciless fate My thriving garland withered lies-- In sadness, lonesome, I await: How far away is my demise? Thus, conquered by a tardy frost, Through gale's whistling and shimmer, Late, on a naked limb exposed A lonesome leaf is left to quiver...[][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:44.8080372013-05-15 12:05:44.808037t's imagine that his maid Is beautiful... I've lost the battle! And if by chance his lady's pretty And gifted with an angel's skin Then God forgive me for my sin Of being envious and greedy! Who can command a heart like this? Who is a slave to feeble effort? Not love a person who is revered?-- Who can resist the heaven's bliss? I sigh from sadness and perceive, But I must honor my conviction, Afraid to flatter heart's ambition, I'm silent... and alone I grieve.[][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:44.8143062013-05-15 12:05:44.814306 ––ˆ9 _AACloudsClouds of the air, ye perennial wanderers! Hiq 7š1AAThe Tenth CommandmentDon't covet goods of other beings -- My Goodness, You've commanded so; The limits of my will You know -- Am I to manage tender feelings?! I wish not to offend my friend, His village I do not desire, And for his steer I don't aspire, I'm gazing at it with content: His men, his house and his cattle, I'm tempted not, though all is great. But le Her happy family with pleasure. Her mellow wit will not abide To energize our conversations And with her soul, she won't subside The sufferer's lamentations. I hurry, still distraught in thought, Concealing all of my dejection, To catch her every cheerful word And to delight in her perfection. I watch her move, with admiration, Perceive each sound from her soul From every moment's separation My tender heart becomes appalled.[][][]p2013-05-15 12:05:44.8288232013-05-15 12:05:44.828823ess dreams in gloom. Clocks at once, inside my room, Somewhere next to me, resound. Parcae's soft and mild chatter, Sleeping twilight's noisy flutter, Life's commotion -- so insane.. Why am I to feel this pain? What's your meaning, boring mumble? Disapproving, do you grumble Of the day I spent in vain? What has made you so compelling? Are you calling or foretelling? I just want to understand, Thus I'm seeking your intent...[][][]p2013-05-15 12:05:44.8361942013-05-15 12:05:44.836194 ““ˆc=AAI can't sleep, the light is out; Chasing sensel‹t–_AAAlas! How come she's glimmering With temporary, charming vibe? It's evident that she is withering While youth is blossoming with life... Soon she will fade! Life of delight Not very long she has to treasure; And not for long will she provide  ¦¦„Wˆ%AAIf by life you were deceived, Don't be dismal, don't be wild! In the day of grief, be mild Merry days will come, believe. Heart is living in tomorrow; Present is dejected here; In a moment, passes sorrow; That which passes will be dear.[][][]p2013-05-15 12:05:44.8428892013-05-15 12:05:44.842889gh in the steppe of blue, stretched like a string of pearls, You scud away from the North over yonder, as Though you are exiles like me whom the grimness hurls. Who keeps you flitting: a verdict of destiny? Secretive envy? Or naked malignancy? Or youā€™re tormented so hard by a felony? Or by your friendsā€™ poisoned slander and flippancy? Nay, barren fields are what made you undoting... Nothing to you ever passion or anguish meant; Frigid forever, for always free-floating, You have no motherland, you have no banishment.[][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:44.8496442013-05-15 12:05:44.849644 Youā€™re going home to see your wife, So, look... But why? about my life, To tell the truth, not many Would give a straw, if any. And if some have an interest... No matter who they are, Say Iā€™d been shot right through my chest Defending here our tsar, And died for him the way one should, And that our leeches are no good, And that I bow in honour Before my native corner. Itā€™s quite unlikely that youā€™ll find My folks alive up there... And frankly, itā€™d have been unkind To drive them to despair; But then if eitherā€™s still all right, Just say that Iā€™m too lax to write, That the platoon keeps raiding; So let them stop awaiting. There used to live a girl next door... How far it was from now!.. About me she wonā€™t ask... itā€™s more Than certain, anyhow; So go and tell her all the truth; An empty heart deserves no ruth; Just let her weep a little... She doesnā€™t care a tittle![][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:44.8577982013-05-15 12:05:44.857798 ä™6 /±CAAA Cossack LullabySleep, my baby, sleep, my dear, Hush-a-hushaby. In your crib the full moon peers !’ £AATestamentI want to take you to one side, If you donā€™t mind, my friend; They say thereā€™s not much time to bide Until I meet my end! " Softly from the sky. I will tell you some good stories, Sing a lullaby; Close your eyes, itā€™s time for snories, Hush-a-hushaby. In the rocks, there streams the Terek; Muddy billows bang; Chechen whets his knife Tartaric, Crawling up the bank; But your father is a warrior With an eagle eye ā€” Sleep, my baby, do not worry, Hush-a-hushaby. Time will come; youā€™ll know the battle Life, my little one; # Iā€™ll embroider then your saddle; You will take your gun. Many enemies youā€™ll hit hard As the time goes by... Sleep, my darling, sleep, my sweetheart, Hush-a-hushaby. You will grow a stalwart cossack Looking brave and grand; When I see you off ā€” from horseback Youā€™ll just wave your hand... On that night, God knows, how many Bitter tears Iā€™ll cry!.. Sleep, my angel, sleep, my honey, Hush-a-hushaby. Iā€™ll be waiting through despairā€™s Never-ending blight; Iā€™ll repeat my heartfelt prayers Through the day and night; I will dread that you do languish Far from homeland, ay... Sleep before you are in anguish, Hush-a-hushaby. To remind you of the bygone Happy days at home, I will give the holy icon ā€” Keep it when you roam; Think of me before severe Fighting flames up high... Sleep, my baby, sleep, my dear, Hush-a-hushaby.[][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:44.8632892013-05-15 12:05:44.863289 ff… ‰AAThe CragOnce upon a night, a golden cloudlet Snuggled to the chest of crag the giant; In the morn, she left her rest behind Frolicking against the azure proudly; But a dew mark lingered in a weathered Furrow of the crag. In desolation, He is standing, deep in contemplation, And heā€™s softly weeping in the desert.[][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:44.8700362013-05-15 12:05:44.870036e I send, That of a wanderer, humble and commonplace; But I commend a young maid eā€™er so innocent Into thy soothing hands and to thy saving grace. Lavish thy bliss on the soul filled with purity; Give her companions, all paying her great regard; Unclouded youth and untroubled maturity; Light myriad hopes up in front of the gracious heart. Whether the time tolls its final and fatal bell, Be it a noisy morn, be it a solemn night ā€” Send to the bed of the last tearful farewell Thy sweetest angel to take up the soul benign.[][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:44.8756772013-05-15 12:05:44.875677 cfc‰x ’WAAThe AngelThe angel was flying through sky in midnight, And softly he sang in his flight; And clouds, and stars, and the moon in a throng '‹ • AAPrayerHeavenly Mother, itā€™s me, and this time I pray Before thy icon, thy luminous radiance, Not for salvation, and not ā€œfore a tighter fray, Not with thanksgiving, and not out of penitence; Not for my ravaged soul prayers to the% Hearkened to that holy song. He sang of the garden of God's paradise, Of innocent ghosts in its shade; He sang of the God, and his vivacious praise Was glories and unfeigned. The juvenile soul he carried in arms For worlds of distress and alarms; The tune of his charming and heavenly song Was left in the soul for long. It roamed on earth many long nights and days, Filled with a wonderful thirst, And earth's boring songs could not ever replace The sounds of heaven it lost.[][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:44.8818772013-05-15 12:05:44.881877 XX‡% !/AAThe BeggarBy gates of an abode, blessed, A man stood, asking for donation, A beggar, cruelly oppressed By hunger, thirst and deprivation. He asked just for a piece of bread, And all his looks were full of anguish, And was a cold stone laid Into his stretched arm, thin and languished. Thus I prayed vainly for your love, With bitter tears, pine and fervor, Thus my best senses, that have thrived, Were victimized by you forever![][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:44.8883722013-05-15 12:05:44.888372 DD‡9 gAACleared the cornfield, bare the boughs are...Cleared the cornfield, bare the boughs are, From still waters mist is rolling, Like a wheel beyond the mountains Has the silent sun gone rolling. Dozing is the cart track yonder. In a day dream it was thinking One won't have to wait much longer For the coming of grey winter. Yesterday as mist came creeping Did not I see in the darkness Like a foal the bay moon leaping Into our snow sledge's harness? [][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:44.9497222013-05-15 12:05:44.949722+ No more crushing goosefoot