require 'test_helper' class SearchCollectionTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup do class Foo include EsSearchable end @coll = @full_response = { "took"=>1, "timed_out"=>false, "_shards"=>{"total"=>5, "successful"=>5, "failed"=>0}, "hits"=> { "total"=>2, "max_score"=>1.0, "hits"=> [ { "_index"=>"outlets", "_type"=>"outlet", "_id"=>"3", "_score"=>1.0, "_source"=> { "id"=>3, "name" => "foo3" } }, { "_index"=>"outlets", "_type"=>"outlet", "_id"=>"4", "_score"=>1.0, "_source"=> { "id"=>4, "name" => "foo4" } } ] } } @select_response = { "took"=>1, "timed_out"=>false, "_shards"=>{"total"=>5, "successful"=>5, "failed"=>0}, "hits"=> { "total"=>2, "max_score"=>1.0, "hits"=> [ { "_index"=>"outlets", "_type"=>"outlet", "_id"=>"3", "_score"=>1.0, "fields"=> { "id"=>3, "name" => "foo3" } }, { "_index"=>"outlets", "_type"=>"outlet", "_id"=>"4", "_score"=>1.0, "fields"=> { "id"=>4, "name" => "foo4" } } ] } } end test "#initialize" do assert_equal @coll.instance_variable_get("@klass"), Foo end test "::SearchName" do assert_equal EsSearchable::SearchCollection::SearchName, { and: :must, or: :should, not: :must_not } end test "::Attrs" do assert_equal EsSearchable::SearchCollection::Attrs, [ :collections, :response, :count, :time ] end test "#and" do assert_call @coll, :set_filters, [], :must do @coll.and({}) end assert_call @coll, :parse_params, {} do @coll.and({}) end end test "#or" do assert_call @coll, :set_filters, [], :should do @coll.or({}) end assert_call @coll, :parse_params, {} do @coll.or({}) end end test "#not" do assert_call @coll, :set_filters, [], :must_not do @coll.not({}) end assert_call @coll, :parse_params, {} do @coll.not({}) end end test "#where is alias to #and" do assert_equal @coll.where({}), @coll.and({}) assert_equal @coll.where({id: 1}), @coll.and({id: 1}) end test "#es_and is alias to #and" do assert_equal @coll.es_and({}), @coll.and({}) assert_equal @coll.es_and({name: :name}), @coll.and({name: :name}) end test "#like" do assert_call @coll, :store_conditions, :query, :must, [] do{}) end assert_call @coll, :parse_like_params, :name, 'name' do{name: 'name'}) end end test "#parse_like_params" do assert_equal @coll.parse_like_params(:name, 'foo'), { match: { name: 'foo' } } assert_equal @coll.parse_like_params(:name, {and: 'foo'}), { match: { name: { operator: :and, query: 'foo' } } } end test "#select" do assert_equal @coll.search_params[:fields], {} assert_equal, :name), @coll assert_equal @coll.search_params[:fields], [:id, :name] end test "#limit" do assert_equal @coll.search_params[:size], {} assert_equal @coll.limit(10), @coll assert_equal @coll.search_params[:size], 10 assert_equal @coll.instance_variable_get('@limit'), 10 end test "#offset" do assert_equal @coll.search_params[:from], {} assert_equal @coll.offset(10), @coll assert_equal @coll.search_params[:from], 10 assert_equal @coll.instance_variable_get('@offset'), 10 end test "#es_method defined by ::SearchMethods alias with prefix es_" do EsSearchable::SearchMethods.each do |method| params = {} es_method = "es_#{method}" assert_respond_to @coll, es_method assert_equal @coll.send(es_method, params), @coll.send(method, params) end end test "#collections" do assert_call @coll, :load_data do @coll.collections end @coll.stubs(:load_data) assert_nil @coll.collections @coll.instance_variable_set '@collections', [] assert_equal @coll.collections, [] end test "#response" do assert_call @coll, :load_data do @coll.response end @coll.stubs(:load_data) assert_nil @coll.response @coll.instance_variable_set '@response', [] assert_equal @coll.response, [] end test "#count" do assert_call @coll, :load_data do @coll.count end @coll.stubs(:load_data) assert_nil @coll.count @coll.instance_variable_set '@count', [] assert_equal @coll.count, [] end test "#time" do assert_call @coll, :load_data do @coll.time end @coll.stubs(:load_data) assert_nil @coll.time @coll.instance_variable_set '@time', [] assert_equal @coll.time, [] end test "#load" do assert_call @coll, :load_data do @coll.load end @coll.stubs(:load_data) assert_call @coll.instance_variable_get("@klass"), :handle_es_response, @coll do @coll.load end end test "#load_json" do assert_call @coll, :load_data do @coll.load_json end @coll.stubs(:load_data).returns('x1x1x1') assert_equal @coll.load_json, 'x1x1x1' end test "#each" do collections = [1, 2, 3] @coll.stubs(:collections).returns(collections) assert_call @coll, :load, return_value: @coll.clone do @coll.each {} end @coll.stubs(:load).returns(@coll.clone) assert_call collections, :each do @coll.each {} end assert_equal @coll.each {|i| i.to_s}, collections.each {|i| i.to_s} end test "#map" do collections = [1, 2, 3] @coll.stubs(:collections).returns(collections) assert_call @coll, :load, return_value: @coll.clone do do; end