module InventoryRefresh class Graph class TopologicalSort attr_reader :graph # @param graph [InventoryRefresh::Graph] graph object we want to sort def initialize(graph) @graph = graph end ################################################################################################################ # Topological sort of the graph of the DTO collections to find the right order of saving DTO collections and # identify what DTO collections can be saved in parallel. # Does not mutate graph. # # @return [Array<Array>] Array of arrays(layers) of InventoryCollection objects ################################################################################################################ # The expected input here is the directed acyclic Graph G (inventory_collections), consisting of Vertices(Nodes) V and # Edges E: # G = (V, E) # # The directed edge is defined as (u, v), where u is the dependency of v, i.e. arrow comes from u to v: # (u, v) ∈ E and u,v ∈ V # # S0 is a layer that has no dependencies: # S0 = { v ∈ V ∣ ∀u ∈ V.(u,v) ∉ E} # # Si+1 is a layer whose dependencies are in the sum of the previous layers from i to 0, cannot write # mathematical sum using U in text editor, so there is an alternative format using _(sum) # Si+1 = { v ∈ V ∣ ∀u ∈ V.(u,v) ∈ E → u ∈ _(sum(S0..Si))_ } # # Then each Si can have their Vertices(DTO collections) processed in parallel. This algorithm cannot # identify independent sub-graphs inside of the layers Si, so we can make the processing even more effective. ################################################################################################################ def topological_sort nodes = graph.nodes.dup edges = graph.edges sets = [] i = 0 sets[0], nodes = nodes.partition { |v| !edges.detect { |e| e.second == v } } max_depth = 1000 while nodes.present? i += 1 max_depth -= 1 if max_depth <= 0 message = "Max depth reached while doing topological sort, your graph probably contains a cycle" #logger.error("#{message}:\n#{graph.to_graphviz}") raise "#{message} (see log)" end set, nodes = nodes.partition { |v| { |e| e.second == v }.all? { |e| sets.flatten.include?(e.first) } } if set.blank? message = "Blank dependency set while doing topological sort, your graph probably contains a cycle" #logger.error("#{message}:\n#{graph.to_graphviz}") raise "#{message} (see log)" end sets[i] = set end sets end end end end