in the wood. With those oatsheaf locks you tossed when speaking You have vanished from my dreams for good. With red berry juice on fair skin glowing, Beautiful and gentle, you were like Pink skies when the sun to rest is going And, like new snow, you were sparkling bright. Now the seed grain of your eyes has scattered, shrivelled, Your rare name has melted like a sound, Though the scent of blameless hands still lingers, In the folds of a creased shawl is found. In the still hour when the early sunrise On the rooftop licks her kitten nose I hear gentle comment on you coming From the wind that sings in honeycombs. What if blue dusk on occasion soulfully Whisper that you were a song, a dream - He who shaped your supple figure and smooth shoulders Truly kissed a mystery supreme. I'll no more go roaming, no more seeking, No more crushing goosefoot in the wood. With those oatsheaf locks you tossed when speaking You have vanished from my dreams for good. [][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:45.1531572013-05-15 12:05:45.153157 ·’·ŒN M—UAANo sorrow, no calls, no tears...No sorrow, no calls, no tears. Now it's gone, white foam from apple-tree. Faded, seized by tarnished golden flares, I will not feel youthful. Never me. Now you slow down, that's the matter, You, my heart, that suffered a cold jet. And the land of calico birch pattern Hardly .ˆw G-AAI've quit my father's home...I've quit my father's home And left blue R- cž1AAI'll no more go roaming, no more seeking...I'll no more go roaming, no more seeking, *uss. With three Bright stars the birch-tree grove Consoles my mother's grief. The moon has, like a frog, Upon the pond appeared. Like apple blossom, locks Of grey fleck father's beard. I shall not soon come back! Long shall snow blow in the yard. Our one-legged maple shall Over blue Russ stand guard. To kiss its raining leaves Is joy, and none so fine - The head of the maple-tree So closely resembles mine. [][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:45.1648842013-05-15 12:05:45.164884tempts my feet to walk o'er that. Hobo spirit! You're so rare, rare, Waking flame in mouth. It's now tense. Oh, my freshness, that I couldn't spare. Brawling eyes and overflowing sence! I've become too greedy for desires. Life of mine? Perhaps, it was a dream? Me, alone, in early vernal hours Riding a pink horse, as it cood seem. We are mortal. In this world none's ever. Copper leaves are floating. Let them fly. Be you blest, you beautiful forever That has come to blossom and to die.[][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:45.1760112013-05-15 12:05:45.176011 I will tramp o'er the land of mine. I'll forget my books and my poems, Hang a bag on shoulders, well trimmed. 'Cause a vagabond on his roads Hears much better songs of the wind. I will stink like onion and turnip And abusing the dusk as it goes I will fool around, staying fornent, Sniffling loudly with my nose. And I don't need a fortune better Just to listen how a blizzard roars. 'Cause without freaks like the latter I'm unable to live on earth.[][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:45.1870392013-05-15 12:05:45.187039 ńķń‰q [’ AAThrough fields of virgin snow I roam...Through fields of virgin snow I roam, Fresh lilies bursting in my heart. The dusk to guide my footsteps home 1Œ ]–9AASo it happened and please don't swear...So it happened and please don't swear. I'm a not a word dealer now. My poor head - it's too hard to bear And bent-down is my golden brow. No love for no country, no town. How could I feel it that time? I will leave. With a beard grown / Has lit a bright blue candle-star. Is it light or dark? I cannot say. Is that a cock sings, or the breeze? Perhaps not winter came today But white swans settled in the fields How smooth the snow is and how white! Blood tingles in the frosty air! Close to my body how I'd like To press the birch-tree's bosom bare. What sadness does the forest hold! The snowbound field what glad surprise!: O how I'd love now to enfold Within my arms the willow's thighs. [][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:45.1986722013-05-15 12:05:45.198672ark cloud blowing Is ruffling the arch of gold. It will race by tomorrow at daybreak, With moon-cap ducking under a bush, And her red tail playfully waving The mare through the meadow will rush. Waken me early tomorrow, Turn the light on in our neat room. They say I'll become an illustrious Poet of Russia soon. I shall laud you and the visitor, Our stove, cock and humble homeā€¦ And the milk that your russet cows give Shall over my verses flow. [][][][]2013-05-15 12:05:45.2093562013-05-15 12:05:45.209356 ‹Z A•yAAWaken me early tomorrow...Waken me early tomorrow, Dear mother, patient and kind! I'll go past the boundary barrow To welcome a friend of mine. In the forest today I noticed Wheel-tracks where a cart had rolled. The breeze below d2 )ŗt.