%%{ machine re_property; property_char = [pP]; # Property names are being treated as case-insensitive, but it is not clear # yet if this applies to all flavors and in all encodings. A bug has just # been filed against ruby regarding this issue, see: # http://redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/show/4014 property_name_unicode = 'alnum'i | 'alpha'i | 'any'i | 'ascii'i | 'blank'i | 'cntrl'i | 'digit'i | 'graph'i | 'lower'i | 'print'i | 'punct'i | 'space'i | 'upper'i | 'word'i | 'xdigit'i; property_name_posix = 'any'i | 'assigned'i | 'newline'i; property_name = property_name_unicode | property_name_posix; category_letter = [Ll] . [ultmo]?; category_mark = [Mm] . [nce]?; category_number = [Nn] . [dlo]?; category_punctuation = [Pp] . [cdseifo]?; category_symbol = [Ss] . [mcko]?; category_separator = [Zz] . [slp]?; category_codepoint = [Cc] . [cfson]?; general_category = category_letter | category_mark | category_number | category_punctuation | category_symbol | category_separator | category_codepoint; property_derived = 'math'i | 'alphabetic'i | 'lowercase'i | 'uppercase'i | 'id_start'i | 'id_continue'i | 'xid_start'i | 'xid_continue'i | 'grapheme_base'i | 'grapheme_extend'i | 'default_ignorable_code_point'i; property_age = 'age=1.1'i | 'age=2.0'i | 'age=2.1'i | 'age=3.0'i | 'age=3.1'i | 'age=3.2'i | 'age=4.0'i | 'age=4.1'i | 'age=5.0'i | 'age=5.1'i | 'age=5.2'i | 'age=6.0'i | 'age=6.1'i | 'age=6.2'i | 'age=6.3'i | 'age=7.0'i; property_script = (alnum | space | '_' | '-')+; # everything else property_sequence = property_char . '{' . '^'? ( property_name | general_category | property_age | property_derived | property_script ) . '}'; action premature_property_end { raise PrematureEndError.new('unicode property') } # Unicode properties scanner # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- unicode_property := |* property_sequence < eof(premature_property_end) { text = text(data, ts, te, 1).first if in_set type = :set else type = text[1,1] == 'p' ? :property : :nonproperty end name = data[ts+2..te-2].pack('c*').gsub(/[\s_]/,'').downcase if name[0].chr == '^' name = name[1..-1] type = :nonproperty end case name # Named when 'alnum' self.emit(type, :alnum, text, ts-1, te) when 'alpha' self.emit(type, :alpha, text, ts-1, te) when 'ascii' self.emit(type, :ascii, text, ts-1, te) when 'blank' self.emit(type, :blank, text, ts-1, te) when 'cntrl' self.emit(type, :cntrl, text, ts-1, te) when 'digit' self.emit(type, :digit, text, ts-1, te) when 'graph' self.emit(type, :graph, text, ts-1, te) when 'lower' self.emit(type, :lower, text, ts-1, te) when 'print' self.emit(type, :print, text, ts-1, te) when 'punct' self.emit(type, :punct, text, ts-1, te) when 'space' self.emit(type, :space, text, ts-1, te) when 'upper' self.emit(type, :upper, text, ts-1, te) when 'xdigit' self.emit(type, :xdigit, text, ts-1, te) when 'any' self.emit(type, :any, text, ts-1, te) when 'assigned' self.emit(type, :assigned, text, ts-1, te) when 'newline' self.emit(type, :newline, text, ts-1, te) when 'word' self.emit(type, :word, text, ts-1, te) # Letters when 'l', 'letter' self.emit(type, :letter_any, text, ts-1, te) when 'lu', 'uppercaseletter' self.emit(type, :letter_uppercase, text, ts-1, te) when 'll', 'lowercaseletter' self.emit(type, :letter_lowercase, text, ts-1, te) when 'lt', 'titlecaseletter' self.emit(type, :letter_titlecase, text, ts-1, te) when 'lm', 'modifierletter' self.emit(type, :letter_modifier, text, ts-1, te) when 'lo', 'otherletter' self.emit(type, :letter_other, text, ts-1, te) # Marks when 'm', 'mark' self.emit(type, :mark_any, text, ts-1, te) when 