# Use to configure basic appearance of template Contour.setup do |config| # Enter your application name here. The name will be displayed in the title of all pages, ex: AppName - PageTitle # config.application_name = 'Application Name' # If you want to style your name using html you can do so here, ex: AppName # config.application_name_html = '' # Enter your application version here. Do not include a trailing backslash. Recommend using a predefined constant # config.application_version = '' # Enter your application header background image here. # config.header_background_image = 'rails.png' # Enter your application header title image here. # config.header_title_image = '' # Enter the items you wish to see in the menu # config.menu_items = # [ # { # name: 'Login', display: 'not_signed_in', path: 'new_user_session_path', position: 'right', condition: 'true', # links: [{ name: 'Sign Up', path: 'new_user_registration_path' }] # }, # { # name: 'current_user.email', eval: true, display: 'signed_in', position: 'right', condition: 'true', # links: [{ name: 'Logout', path: 'destroy_user_session_path' }] # }, # { # name: 'Home', display: 'always', path: 'root_path', position: 'left', condition: 'true', image: '', image_options: {}, # links: [] # } # ] # Enter search bar information if you would like one [default none]: # config.search_bar = { # display: 'always', # id: 'global-search', # path: 'search_path', # placeholder: 'Search', # position: 'left' # } # The following three parameters can be set as strings, which will rotate through the colors on a daily basis, selecting an index using (YearDay % ArraySize) # A string or array of strings that represent a CSS color code for generic link color # config.link_color = nil # A string or array of strings that represent a CSS color code for the body background color # config.body_background_color = nil # A string or array of strings that represent an image url for the body background image # config.body_background_image = nil # A hash where the key is a string in "month-day" format where values are a hash of the link_color, body_background_color and/or body_background_image # An example might be (April 1st), { "4-1" => { body_background_image: 'aprilfools.jpg' } } # Note the lack of leading zeros! # Special days take precendence over the rotating options given above # config.month_day = {} # An array of hashes that specify additional fields to add to the sign up form # An example might be [ { attribute: 'first_name', type: 'text_field' }, { attribute: 'last_name', type: 'text_field' } ] # config.sign_up_fields = [] # An array of text fields used to trick spam bots using the honeypot approach. These text fields will not be displayed to the user. # An example might be [ :url, :address, :contact, :comment ] # config.spam_fields = [] end