module Hyrax class Admin::AdminSetsController < ApplicationController include Hyrax::CollectionsControllerBehavior # added skip to allow flash notices. see skip_before_action :filter_docs_with_read_access! before_action :ensure_manager! load_and_authorize_resource layout 'dashboard' self.presenter_class = Hyrax::AdminSetPresenter self.form_class = Hyrax::Forms::AdminSetForm # Used for the show action self.single_item_search_builder_class = Hyrax::SingleAdminSetSearchBuilder # Used to get the members for the show action self.member_search_builder_class = Hyrax::AdminAdminSetMemberSearchBuilder # Used to create the admin set class_attribute :admin_set_create_service self.admin_set_create_service = AdminSetCreateService def show add_breadcrumb t(:'hyrax.controls.home'), root_path add_breadcrumb t(:'hyrax.dashboard.breadcrumbs.admin'), hyrax.dashboard_path add_breadcrumb t(:'hyrax.admin.sidebar.admin_sets'), hyrax.admin_admin_sets_path add_breadcrumb t(:''), request.path super end def index add_breadcrumb t(:'hyrax.controls.home'), root_path add_breadcrumb t(:'hyrax.dashboard.breadcrumbs.admin'), hyrax.dashboard_path add_breadcrumb t(:'hyrax.admin.sidebar.admin_sets'), hyrax.admin_admin_sets_path @admin_sets = end def new setup_form end def edit setup_form end # Renders a JSON response with a list of files in this admin set. # This is used by the edit form to populate the thumbnail_id dropdown def files result = do |label, id| { id: id, text: label } end render json: result end def update if @admin_set.update(admin_set_params) redirect_to hyrax.edit_admin_admin_set_path(@admin_set), notice: I18n.t('updated_admin_set', scope: 'hyrax.admin.admin_sets.form.permission_update_notices', name: @admin_set.title.first) else setup_form render :edit end end def create if create_admin_set redirect_to hyrax.edit_admin_admin_set_path(@admin_set), notice: I18n.t('new_admin_set', scope: 'hyrax.admin.admin_sets.form.permission_update_notices', name: @admin_set.title.first) else setup_form render :new end end def destroy if @admin_set.destroy redirect_to hyrax.admin_admin_sets_path, notice: t(:'hyrax.admin.admin_sets.delete.notification') else redirect_to hyrax.admin_admin_set_path(@admin_set), alert: @admin_set.errors.full_messages.to_sentence end end # for the AdminSetService def repository end # Override the default prefixes so that we use the collection partals. def self.local_prefixes ["hyrax/admin/admin_sets", "hyrax/collections", 'catalog'] end private def ensure_manager! # Even though the user can view this admin set, they may not be able to view # it on the admin page. authorize! :manage_any, AdminSet end def create_admin_set @admin_set, creating_user: current_user) end def setup_form add_breadcrumb t(:'hyrax.controls.home'), root_path add_breadcrumb t(:'hyrax.dashboard.breadcrumbs.admin'), hyrax.dashboard_path add_breadcrumb t(:'hyrax.admin.sidebar.admin_sets'), hyrax.admin_admin_sets_path add_breadcrumb action_breadcrumb, request.path form end # initialize the form object def form @form ||=, current_ability, repository) end # Overrides the parent implementation so that the returned search builder # searches for edit access # Instantiates the search builder that builds a query for a single item # this is useful in the show view. def single_item_search_builder, :edit).with(params.except(:q, :page)) end def action_breadcrumb case action_name when 'edit', 'update' t(:'helpers.action.edit') else t(:'') end end def admin_set_params form_class.model_attributes(params[:admin_set]) end def repository_class blacklight_config.repository_class end end end