'mn', 'nonspacingmark' self.emit(type, :mark_nonspacing, text, ts-1, te) when 'mc', 'spacingmark' self.emit(type, :mark_spacing, text, ts-1, te) when 'me', 'enclosingmark' self.emit(type, :mark_enclosing, text, ts-1, te) # Numbers when 'n', 'number' self.emit(type, :number_any, text, ts-1, te) when 'nd', 'decimalnumber' self.emit(type, :number_decimal, text, ts-1, te) when 'nl', 'letternumber' self.emit(type, :number_letter, text, ts-1, te) when 'no', 'othernumber' self.emit(type, :number_other, text, ts-1, te) # Punctuation when 'p', 'punctuation' self.emit(type, :punct_any, text, ts-1, te) when 'pc', 'connectorpunctuation' self.emit(type, :punct_connector, text, ts-1, te) when 'pd', 'dashpunctuation' self.emit(type, :punct_dash, text, ts-1, te) when 'ps', 'openpunctuation' self.emit(type, :punct_open, text, ts-1, te) when 'pe', 'closepunctuation' self.emit(type, :punct_close, text, ts-1, te) when 'pi', 'initialpunctuation' self.emit(type, :punct_initial, text, ts-1, te) when 'pf', 'finalpunctuation' self.emit(type, :punct_final, text, ts-1, te) when 'po', 'otherpunctuation' self.emit(type, :punct_other, text, ts-1, te) # Symbols when 's', 'symbol' self.emit(type, :symbol_any, text, ts-1, te) when 'sm', 'mathsymbol' self.emit(type, :symbol_math, text, ts-1, te) when 'sc', 'currencysymbol' self.emit(type, :symbol_currency, text, ts-1, te) when 'sk', 'modifiersymbol' self.emit(type, :symbol_modifier, text, ts-1, te) when 'so', 'othersymbol' self.emit(type, :symbol_other, text, ts-1, te) # Separators when 'z', 'separator' self.emit(type, :separator_any, text, ts-1, te) when 'zs', 'spaceseparator' self.emit(type, :separator_space, text, ts-1, te) when 'zl', 'lineseparator' self.emit(type, :separator_line, text, ts-1, te) when 'zp', 'paragraphseparator' self.emit(type, :separator_para, text, ts-1, te) # Codepoints when 'c', 'other' self.emit(type, :other, text, ts-1, te) when 'cc', 'control' self.emit(type, :control, text, ts-1, te) when 'cf', 'format' self.emit(type, :format, text, ts-1, te) when 'cs', 'surrogate' self.emit(type, :surrogate, text, ts-1, te) when 'co', 'privateuse' self.emit(type, :private_use, text, ts-1, te) when 'cn', 'unassigned' self.emit(type, :unassigned, text, ts-1, te) # Age when 'age=1.1' self.emit(type, :age_1_1, text, ts-1, te) when 'age=2.0' self.emit(type, :age_2_0, text, ts-1, te) when 'age=2.1' self.emit(type, :age_2_1, text, ts-1, te) when 'age=3.0' self.emit(type, :age_3_0, text, ts-1, te) when 'age=3.1' self.emit(type, :age_3_1, text, ts-1, te) when 'age=3.2' self.emit(type, :age_3_2, text, ts-1, te) when 'age=4.0' self.emit(type, :age_4_0, text, ts-1, te) when 'age=4.1' self.emit(type, :age_4_1, text, ts-1, te) when 'age=5.0' self.emit(type, :age_5_0, text, ts-1, te) when 'age=5.1' self.emit(type, :age_5_1, text, ts-1, te) when 'age=5.2' self.emit(type, :age_5_2, text, ts-1, te) when 'age=6.0' self.emit(type, :age_6_0, text, ts-1, te) when 'age=6.1' self.emit(type, :age_6_1, text, ts-1, te) when 'age=6.2' self.emit(type, :age_6_2, text, ts-1, te) when 'age=6.3' self.emit(type, :age_6_3, text, ts-1, te) when 'age=7.0' self.emit(type, :age_7_0, text, ts-1, te) # Derived Properties when 'ahex', 'asciihexdigit' self.emit(type, :ascii_hex, text, ts-1, te) when 'alphabetic' self.emit(type, :alphabetic, text, ts-1, te) when 'cased' self.emit(type, :cased, text, ts-1, te) when 'cwcf', 'changeswhencasefolded' self.emit(type, :changes_when_casefolded, text, ts-1, te) when 'cwcm', 'changeswhencasemapped' self.emit(type, :changes_when_casemapped, text, ts-1, te) when 'cwl', 