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Version 2.0 is not compatible with version 1.0 (although the configuration DSL looks somewhat the same) as version 2.0 generates static sitemap XML files whereas 1.0 generated them dynamically on each request (slow for large sitemaps). ## Requirements DynamicSitemaps is tested in Rails 3.2.13 using Ruby 1.9.3 and 2.0.0, but should work in other versions of Rails 3 and above and Ruby 1.9 and above. Please create an [issue](https://github.com/lassebunk/dynamic_sitemaps/issues) if you encounter any problems. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem "dynamic_sitemaps", "2.0.0.beta2" And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install dynamic_sitemaps To generate a simple example config file in `config/sitemap.rb`: $ rails generate dynamic_sitemaps:install If you want to use version 1.0 (v1.0.8) of DynamicSitemaps, please see [v1.0.8](https://github.com/lassebunk/dynamic_sitemaps/tree/da0f78ddb1e6a471d6d5715d492295da99f5e682) of the project. Please note that this version isn't good for large sitemaps as it generates them dynamically on each request. ## Basic usage The configuration file in `config/sitemap.rb` goes like this (also see the production example below for more advance usage like multiple sites / hosts, etc.): ```ruby host "www.example.com" # Basic sitemap – you can change the name :site as you wish sitemap :site do url root_url, last_mod: Time.now, change_freq: "daily", priority: 1.0 end # Pings search engines after generation has finished ping_with "http://#{host}/sitemap.xml" ``` The host is needed to generate the URLs because the rake task doesn't know anything about the host being used. Then, to generate the sitemap: $ rake sitemap:generate This will, by default, generate a `sitemap.xml` file in `/public/sitemaps` that will look like this: ```xml http://www.example.com/ 2013-07-08T17:02:45+02:00 daily 1.0 ``` You then need to symlink from `public/sitemap.xml` (or whatever you choose) to `public/sitemaps/sitemap.xml`: $ ln -s /path/to/project/public/sitemaps/sitemap.xml /path/to/project/public/sitemap.xml See the below production example for inspiration on how to do this with [Capistrano](https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano), and other things like multiple sites / hosts, etc. If a sitemap contains over 50,000 URLs, then by default, as specified by the [sitemaps.org](http://sitemaps.org) standard, DynamicSitemaps will split it into multiple sitemaps and generate an index file that will also be named `public/sitemaps/sitemap.xml` by default. The sitemap files will then be named `site.xml`, `site2.xml`, `site3.xml`, and so on, and the index file will link to these files using the host set with `host`. ## Automatic sitemaps for resourceful routes DynamicSitemaps can automatically generate sitemaps for ActiveRecord models with the built-in Rails [resourceful routes](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#resource-routing-the-rails-default) (the ones you create using `routes :model_name`). Example: ```ruby host "www.example.com" # Basic sitemap sitemap :site do url root_url, last_mod: Time.now, change_freq: "daily", priority: 1.0 end # Automatically link to all pages using the routes specified # using "resources :pages" in config/routes.rb. This will also # automatically set to the date and time in page.updated_at. sitemap_for Page.scoped # For products with special sitemap name and priority, and link to comments sitemap_for Product.published, name: :published_products do |product| url product, last_mod: product.updated_at, priority: (product.featured? ? 1.0 : 0.7) url product_comments_url(product) end ``` This generates the sitemap files `site.xml`, `pages.xml`, and `published_products.xml` and links them together in the `sitemap.xml` index file, splitting them into multiple sitemap files if the number of URLs exceeds 50,000. The argument passed to `sitemap_for` needs to respond to [`#find_each`](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Batches.html#method-i-find_each), like an ActiveRecord [Relation](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Relation.html). This is to ensure that the records from the database are lazy loaded 1,000 at a time, so that it doesn't accidentally load millions of records in one call when the configuration file is read. Therefore we use `Page.scoped` instead of the normal `Page.all`. ## Custom configuration You can configure different options of how DynamicSitemaps