module EventCalendar module CalendarHelper # Returns an HTML calendar which can show multiple, overlapping events across calendar days and rows. # Customize using CSS, the below options, and by passing in a code block. # # The following are optional, available for customizing the default behaviour: # :month => # The month to show the calendar for. Defaults to current month. # :year => # The year to show the calendar for. Defaults to current year. # :dates => (start_date .. end_date) # Show specific range of days. Defaults to :year, :month. # :abbrev => true # Abbreviate day names. Reads from the abbr_day_names key in the localization file. # :first_day_of_week => 0 # Renders calendar starting on Sunday. Use 1 for Monday, and so on. # :show_today => true # Highlights today on the calendar using CSS class. # :show_header => true # Show the calendar's header. (month name, next, & previous links) # :month_name_text => nil # Displayed center in header row. # Defaults to current month name from Date::MONTHNAMES hash. # :previous_month_text => nil # Displayed left of the month name if set # :next_month_text => nil # Displayed right of the month name if set # :event_strips => [] # An array of arrays, encapsulating the event rows on the calendar # # :width => nil # Width of the calendar, if none is set then it will stretch the container's width # :height => 500 # Approx minimum total height of the calendar (excluding the header). # Height could get added if a day has too many event's to fit. # :day_names_height => 18 # Height of the day names table (included in the above 'height' option) # :day_nums_height => 18 # Height of the day numbers tables (included in the 'height' option) # :event_height => 18 # Height of an individual event row # :event_margin => 1 # Spacing of the event rows # :event_padding_top => 1 # Padding on the top of the event rows (increase to move text down) # # :use_all_day => false # If set to true, will check for an 'all_day' boolean field when displaying an event. # If it is an all day event, or the event is multiple days, then it will display as usual. # Otherwise it will display without a background color bar. # :use_javascript => true # Outputs HTML with inline javascript so events spanning multiple days will be highlighted. # If this option is false, cleaner HTML will be output, but events spanning multiple days will # not be highlighted correctly on hover, so it is only really useful if you know your calendar # will only have single-day events. Defaults to true. # :link_to_day_action => false # If controller action is passed, # the day number will be a link. Override the day_link method for greater customization. # # For more customization, you can pass a code block to this method # The varibles you have to work with in this block are passed in an agruments hash: # :event => The event to be displayed. # :day => The day the event is displayed on. Usually the first day of the event, or the first day of the week, # if the event spans a calendar row. # :options => All the calendar options in use. (User defined and defaults merged.) # # For example usage, see README. # def calendar(options = {}, &block) block ||= {|d| nil} defaults = { :year => ( || Time).now.year, :month => ( || Time).now.month, :abbrev => true, :first_day_of_week => 0, :show_today => true, :show_header => true, :month_name_text => ( || Time).now.strftime("%B %Y"), :previous_month_text => nil, :next_month_text => nil, :event_strips => [], # it would be nice to have these in the CSS file # but they are needed to perform height calculations :width => nil, :height => 500, :day_names_height => 18, :day_nums_height => 18, :event_height => 18, :event_margin => 1, :event_padding_top => 2, :use_all_day => false, :use_javascript => true, :link_to_day_action => false } options = defaults.merge options # default month name for the given number if options[:show_header] options[:month_name_text] ||= I18n.translate(:'date.month_names')[options[:month]] end # make the height calculations # tricky since multiple events in a day could force an increase in the set height height = options[:day_names_height] row_heights = cal_row_heights(options) row_heights.each do |row_height| height += row_height end # the first and last days of this calendar month if options[:dates].is_a?(Range) first = options[:dates].begin last = options[:dates].end else first = Date.civil(options[:year], options[:month], 1) last = Date.civil(options[:year], options[:month], -1) end # create the day names array [Sunday, Monday, etc...] day_names = [] if options[:abbrev] day_names.concat(I18n.translate(:'date.abbr_day_names')) else day_names.concat(I18n.translate(:'date.day_names')) end options[:first_day_of_week].times do day_names.push(day_names.shift) end # Build the HTML string cal = "" # outer calendar container cal << %(
) # table header, including the monthname and links to prev & next month if options[:show_header] cal << %() cal << %() if options[:previous_month_text] or options[:next_month_text] cal << %() colspan = 3 else colspan = 7 end cal << %() if options[:next_month_text] cal << %() end cal << %(
) end # body container (holds day names and the calendar rows) cal << %(