'changeswhenlowercased' self.emit(type, :changes_when_lowercased, text, ts-1, te) when 'cwt', 'changeswhentitlecased' self.emit(type, :changes_when_titlecased, text, ts-1, te) when 'cwu', 'changeswhenuppercased' self.emit(type, :changes_when_uppercased, text, ts-1, te) when 'ci', 'caseignorable' self.emit(type, :case_ignorable, text, ts-1, te) when 'bidic', 'bidicontrol' self.emit(type, :bidi_control, text, ts-1, te) when 'dash' self.emit(type, :dash, text, ts-1, te) when 'dep', 'deprecated' self.emit(type, :deprecated, text, ts-1, te) when 'di', 'defaultignorablecodepoint' self.emit(type, :default_ignorable_cp, text, ts-1, te) when 'dia', 'diacritic' self.emit(type, :diacritic, text, ts-1, te) when 'ext', 'extender' self.emit(type, :extender, text, ts-1, te) when 'grbase', 'graphemebase' self.emit(type, :grapheme_base, text, ts-1, te) when 'grext', 'graphemeextend' self.emit(type, :grapheme_extend, text, ts-1, te) when 'grlink', 'graphemelink' # NOTE: deprecated as of Unicode 5.0 self.emit(type, :grapheme_link, text, ts-1, te) when 'hex', 'hexdigit' self.emit(type, :hex_digit, text, ts-1, te) when 'hyphen' # NOTE: deprecated as of Unicode 6.0 self.emit(type, :hyphen, text, ts-1, te) when 'idc', 'idcontinue' self.emit(type, :id_continue, text, ts-1, te) when 'ideo', 'ideographic' self.emit(type, :ideographic, text, ts-1, te) when 'ids', 'idstart' self.emit(type, :id_start, text, ts-1, te) when 'idsb', 'idsbinaryoperator' self.emit(type, :ids_binary_op, text, ts-1, te) when 'idst', 'idstrinaryoperator' self.emit(type, :ids_trinary_op, text, ts-1, te) when 'joinc', 'joincontrol' self.emit(type, :join_control, text, ts-1, te) when 'loe', 'logicalorderexception' self.emit(type, :logical_order_exception, text, ts-1, te) when 'lowercase' self.emit(type, :lowercase, text, ts-1, te) when 'math' self.emit(type, :math, text, ts-1, te) when 'nchar', 'noncharactercodepoint' self.emit(type, :non_character_cp, text, ts-1, te) when 'oalpha', 'otheralphabetic' self.emit(type, :other_alphabetic, text, ts-1, te) when 'odi', 'otherdefaultignorablecodepoint' self.emit(type, :other_default_ignorable_cp, text, ts-1, te) when 'ogrext', 'othergraphemeextend' self.emit(type, :other_grapheme_extended, text, ts-1, te) when 'oidc', 'otheridcontinue' self.emit(type, :other_id_continue, text, ts-1, te) when 'oids', 'otheridstart' self.emit(type, :other_id_start, text, ts-1, te) when 'olower', 'otherlowercase' self.emit(type, :other_lowercase, text, ts-1, te) when 'omath', 'othermath' self.emit(type, :other_math, text, ts-1, te) when 'oupper', 'otheruppercase' self.emit(type, :other_uppercase, text, ts-1, te) when 'patsyn', 'patternsyntax' self.emit(type, :pattern_syntax, text, ts-1, te) when 'patws', 'patternwhitespace' self.emit(type, :pattern_whitespace, text, ts-1, te) when 'qmark', 'quotationmark' self.emit(type, :quotation_mark, text, ts-1, te) when 'radical' self.emit(type, :radical, text, ts-1, te) when 'sd', 'softdotted' self.emit(type, :soft_dotted, text, ts-1, te) when 'sterm' self.emit(type, :sentence_terminal, text, ts-1, te) when 'term', 'terminalpunctuation' self.emit(type, :terminal_punctuation, text, ts-1, te) when 'uideo', 'unifiedideograph' self.emit(type, :unified_ideograph, text, ts-1, te) when 'uppercase' self.emit(type, :uppercase, text, ts-1, te) when 'vs', 'variationselector' self.emit(type, :variation_selector, text, ts-1, te) when 'wspace', 'whitespace' self.emit(type, :whitespace, text, ts-1, te) when 'xids', 'xidstart' self.emit(type, :xid_start, text, ts-1, te) when 'xidc', 'xidcontinue' self.emit(type, :xid_continue, text, ts-1, te) # Scripts when 'aghb', 