require 'spec_helper' describe 'visiting the sparql endpoint' do ## shared examples shared_examples_for 'a non-html error' do it "should 400 with a message" do page.source.should_not be_blank page.status_code.should == 400 end end shared_examples_for 'a sparql query' do it "should show the results in the page" do page.should have_content end end shared_examples_for "a json response" do it 'should render json' do page.source.should ==, :request_format => :json).execute.to_s end end shared_examples_for "an xml response" do it 'should render xml' do page.source.should ==, :request_format => :xml).execute.to_s end end shared_examples_for "an rdf response" do it 'should render rdf' do page.source.should ==, :request_format =>:rdf).execute.to_s end end shared_examples_for "a csv response" do it 'should render csv' do page.source.should ==, :request_format =>:csv).execute.to_s end end shared_examples_for "a text response" do it 'should render text' do page.source.should ==, :request_format =>:text).execute.to_s end end shared_examples_for "an n-triples response" do it 'should render ntriples' do page.source.should ==, :request_format =>:nt).execute.to_s end end shared_examples_for "a turtle response" do it 'should render turtle' do page.source.should ==, :request_format =>:ttl).execute.to_s end end shared_examples_for 'a construct query' do describe 'and clicks N-triples format' do before { page.click_link "N-triples" } it_should_behave_like "an n-triples response" end describe 'and clicks Turtle format' do before { page.click_link "Turtle" } it_should_behave_like "a turtle response" end describe 'and clicks rdf/xml format' do before { page.click_link "RDF/XML" } it_should_behave_like "an rdf response" end end ###################### ## end of shared examples (start of tests!) before do @yuri = FactoryGirl.create(:yuri_unicorn_resource) @boris = FactoryGirl.create(:boris_unicorn_resource) visit '/sparql' end describe "and running a sparql construct" do before do @query = 'construct {?s ?p ?o} where {?s ?p ?o}' page.fill_in 'query', with: @query find('form input[type="submit"]').click end it_should_behave_like 'a sparql query' it_should_behave_like 'a construct query' end describe "and runnning a sparql describe" do before do @query = "Describe <#{@yuri.uri.to_s}>" page.fill_in 'query', with: @query find('form input[type="submit"]').click end it_should_behave_like 'a sparql query' it_should_behave_like 'a construct query' end describe "and runnning a sparql ask" do before do @query = "ASK where {?s ?p ?o}" page.fill_in 'query', with: @query find('form input[type="submit"]').click end describe 'and clicking JSON format' do before { page.click_link "JSON" } it_should_behave_like 'a json response' end describe 'and clicking XML format' do before { page.click_link "XML" } it_should_behave_like 'an xml response' end describe 'and clicking Text format' do before { page.click_link "Text" } it_should_behave_like 'a text response' end end describe "and running a sparql select" do context 'which returns a single page of results' do before do @query = 'select * where {?s ?p ?o}' page.fill_in 'query', with: @query find('form input[type="submit"]').click end it_should_behave_like 'a sparql query' describe 'and clicking XML format' do before { page.click_link "XML" } it_should_behave_like 'an xml response' end describe 'and clicking CSV format' do before { page.click_link "CSV" } it_should_behave_like 'a csv response' end describe 'and clicking JSON format' do before { page.click_link "JSON" } it_should_behave_like 'a json response' end describe 'and clicking Text format' do before { page.click_link "Text" } it_should_behave_like 'a text response' end end context 'which returns multiple pages' do before do # make some stuff (more results than the page size. (1..30).each do |t| uri = "{t.to_s}" r =, "") r.label = t.to_s end @query = 'select * where {?s ?p ?o}' page.fill_in 'query', with: @query find('form input[type="submit"]').click end it "should show the next page link" do page.should have_link("Next 20 results") end context 'and clicking the next page link' do before { page.click_link("Next 20 results") } it "should go to the next page" do page.current_url.should include('page=2') end it 'should show the previous page link' do page.should have_link("Previous 20 results") end context 'where there are no more pages' do it "should not show the next page link" do page.should_not have_link("Next 20 results") end end context 'and clicking the previous page link' do before { page.click_link("Previous 20 results") } it "should go back to the previous page" do page.current_url.should include('page=1') end end end end end describe "and runs an unknown query type" do before do @query = 'MUNGE * where {?s ?p ?o}' page.fill_in 'query', with: @query find('form input[type="submit"]').click end it "should show a message" do page.should have_content "Unsupported Query Type." end end describe "and runs a query with a large response" do before do Tripod::SparqlClient::Query.should_receive(:query).and_raise(Tripod::Errors::SparqlResponseTooLarge) @query = 'CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} where {?s ?p ?o}' page.fill_in 'query', with: @query find('form input[type="submit"]').click end it "should show a message" do page.should have_content "Response Too Large" end end describe "and running a query with a syntax error" do before do @query = 'SELECT * where ?s ?p ?o}' page.fill_in 'query', with: @query find('form input[type="submit"]').click end it "should show a synatax error message" do page.should have_content(/There was a syntax error in your query/) end end end describe "calling a sparql query programmatically (non-html)" do context "with a valid query" do before do @query = 'select * where {?s ?p ?o}' end context "for a relevant format" do before do page.driver.header 'Accept','application/json' visit "/sparql?query=#{URI.encode(@query)}" end it_should_behave_like "a json response" end context "for an invalid format for this query type" do before do page.driver.header 'Accept','application/n-triples' visit "/sparql?query=#{URI.encode(@query)}" end it 'should render the default (in this case "text")' do page.source.should ==, :request_format =>:text).execute.to_s end end end context "with an unknown query type" do before do @query = 'MUNGE * where {?s ?p ?o}' page.driver.header 'Accept','text/plain' visit "/sparql?query=#{URI.encode(@query)}" end it_should_behave_like 'a non-html error' end describe "and runs a query with a syntax error" do before do @query = 'SELECT * where ?s ?p ?o}' page.driver.header 'Accept','text/plain' visit "/sparql?query=#{URI.encode(@query)}" end it_should_behave_like 'a non-html error' end end