end @coll.stubs(:load).returns(@coll.clone) assert_call collections, :map do do; end end assert_equal @coll.each {|i| i.to_s}, collections.each {|i| i.to_s} end test "#search_params" do assert_call @coll, :conditions do @coll.search_params end @coll.stubs(:conditions).returns('x2x2x2') assert_equal @coll.search_params, 'x2x2x2' end test "#== return false when search_params not equal" do coll = @coll.stubs(:search_params).returns(1) coll.stubs(:search_params).returns(2) assert_not_equal @coll, coll end test "#== return true when search_params equal" do coll = @coll.stubs(:search_params).returns(1) coll.stubs(:search_params).returns(1) assert_equal @coll, coll end test "#load_data call Foo::es_search" do conditions = {} @coll.stubs(:conditions).returns(conditions) assert_call Foo, :es_search, conditions, return_value: @full_response do @coll.send(:load_data) assert_equal @coll.time, 1 assert_equal @coll.count, 2 assert_equal @coll.response, @full_response assert_equal @coll.collections, [ {"id"=>3, "name"=>"foo3"}, {"id"=>4, "name"=>"foo4"} ] end end test "#load_data with select conditions" do Foo.stubs(:es_search).returns(@select_response), :name).send(:load_data) assert_equal @coll.response, @select_response assert_equal @coll.collections, [ {"id"=>3, "name"=>"foo3"}, {"id"=>4, "name"=>"foo4"} ] end test "#conditions" do conditions = @coll.send(:conditions) assert_equal conditions, {} assert_equal conditions[:a], {} @coll.instance_variable_set '@conditions', 'xxx' assert_equal @coll.send(:conditions), 'xxx' end test "#set_filters" do type = :must filters = [] assert_call @coll, :store_conditions, :filter, type, filters do @coll.send(:set_filters, filters, type) end end test "#set_queries" do type = :must queries = [] assert_call @coll, :store_conditions, :query, type, queries do @coll.send(:set_queries, queries, type) end end test "#store_conditions return nil when conditions is blank?" do assert_nil @coll.send(:store_conditions, :filter, :must, nil) assert_nil @coll.send(:store_conditions, :filter, :must, []) assert_nil @coll.send(:store_conditions, :filter, :must, {}) assert_nil @coll.send(:store_conditions, :filter, :must, '') end test "#store_conditions when conditions is empty" do conditions = @coll.send(:conditions) assert_not conditions[:query][:filtered].key(:filter) assert_not conditions[:query][:filtered][:filter][:bool].key(:must) assert_equal conditions[:query][:filtered][:filter][:bool][:must], {} @coll.send :store_conditions, :filter, :must, :conds conditions = @coll.send(:conditions) assert_equal conditions[:query][:filtered][:filter][:bool][:must], :conds end test "#store_conditions when conditions exists " do conditions = { query: { filtered: { filter: { bool: { must: [{ terms: {:id=>[3, 4]} }] } } } }} @coll.instance_variable_set '@conditions', conditions @coll.send :store_conditions, :filter, :must, [{terms: {name: 'foo'}}] assert_equal conditions[:query][:filtered][:filter][:bool][:must], [ { terms: {:id=>[3, 4]} }, { terms: {name: 'foo'} } ] end test "#parse_params return blank? array when params is blank" do assert_equal @coll.send(:parse_params, {}), [] end test "#parse_params when params value is not Array or Hash" do assert_equal @coll.send(:parse_params, {name: 'foo'}), [{term: {name: 'foo'}}] assert_equal @coll.send(:parse_params, {name: 'foo', id: 1}), [ {term: {name: 'foo'}}, {term: {id: 1}} ] end test "#parse_params when params value is Array" do assert_equal @coll.send(:parse_params, {id: [1, 2]}), [{terms: {id: [1, 2]}}] end test "#params when params value is Hash" do assert_equal @coll.send(:parse_params, {realname: {like: { and: "zuozuo"} }}), [{ query: { match: { realname: { operator: :and, query: "zuozuo" } } } }] assert_equal @coll.send(:parse_params, { id: {lt: 202, gt: 200 } }), [{ range: { id: { lt: 202, gt: 200 } } }] assert_equal @coll.send(:parse_params, { tel: 18510705036, or: {email: {like: ''}, is_admin: true}}), [{ term: { tel: 18510705036 } }, { bool: { should: [{ query: { match: { email: "" } } }, { term: { is_admin: true } }] } }] end test "#(.*)_gt|lt|gte|lte" do assert_call @coll, :store_conditions, :filter, :must, [{ range: { 'id' => { gt: 10 } } }] do @coll.id_gt(10) end assert_equal @coll.es_where(id: {gt: 10}), @coll.id_gt(10) end test "#(.*)_between" do assert_call @coll, :store_conditions, :filter, :must, [{ range: { 'id' => { gte: 10, lte: 20 } } }] do @coll.id_between(10, 20) end assert_equal @coll.es_where(id: {gte: 10, lte: 20}), @coll.id_between(10, 20) end test "#(.*)_like" do assert_call @coll, :store_conditions, :query, :must, [match: { 'name' => 'foo' }] do @coll.name_like('foo') end assert_equal @coll.es_like(name: 'foo'), @coll.name_like('foo') assert_equal @coll.es_like(name: { or: 'foo' }), @coll.name_like('foo', :or) end end