'caucasianalbanian' self.emit(type, :script_caucasian_albanian, text, ts-1, te) when 'arab', 'arabic' self.emit(type, :script_arabic, text, ts-1, te) when 'armi', 'imperialaramaic' self.emit(type, :script_imperial_aramaic, text, ts-1, te) when 'armn', 'armenian' self.emit(type, :script_armenian, text, ts-1, te) when 'avst', 'avestan' self.emit(type, :script_avestan, text, ts-1, te) when 'bali', 'balinese' self.emit(type, :script_balinese, text, ts-1, te) when 'bamu', 'bamum' self.emit(type, :script_bamum, text, ts-1, te) when 'bass', 'bassavah' self.emit(type, :script_bassa_vah, text, ts-1, te) when 'batk', 'batak' self.emit(type, :script_batak, text, ts-1, te) when 'beng', 'bengali' self.emit(type, :script_bengali, text, ts-1, te) when 'bopo', 'bopomofo' self.emit(type, :script_bopomofo, text, ts-1, te) when 'brah', 'brahmi' self.emit(type, :script_brahmi, text, ts-1, te) when 'brai', 'braille' self.emit(type, :script_braille, text, ts-1, te) when 'bugi', 'buginese' self.emit(type, :script_buginese, text, ts-1, te) when 'buhd', 'buhid' self.emit(type, :script_buhid, text, ts-1, te) when 'cans', 'canadianaboriginal' self.emit(type, :script_canadian_aboriginal, text, ts-1, te) when 'cari', 'carian' self.emit(type, :script_carian, text, ts-1, te) when 'cham' self.emit(type, :script_cham, text, ts-1, te) when 'cher', 'cherokee' self.emit(type, :script_cherokee, text, ts-1, te) when 'copt', 'coptic', 'qaac' self.emit(type, :script_coptic, text, ts-1, te) when 'cprt', 'cypriot' self.emit(type, :script_cypriot, text, ts-1, te) when 'cyrl', 'cyrillic' self.emit(type, :script_cyrillic, text, ts-1, te) when 'deva', 'devanagari' self.emit(type, :script_devanagari, text, ts-1, te) when 'dsrt', 'deseret' self.emit(type, :script_deseret, text, ts-1, te) when 'dupl', 'duployan' self.emit(type, :script_duployan, text, ts-1, te) when 'egyp', 'egyptianhieroglyphs' self.emit(type, :script_egyptian_hieroglyphs, text, ts-1, te) when 'elba', 'elbasan' self.emit(type, :script_elbasan, text, ts-1, te) when 'ethi', 'ethiopic' self.emit(type, :script_ethiopic, text, ts-1, te) when 'geor', 'georgian' self.emit(type, :script_georgian, text, ts-1, te) when 'glag', 'glagolitic' self.emit(type, :script_glagolitic, text, ts-1, te) when 'goth', 'gothic' self.emit(type, :script_gothic, text, ts-1, te) when 'gran', 'grantha' self.emit(type, :script_grantha, text, ts-1, te) when 'grek', 'greek' self.emit(type, :script_greek, text, ts-1, te) when 'gujr', 'gujarati' self.emit(type, :script_gujarati, text, ts-1, te) when 'guru', 'gurmukhi' self.emit(type, :script_gurmukhi, text, ts-1, te) when 'hang', 'hangul' self.emit(type, :script_hangul, text, ts-1, te) when 'hani', 'han' self.emit(type, :script_han, text, ts-1, te) when 'hano', 'hanunoo' self.emit(type, :script_hanunoo, text, ts-1, te) when 'hebr', 'hebrew' self.emit(type, :script_hebrew, text, ts-1, te) when 'hira', 'hiragana' self.emit(type, :script_hiragana, text, ts-1, te) when 'hmng', 'pahawhhmong' self.emit(type, :script_pahawh_hmong, text, ts-1, te) when 'hrkt', 'katakanaorhiragana' self.emit(type, :script_katakana_or_hiragana, text, ts-1, te) when 'ital', 'olditalic' self.emit(type, :script_old_italic, text, ts-1, te) when 'java', 'javanese' self.emit(type, :script_javanese, text, ts-1, te) when 'kali', 'kayahli' self.emit(type, :script_kayah_li, text, ts-1, te) when 'kana', 'katakana' self.emit(type, :script_katakana, text, ts-1, te) when 'khar', 'kharoshthi' self.emit(type, :script_kharoshthi, text, ts-1, te) when 'khmr', 'khmer' self.emit(type, :script_khmer, text, ts-1, te) when 'khoj', 'khojki' self.emit(type, :script_khojki, text, ts-1, te) when 