) # day names cal << %() cal << %() day_names.each do |day_name| cal << %() end cal << %(
) # container for all the calendar rows cal << %(
) # initialize loop variables first_day_of_week = beginning_of_week(first, options[:first_day_of_week]) last_day_of_week = end_of_week(first, options[:first_day_of_week]) last_day_of_cal = end_of_week(last, options[:first_day_of_week]) row_num = 0 top = 0 # go through a week at a time, until we reach the end of the month while(last_day_of_week <= last_day_of_cal) cal << %(
) top += row_heights[row_num] # this weeks background table cal << %() cal << %() first_day_of_week.upto(first_day_of_week+6) do |day| today_class = (day == ? "ec-today-bg" : "" other_month_class = (day < first) || (day > last) ? 'ec-other-month-bg' : '' cal << %() end cal << %(
) # calendar row cal << %() cal << %() # day numbers row cal << %() first_day_of_week.upto(last_day_of_week) do |day| cal << %() end cal << %() # event rows for this day # for each event strip, create a new table row options[:event_strips].each do |strip| cal << %() # go through through the strip, for the entries that correspond to the days of this week strip[row_num*7, 7].each_with_index do |event, index| day = first_day_of_week + index if event # get the dates of this event that fit into this week dates = event.clip_range(first_day_of_week, last_day_of_week) # if the event (after it has been clipped) starts on this date, # then create a new cell that spans the number of days if dates[0] == day.to_date # check if we should display the bg color or not no_bg = no_event_bg?(event, options) class_name = cal << %() end else # there wasn't an event, so create an empty cell and container cal << %() end end cal << %() end cal << %(
) if options[:link_to_day_action] cal << day_link(, day, options[:link_to_day_action]) else cal << %(#{}) end cal << %(
) cal << %(
) # add a left arrow if event is clipped at the beginning if event.start_at.to_date < dates[0] cal << %(
) end # add a right arrow if event is clipped at the end if event.end_at.to_date > dates[1] cal << %(
) end if no_bg cal << %(
) # make sure anchor text is the event color # here b/c CSS 'inherit' color doesn't work in all browsers cal << %() end if block_given? # add the additional html that was passed as a block to this helper cal <<{:event => event, :day => day.to_date, :options => options}) else # default content in case nothing is passed in cal << %(#{h(}) end cal << %(
) cal << %(
) cal << %( 
) cal << %(
) # increment the calendar row we are on, and the week row_num += 1 first_day_of_week += 7 last_day_of_week += 7 end cal << %(
) cal << %(
) cal << %(
) end # override this in your own helper for greater control def day_link(text, date, day_action) link_to(text, params.merge(:action => day_action, :year => date.year, :month => date.month, :day =>, :class => 'ec-day-link') end # check if we should display without a background color def no_event_bg?(event, options) options[:use_all_day] && !event.all_day && event.days == 0 end # default html for displaying an event's time # to customize: override, or do something similar, in your helper # for instance, you may want to add localization def display_event_time(event, day) time = event.start_at if !event.all_day and time.to_date == day # try to make it display as short as possible format = (time.min == 0) ? "%l" : "%l:%M" t = time.strftime(format) am_pm = time.strftime("%p") == "PM" ? "p" : "" t += am_pm %(#{t}) else "" end end private # calculate the height of each row # by default, it will be the height option minus the day names height, # divided by the total number of calendar rows # this gets tricky, however, if there are too many event rows to fit into the row's height # then we need to add additional height def cal_row_heights(options) # number of rows is the number of days in the event strips divided by 7 num_cal_rows = options[:event_strips].first.size / 7 # the row will be at least this big min_height = (options[:height] - options[:day_names_height]) / num_cal_rows row_heights = [] num_event_rows = 0 # for every day in the event strip... 1.upto(options[:event_strips].first.size+1) do |index| num_events = 0 # get the largest event strip that has an event on this day options[:event_strips].each_with_index do |strip, strip_num| num_events = strip_num + 1 unless strip[index-1].blank? end # get the most event rows for this week num_event_rows = [num_event_rows, num_events].max # if we reached the end of the week, calculate this row's height if index % 7 == 0 total_event_height = options[:event_height] + options[:event_margin] calc_row_height = (num_event_rows * total_event_height) + options[:day_nums_height] + options[:event_margin] row_height = [min_height, calc_row_height].max row_heights << row_height num_event_rows = 0 end end row_heights end # # helper methods for working with a calendar week # def days_between(first, second) if first > second second + (7 - first) else second - first end end def beginning_of_week(date, start = 0) days_to_beg = days_between(start, date.wday) date - days_to_beg end def end_of_week(date, start = 0) beg = beginning_of_week(date, start) beg + 6 end def weekend?(date) [0, 6].include?(date.wday) end end end