= i18n_column == Introduction This extension provides the capabilities of storing and retrieving translations from a single database column. The translations are stored as a JSON object i.e. {"en":"Home","de":"Zuhause"}. The current and default locale are retrieved from the {Rails Internationalization (I18n) API}[http://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html]. Set the current locale on each request with i.e. I18n.locale = :de. If not set the default locale will be taken: I18n.default_locale. I18n.locale is used as the JSON key to store a translation i.e. "en":"Home". i18n_column is tested with rails version 3. == Installation Gem gem install i18n_column Bundler gem('i18n_column') == Example Migration class CreateNodes < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table(:nodes) do |t| t.text(:name) end end def self.down drop_table(:nodes) end end Model class Node < ActiveRecord::Base i18n_column(:name) end Controller class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter(:set_locale) private def set_locale I18n.locale = params[:locale] end end Set the default locale in config/application.rb file config.i18n.default_locale = :de Console I18n.locale = :en node = Node.create!(:name => 'Home') => {"en":"Home"} node.name => 'Home' I18n.locale = :de node.name = 'Zuhause' node.save! => {"en":"Home","de":"Zuhause"} node.name => 'Zuhause' == Known issues * Rails versions greater than 3.0.1: JSON hash instead of translation is displayed in form fields. Workaround: f.text_field(:fname) instead of f.text_field(:name) == Copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Philipp Ullmann. See LICENSE for details.