'knda', 'kannada' self.emit(type, :script_kannada, text, ts-1, te) when 'kthi', 'kaithi' self.emit(type, :script_kaithi, text, ts-1, te) when 'lana', 'taitham' self.emit(type, :script_tai_tham, text, ts-1, te) when 'laoo', 'lao' self.emit(type, :script_lao, text, ts-1, te) when 'latn', 'latin' self.emit(type, :script_latin, text, ts-1, te) when 'lepc', 'lepcha' self.emit(type, :script_lepcha, text, ts-1, te) when 'limb', 'limbu' self.emit(type, :script_limbu, text, ts-1, te) when 'lina', 'lineara' self.emit(type, :script_linear_a, text, ts-1, te) when 'linb', 'linearb' self.emit(type, :script_linear_b, text, ts-1, te) when 'lisu' self.emit(type, :script_lisu, text, ts-1, te) when 'lyci', 'lycian' self.emit(type, :script_lycian, text, ts-1, te) when 'lydi', 'lydian' self.emit(type, :script_lydian, text, ts-1, te) when 'mlym', 'malayalam' self.emit(type, :script_malayalam, text, ts-1, te) when 'mahj', 'mahajani' self.emit(type, :script_mahajani, text, ts-1, te) when 'mand', 'mandaic' self.emit(type, :script_mandaic, text, ts-1, te) when 'mani', 'manichaean' self.emit(type, :script_manichaean, text, ts-1, te) when 'mend', 'mendekikakui' self.emit(type, :script_mende_kikakui, text, ts-1, te) when 'modi' self.emit(type, :script_modi, text, ts-1, te) when 'mong', 'mongolian' self.emit(type, :script_mongolian, text, ts-1, te) when 'mroo', 'mro' self.emit(type, :script_mro, text, ts-1, te) when 'mtei', 'meeteimayek' self.emit(type, :script_meetei_mayek, text, ts-1, te) when 'mymr', 'myanmar' self.emit(type, :script_myanmar, text, ts-1, te) when 'narb', 'oldnortharabian' self.emit(type, :script_old_north_arabian, text, ts-1, te) when 'nbat', 'nabataean' self.emit(type, :script_nabataean, text, ts-1, te) when 'nkoo', 'nko' self.emit(type, :script_nko, text, ts-1, te) when 'ogam', 'ogham' self.emit(type, :script_ogham, text, ts-1, te) when 'olck', 'olchiki' self.emit(type, :script_ol_chiki, text, ts-1, te) when 'orkh', 'oldturkic' self.emit(type, :script_old_turkic, text, ts-1, te) when 'orya', 'oriya' self.emit(type, :script_oriya, text, ts-1, te) when 'osma', 'osmanya' self.emit(type, :script_osmanya, text, ts-1, te) when 'palm', 'palmyrene' self.emit(type, :script_palmyrene, text, ts-1, te) when 'pauc', 'paucinhau' self.emit(type, :script_pau_cin_hau, text, ts-1, te) when 'perm', 'oldpermic' self.emit(type, :script_old_permic, text, ts-1, te) when 'phag', 'phagspa' self.emit(type, :script_phags_pa, text, ts-1, te) when 'phli', 'inscriptionalpahlavi' self.emit(type, :script_inscriptional_pahlavi, text, ts-1, te) when 'phlp', 'psalterpahlavi' self.emit(type, :script_psalter_pahlavi, text, ts-1, te) when 'phnx', 'phoenician' self.emit(type, :script_phoenician, text, ts-1, te) when 'prti', 'inscriptionalparthian' self.emit(type, :script_inscriptional_parthian, text, ts-1, te) when 'rjng', 'rejang' self.emit(type, :script_rejang, text, ts-1, te) when 'runr', 'runic' self.emit(type, :script_runic, text, ts-1, te) when 'samr', 'samaritan' self.emit(type, :script_samaritan, text, ts-1, te) when 'sarb', 'oldsoutharabian' self.emit(type, :script_old_south_arabian, text, ts-1, te) when 'saur', 'saurashtra' self.emit(type, :script_saurashtra, text, ts-1, te) when 'shaw', 'shavian' self.emit(type, :script_shavian, text, ts-1, te) when 'sidd', 'siddham' self.emit(type, :script_siddham, text, ts-1, te) when 'sind', 'khudawadi' self.emit(type, :script_khudawadi, text, ts-1, te) when 'sinh', 'sinhala' self.emit(type, :script_sinhala, text, ts-1, te) when 'sund', 'sundanese' self.emit(type, :script_sundanese, text, ts-1, te) when 