č¢\ŠŠDžør)G AApu[3,9]2013-05-15 12:05:45.4274922013-05-15 12:05:45.427492D AApu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.4197052013-05-15 12:05:45.419705D AA pu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.4143352013-05-15 12:05:45.414335D AA pu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.4069932013-05-15 12:05:45.406993D AAcu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.4006682013-05-15 12:05:45.400668D AA pu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.3924822013-05-15 12:05:45.392482D AApu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.3859502013-05-15 12:05:45.385950D AApu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.3788532013-05-15 12:05:45.378853D AA pu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.3718182013-05-15 12:05:45.371818D AApu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.3660092013-05-15 12:05:45.366009D AApu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.3586392013-05-15 12:05:45.358639D AApu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.3503992013-05-15 12:05:45.350399D AApu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.3430692013-05-15 12:05:45.343069D AApu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.3351662013-05-15 12:05:45.335166 >¹r,ę ZĶ‡>G AApu[4,9]2013-05-15 12:05:45.4959312013-05-15 12:05:45.495931D AApu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.4883592013-05-15 12:05:45.488359D AApu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.4821652013-05-15 12:05:45.482165E AAcu[5]2013-05-15 12:05:45.4758952013-05-15 12:05:45.475895D AApu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.4689172013-05-15 12:05:45.468917D AApu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.4628712013-05-15 12:05:45.462871D AA pu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.4558732013-05-15 12:05:45.455873D AApu[]2013-05-15 12:05:45.4489382013-05-15 12:05:45.448938E AAcu[8]2013-05-15 12:05:45.4428912013-05-15 12:05:45.442891E AApu[2]2013-05-15 12:05:45.4350532013-05-15 12:05:45.435053 ^£FéŒ/Ņu»^[ AAAp2013-05-15 12:05:45.3503992013-05-15 12:05:45.5797572013-05-15 12:05:45.579757[ AAAp2013-05-15 12:05:45.3430692013-05-15 12:05:45.5733602013-05-15 12:05:45.573360[ AAAp2013-05-15 12:05:45.3351662013-05-15 12:05:45.5650652013-05-15 12:05:45.565065[ AAA p2013-05-15 12:05:45.4959312013-05-15 12:05:45.5542332013-05-15 12:05:45.554233[ AAAp2013-05-15 12:05:45.4959312013-05-15 12:05:45.5472202013-05-15 12:05:45.547220[ AAAc2013-05-15 12:05:45.4758952013-05-15 12:05:45.5402882013-05-15 12:05:45.540288[ AAAc2013-05-15 12:05:45.4428912013-05-15 12:05:45.5340212013-05-15 12:05:45.534021[ AAAp2013-05-15 12:05:45.4350532013-05-15 12:05:45.5256632013-05-15 12:05:45.525663[ AAA p2013-05-15 12:05:45.4274922013-05-15 12:05:45.5186042013-05-15 12:05:45.518604[ AAAp2013-05-15 12:05:45.4274922013-05-15 12:05:45.5098792013-05-15 12:05:45.509879 ^£FéŒ/Ņu»^[ AAA p2013-05-15 12:05:45.4197052013-05-15 12:05:45.6522272013-05-15 12:05:45.652227[ AAA  p2013-05-15 12:05:45.4143352013-05-15 12:05:45.6463362013-05-15 12:05:45.646336[ AAA  p2013-05-15 12:05:45.4069932013-05-15 12:05:45.6388782013-05-15 12:05:45.638878[ AAA c2013-05-15 12:05:45.4006682013-05-15 12:05:45.6319612013-05-15 12:05:45.631961[ AAA  p2013-05-15 12:05:45.3924822013-05-15 12:05:45.6257622013-05-15 12:05:45.625762[ AAAp2013-05-15 12:05:45.3859502013-05-15 12:05:45.6180162013-05-15 12:05:45.618016[ AAAp2013-05-15 12:05:45.3788532013-05-15 12:05:45.6101012013-05-15 12:05:45.610101[ AAA p2013-05-15 12:05:45.3718182013-05-15 12:05:45.6029412013-05-15 12:05:45.602941[ AAAp2013-05-15 12:05:45.3660092013-05-15 12:05:45.5948582013-05-15 12:05:45.594858[ AAAp2013-05-15 12:05:45.3586392013-05-15 12:05:45.5877822013-05-15 12:05:45.587782 Ņ£FéŒ/Ņ[ AAAp2013-05-15 12:05:45.4883592013-05-15 12:05:45.6950732013-05-15 12:05:45.695073[ AAAp2013-05-15 12:05:45.4821652013-05-15 12:05:45.6887112013-05-15 12:05:45.688711[ AAAp2013-05-15 12:05:45.4689172013-05-15 12:05:45.6819992013-05-15 12:05:45.681999[ AAAp2013-05-15 12:05:45.4628712013-05-15 12:05:45.6744242013-05-15 12:05:45.674424[ AAA p2013-05-15 12:05:45.4558732013-05-15 12:05:45.6665302013-05-15 12:05:45.666530[ AAAp2013-05-15 12:05:45.4489382013-05-15 12:05:45.6589622013-05-15 12:05:45.658962