behaves, including the sitemap path and index file name. In an initializer, e.g. `config/initializers/dynamic_sitemaps.rb`: ```ruby # These are the built-in defaults, so you don't need to specify them. DynamicSitemaps.configure do |config| config.path = Rails.root.join("public") config.folder = "sitemaps" # This folder is emptied on each sitemap generation config.index_file_name = "sitemap.xml" config.always_generate_index = false # Makes sitemap.xml contain the sitemap # (e.g. site.xml) when only one sitemap # file has been generated config.config_path = Rails.root.join("config", "sitemap.rb") config.per_page = 50000 end ``` ## Pinging search engines DynamicSitemaps can automatically ping Google and Bing (and other search engines you specify) with the sitemap when the generation finishes. In `config/sitemap.rb`: ```ruby host "www.example.com" sitemap :site do url root_url end ping_with "http://#{host}/sitemap.xml" ``` To customize it, in e.g. `config/initializers/dynamic_sitemaps.rb`: ```ruby DynamicSitemaps.configure do |config| # Default is Google and Bing config.search_engine_ping_urls << "http://customsearchengine.com/ping?url=%s" # Default is pinging only in production config.ping_environments << "staging" end ``` ## In case of failure DynamicSitemaps generates to a temporary directory (`/tmp/dynamic_sitemaps`) first and, when finished, moves the files into the destination (by default `public/sitemaps`). So in case you have generated a sitemap succesfully and the next sitemap generation fails, your sitemap files will remain untouched and available. ## Production example with multiple domains, Capistrano, and Whenever This is an example of a real production app that uses DynamicSitemaps with multiple sites and domains in one app, [Capistrano](https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano) for deployment, and [Whenever](https://github.com/javan/whenever) for crontab scheduling. ### Sitemap setup In `config/sitemap.rb`: ```ruby Site.all.each do |site| folder "sitemaps/#{site.key}" host site.domain sitemap :site do url root_url, priority: 1.0, change_freq: "daily" url blog_posts_url url tags_url end sitemap_for site.pages.where("slug != 'home'") sitemap_for site.blog_posts.published sitemap_for site.tags.scoped sitemap_for site.products.where("type_id != ?", ProductType.find_by_key("unknown").id) do |product| url product, last_mod: product.updated_at, priority: (product.featured? ? 1.0 : 0.7) end ping_with "http://#{host}/sitemap.xml" end ``` ### Routing the default sitemap #### Route for sitemap.xml and robots.txt In `config/routes.rb`: ```ruby get "sitemap.xml" => "home#sitemap", format: :xml, as: :sitemap get "robots.txt" => "home#robots", format: :text, as: :robots ``` #### Controller In `app/controllers/home_controller.rb`: ```ruby class HomeController < ApplicationController # ... def sitemap path = Rails.root.join("public", "sitemaps", current_site.key, "sitemap.xml") if File.exists?(path) render xml: open(path).read else render text: "Sitemap not found.", status: :not_found end end def robots end end ``` #### View for robots.txt In `app/views/home/robots.text.erb`: ```html Sitemap: <%= sitemap_url %> ``` ### Deployment with Capistrano [Capistrano](https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano) deployment configuration in `config/deploy.rb`: ```ruby after "deploy:update_code", "sitemaps:create_symlink" namespace :sitemaps do task :create_symlink, roles: :app do run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/sitemaps" run "rm -rf #{release_path}/public/sitemaps" run "ln -s #{shared_path}/sitemaps #{release_path}/public/sitemaps" end end ``` For automatic crontab scheduling with [Whenever](https://github.com/javan/whenever), in `config/schedule.rb`: ```ruby every 1.day, at: "6am" do rake "sitemap:generate" end ``` This will automatically generate the sitemaps and ping Google and Bing every day at 6am using the sitemap URLs configured above. ## Problems? If you encounter any problems with DynamicSitemaps, please create an [issue](https://github.com/lassebunk/dynamic_sitemaps/issues). If you want to fix the problem (please do :smile:), please see below. ## Contributing Help is always appreciated whether it be improvement of the code, testing, or adding new relevant features. Please create an [issue](https://github.com/lassebunk/dynamic_sitemaps/issues) before implementing a new feature, so we can discuss it in advance. Thanks. 1. Fork the repo 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request