'sylo', 'sylotinagri' self.emit(type, :script_syloti_nagri, text, ts-1, te) when 'syrc', 'syriac' self.emit(type, :script_syriac, text, ts-1, te) when 'tagb', 'tagbanwa' self.emit(type, :script_tagbanwa, text, ts-1, te) when 'tale', 'taile' self.emit(type, :script_tai_le, text, ts-1, te) when 'talu', 'newtailue' self.emit(type, :script_new_tai_lue, text, ts-1, te) when 'taml', 'tamil' self.emit(type, :script_tamil, text, ts-1, te) when 'tavt', 'taiviet' self.emit(type, :script_tai_viet, text, ts-1, te) when 'telu', 'telugu' self.emit(type, :script_telugu, text, ts-1, te) when 'tfng', 'tifinagh' self.emit(type, :script_tifinagh, text, ts-1, te) when 'tglg', 'tagalog' self.emit(type, :script_tagalog, text, ts-1, te) when 'thaa', 'thaana' self.emit(type, :script_thaana, text, ts-1, te) when 'thai' self.emit(type, :script_thai, text, ts-1, te) when 'tibt', 'tibetan' self.emit(type, :script_tibetan, text, ts-1, te) when 'tirh', 'tirhuta' self.emit(type, :script_tirhuta, text, ts-1, te) when 'ugar', 'ugaritic' self.emit(type, :script_ugaritic, text, ts-1, te) when 'vaii', 'vai' self.emit(type, :script_vai, text, ts-1, te) when 'wara', 'warangciti' self.emit(type, :script_warang_citi, text, ts-1, te) when 'xpeo', 'oldpersian' self.emit(type, :script_old_persian, text, ts-1, te) when 'xsux', 'cuneiform' self.emit(type, :script_cuneiform, text, ts-1, te) when 'yiii', 'yi' self.emit(type, :script_yi, text, ts-1, te) when 'zinh', 'inherited', 'qaai' self.emit(type, :script_inherited, text, ts-1, te) when 'zyyy', 'common' self.emit(type, :script_common, text, ts-1, te) when 'zzzz', 'unknown' self.emit(type, :script_unknown, text, ts-1, te) # Unicode blocks when 'inalphabeticpresentationforms' self.emit(type, :block_inalphabetic_presentation_forms, text, ts-1, te) when 'inalphabeticpresentationforms' self.emit(type, :block_inalphabetic_presentation_forms, text, ts-1, te) when 'inarabicpresentationforms-a' self.emit(type, :block_inarabic_presentation_forms_a, text, ts-1, te) when 'inarabicpresentationforms-b' self.emit(type, :block_inarabic_presentation_forms_b, text, ts-1, te) when 'inarabic' self.emit(type, :block_inarabic, text, ts-1, te) when 'inarmenian' self.emit(type, :block_inarmenian, text, ts-1, te) when 'inarrows' self.emit(type, :block_inarrows, text, ts-1, te) when 'inbasiclatin' self.emit(type, :block_inbasic_latin, text, ts-1, te) when 'inbengali' self.emit(type, :block_inbengali, text, ts-1, te) when 'inblockelements' self.emit(type, :block_inblock_elements, text, ts-1, te) when 'inbopomofoextended' self.emit(type, :block_inbopomofo_extended, text, ts-1, te) when 'inbopomofo' self.emit(type, :block_inbopomofo, text, ts-1, te) when 'inboxdrawing' self.emit(type, :block_inbox_drawing, text, ts-1, te) when 'inbraillepatterns' self.emit(type, :block_inbraille_patterns, text, ts-1, te) when 'inbuhid' self.emit(type, :block_inbuhid, text, ts-1, te) when 'incjkcompatibilityforms' self.emit(type, :block_incjk_compatibility_forms, text, ts-1, te) when 'incjkcompatibilityideographs' self.emit(type, :block_incjk_compatibility_ideographs, text, ts-1, te) when 'incjkcompatibility' self.emit(type, :block_incjk_compatibility, text, ts-1, te) when 'incjkradicalssupplement' self.emit(type, :block_incjk_radicals_supplement, text, ts-1, te) when 'incjksymbolsandpunctuation' self.emit(type, :block_incjk_symbols_and_punctuation, text, ts-1, te) when 'incjkunifiedideographsextensiona' self.emit(type, :block_incjk_unified_ideographs_extension_a, text, ts-1, te) when 'incjkunifiedideographs' self.emit(type, :block_incjk_unified_ideographs, text, ts-1, te) when 