require 'action_mailer' ## # Adds sending email through an ActiveRecord table as a delivery method for # ActionMailer. # class ActionMailer::ARMailer < ActionMailer::Base def self.inherited(sub) logger.warn('The ActionMailer::ARMailer class has been deprecated. Will be removed in version 2.1. Just use ActionMailer::Base.') end end class ActionMailer::Base ## # Set the email class for deliveries. Handle class reloading issues which prevents caching the email class. # @@email_class_name = 'Email' def self.email_class=(klass) @@email_class_name = klass.to_s end def self.email_class @@email_class_name.constantize end ## # Adds +mail+ to the Email table. Only the first From address for +mail+ is # used. def perform_delivery_activerecord(mail) mail.destinations.each do |destination| self.class.email_class.create :mail => mail.encoded, :to => destination, :from => mail.from.first end end end