<%= "Amp Help" %>

Thanks for using Amp! This help file is a little sparse right now, but
here are some useful commands to help you get started:

 <%= "add" %>        add the specified files on the next commit
 <%= "annotate" %>   show changeset information per file line
 <%= "clone" %>      make a copy of an existing repository
 <%= "commit" %>     commit the specified files or all outstanding changes
 <%= "diff" %>       diff repository (or selected files)
 <%= "export" %>     dump the header and diffs for one or more changesets
 <%= "init" %>       create a new repository in the given directory
 <%= "log" %>        show revision history of entire repository or files
 <%= "merge" %>      merge working directory with another revision
 <%= "parents" %>    show the parents of the working dir or revision
 <%= "pull" %>       pull changes from the specified source
 <%= "push" %>       push changes to the specified destination
 <%= "remove" %>     remove the specified files on the next commit
 <%= "serve" %>      export the repository via HTTP
 <%= "status" %>     show changed files in the working directory
 <%= "update" %>     update working directory

Use <%= "amp help [command-name]" %> to get help on a particular
command. Also, we have other pages that you might find interesting - view them
with <%= "amp help [page-name]" %>!

 <%= "ampfiles" %> - learn about your ampfile.rb
 <%= "new-commands" %> - learn how to easily add commands to amp!
 <%= "paths" %> - learn about how to pass in paths to files without going nuts!
Thanks again for using Amp!