'incherokee' self.emit(type, :block_incherokee, text, ts-1, te) when 'incombiningdiacriticalmarksforsymbols' self.emit(type, :block_incombining_diacritical_marks_for_symbols, text, ts-1, te) when 'incombiningdiacriticalmarks' self.emit(type, :block_incombining_diacritical_marks, text, ts-1, te) when 'incombininghalfmarks' self.emit(type, :block_incombining_half_marks, text, ts-1, te) when 'incontrolpictures' self.emit(type, :block_incontrol_pictures, text, ts-1, te) when 'incurrencysymbols' self.emit(type, :block_incurrency_symbols, text, ts-1, te) when 'incyrillicsupplementary' self.emit(type, :block_incyrillic_supplementary, text, ts-1, te) when 'incyrillic' self.emit(type, :block_incyrillic, text, ts-1, te) when 'indevanagari' self.emit(type, :block_indevanagari, text, ts-1, te) when 'indingbats' self.emit(type, :block_indingbats, text, ts-1, te) when 'inenclosedalphanumerics' self.emit(type, :block_inenclosed_alphanumerics, text, ts-1, te) when 'inenclosedcjklettersandmonths' self.emit(type, :block_inenclosed_cjk_letters_and_months, text, ts-1, te) when 'inethiopic' self.emit(type, :block_inethiopic, text, ts-1, te) when 'ingeneralpunctuation' self.emit(type, :block_ingeneral_punctuation, text, ts-1, te) when 'ingeometricshapes' self.emit(type, :block_ingeometric_shapes, text, ts-1, te) when 'ingeorgian' self.emit(type, :block_ingeorgian, text, ts-1, te) when 'ingreekextended' self.emit(type, :block_ingreek_extended, text, ts-1, te) when 'ingreekandcoptic' self.emit(type, :block_ingreek_and_coptic, text, ts-1, te) when 'ingujarati' self.emit(type, :block_ingujarati, text, ts-1, te) when 'ingurmukhi' self.emit(type, :block_ingurmukhi, text, ts-1, te) when 'inhalfwidthandfullwidthforms' self.emit(type, :block_inhalfwidth_and_fullwidth_forms, text, ts-1, te) when 'inhangulcompatibilityjamo' self.emit(type, :block_inhangul_compatibility_jamo, text, ts-1, te) when 'inhanguljamo' self.emit(type, :block_inhangul_jamo, text, ts-1, te) when 'inhangulsyllables' self.emit(type, :block_inhangul_syllables, text, ts-1, te) when 'inhanunoo' self.emit(type, :block_inhanunoo, text, ts-1, te) when 'inhebrew' self.emit(type, :block_inhebrew, text, ts-1, te) when 'inhighprivateusesurrogates' self.emit(type, :block_inhigh_private_use_surrogates, text, ts-1, te) when 'inhighsurrogates' self.emit(type, :block_inhigh_surrogates, text, ts-1, te) when 'inhiragana' self.emit(type, :block_inhiragana, text, ts-1, te) when 'inipaextensions' self.emit(type, :block_inipa_extensions, text, ts-1, te) when 'inideographicdescriptioncharacters' self.emit(type, :block_inideographic_description_characters, text, ts-1, te) when 'inkanbun' self.emit(type, :block_inkanbun, text, ts-1, te) when 'inkangxiradicals' self.emit(type, :block_inkangxi_radicals, text, ts-1, te) when 'inkannada' self.emit(type, :block_inkannada, text, ts-1, te) when 'inkatakanaphoneticextensions' self.emit(type, :block_inkatakana_phonetic_extensions, text, ts-1, te) when 'inkatakana' self.emit(type, :block_inkatakana, text, ts-1, te) when 'inkhmersymbols' self.emit(type, :block_inkhmer_symbols, text, ts-1, te) when 'inkhmer' self.emit(type, :block_inkhmer, text, ts-1, te) when 'inlao' self.emit(type, :block_inlao, text, ts-1, te) when 'inlatin-1supplement' self.emit(type, :block_inlatin_1_supplement, text, ts-1, te) when 'inlatinextended-a' self.emit(type, :block_inlatin_extended_a, text, ts-1, te) when 'inlatinextended-b' self.emit(type, :block_inlatin_extended_b, text, ts-1, te) when 'inlatinextendedadditional' self.emit(type, :block_inlatin_extended_additional, text, ts-1, te) when 'inletterlikesymbols' self.emit(type, :block_inletterlike_symbols, text, ts-1, te) when 'inlimbu' self.emit(type, :block_inlimbu, text, ts-1, te) when 'inlowsurrogates' self.emit(type, :block_inlow_surrogates, text, ts-1, te) when 'inmalayalam' self.emit(type, :block_inmalayalam, text, ts-1, te) when 'inmathematicaloperators' self.emit(type, :block_inmathematical_operators, text, ts-1, te) when 'inmiscellaneousmathematicalsymbols-a' self.emit(type, :block_inmiscellaneous_mathematical_symbols_a, text, ts-1, te) when 'inmiscellaneousmathematicalsymbols-b' self.emit(type, :block_inmiscellaneous_mathematical_symbols_b, text, ts-1, te) when 'inmiscellaneoussymbolsandarrows' self.emit(type, :block_inmiscellaneous_symbols_and_arrows, text, ts-1, te) when 'inmiscellaneoussymbols' self.emit(type, :block_inmiscellaneous_symbols, text, ts-1, te) when 'inmiscellaneoustechnical' self.emit(type, :block_inmiscellaneous_technical, text, ts-1, te) when 'inmongolian' self.emit(type, :block_inmongolian, text, ts-1, te) when 'inmyanmar' self.emit(type, :block_inmyanmar, text, ts-1, te) when 'innumberforms' self.emit(type, :block_innumber_forms, text, ts-1, te) when 'inogham' self.emit(type, :block_inogham, text, ts-1, te) when 'inopticalcharacterrecognition' self.emit(type, :block_inoptical_character_recognition, text, ts-1, te) when 'inoriya' self.emit(type, :block_inoriya, text, ts-1, te) when 'inphoneticextensions' self.emit(type, :block_inphonetic_extensions, text, ts-1, te) when 'inprivateusearea' self.emit(type, :block_inprivate_use_area, text, ts-1, te) when 'inrunic' self.emit(type, :block_inrunic, text, ts-1, te) when 'insinhala' self.emit(type, :block_insinhala, text, ts-1, te) when 'insmallformvariants' self.emit(type, :block_insmall_form_variants, text, ts-1, te) when 'inspacingmodifierletters' self.emit(type, :block_inspacing_modifier_letters, text, ts-1, te) when 'inspecials' self.emit(type, :block_inspecials, text, ts-1, te) when 'insuperscriptsandsubscripts' self.emit(type, :block_insuperscripts_and_subscripts, text, ts-1, te) when 'insupplementalarrows-a' self.emit(type, :block_insupplemental_arrows_a, text, ts-1, te) when 'insupplementalarrows-b' self.emit(type, :block_insupplemental_arrows_b, text, ts-1, te) when 'insupplementalmathematicaloperators' self.emit(type, :block_insupplemental_mathematical_operators, text, ts-1, te) when 'insyriac' self.emit(type, :block_insyriac, text, ts-1, te) when 'intagalog' self.emit(type, :block_intagalog, text, ts-1, te) when 'intagbanwa' self.emit(type, :block_intagbanwa, text, ts-1, te) when 'intaile' self.emit(type, :block_intai_le, text, ts-1, te) when 'intamil' self.emit(type, :block_intamil, text, ts-1, te) when 'intelugu' self.emit(type, :block_intelugu, text, ts-1, te) when 'inthaana' self.emit(type, :block_inthaana, text, ts-1, te) when 'inthai' self.emit(type, :block_inthai, text, ts-1, te) when 'intibetan' self.emit(type, :block_intibetan, text, ts-1, te) when 'inunifiedcanadianaboriginalsyllabics' self.emit(type, :block_inunified_canadian_aboriginal_syllabics, text, ts-1, te) when 'invariationselectors' self.emit(type, :block_invariation_selectors, text, ts-1, te) when 'inyiradicals' self.emit(type, :block_inyi_radicals, text, ts-1, te) when 'inyisyllables' self.emit(type, :block_inyi_syllables, text, ts-1, te) when 'inyijinghexagramsymbols' self.emit(type, :block_inyijing_hexagram_symbols, text, ts-1, te) else # Should this really be an error? Or would emitting # an :unknown for the property be better? # # self.emit(type, :unknown, text, ts-1, te) raise UnknownUnicodePropertyError.new(name) end fret; }; *|; }%%