require "tty-prompt" require "tty-spinner" require "json" require "time" # required by mina set :execution_mode, :pretty namespace :kubernetes do set :proxy, nil task :deploy, [:options] do |task, args| desc "Set image tag to be latest commit of prompted branch (unless provided) then applies resources to cluster" set_tag_from_branch_commit unless fetch(:image_tag) wait_until_image_ready(fetch(:image_tag)) create_namespace_on_cluster apply_kubernetes_resources(args[:options]) end task :bash do desc "Spins up temporary pod with image and opens remote interactive bash" set_tag_from_branch_commit unless fetch(:image_tag) wait_until_image_ready(fetch(:image_tag)) run_command("bash") end task :command do set :skip_report_time, true desc "Spins up temporary pod with image and runs given command in interactive shell, passing given environment variable" set_tag_from_branch_commit unless fetch(:image_tag) run_command(fetch(:command), env_hash_arg) end task :delete do desc "Delete all resources in namespace on cluster" if"This will delete all resources in namespace #{fetch(:namespace)} on context #{fetch(:kubernetes_context)}, are you sure?") run :local do comment "Deleting all resources in #{fetch(:namespace)}..." command "kubectl delete namespace #{fetch(:namespace)} --context=#{fetch(:kubernetes_context)}" end end end end private def env_hash_arg @env_hash_arg ||= (fetch(:env_hash).is_a?(String) ? JSON.parse(fetch(:env_hash)) : fetch(:env_hash)) || {} end def set_tag_from_branch_commit run :local do comment "Refreshing Git branches..." end remote_branches = `git fetch --prune && git branch -r --no-merged master --sort=-committerdate | grep origin`.split("\n").collect { |b| b.strip.gsub("origin/", "") }.reject { |b| b == "master" } set :branch,"Which branch?", ["master"].concat(remote_branches)) set :image_tag, `git rev-parse origin/#{fetch(:branch)}`.split("\n")[0] end def create_namespace_on_cluster run :local do comment "Create/update namespace on Kubernetes cluster..." proxy_env = "HTTPS_PROXY=#{fetch(:proxy)}" if fetch(:proxy) command "kubectl create namespace #{fetch(:namespace)} --dry-run -o yaml | #{proxy_env} kubectl apply -f - --context=#{fetch(:kubernetes_context)}" end end def wait_until_image_ready(commit) run :local do comment "Checking image #{fetch(:image_repo)}:#{commit} is available..." end spinner = spinner.auto_spin while !image_available?(commit) sleep 5 end spinner.stop end def image_available?(commit) system("docker manifest inspect #{fetch(:image_repo)}:#{commit} > /dev/null") == true end def run_command(command, env_hash = {}) env = env_hash.collect{|k,v| "--env #{k}=#{v}" }.join(" ") proxy_env = "HTTPS_PROXY=#{fetch(:proxy)}" if fetch(:proxy) default_pod_name = "#{`whoami`.strip}-#{command}-#{fetch(:branch)}".downcase.gsub(" ", "-").gsub(":", "-") pod_name ="What name for the pod?", :value => default_pod_name) run :local do comment "Lauching pod #{color(pod_name, 36)} to run #{color(command, 36)}" end pod_run_command = "#{proxy_env} kubectl run #{pod_name} --rm -i --tty --restart=Never --overrides='#{fetch(:kubectl_pod_overrides)}' --context=#{fetch(:kubernetes_context)} --namespace=#{fetch(:namespace)} --image #{fetch(:image_repo)}:#{fetch(:image_tag)} #{env}" running_pod_info = `#{proxy_env} kubectl get pod #{pod_name} -o json --ignore-not-found --context=#{fetch(:kubernetes_context)} --namespace=#{fetch(:namespace)}` if running_pod_info.empty? wait_for_image_and_run_command("#{pod_run_command} -- #{command}") else started_at = Time.parse(JSON.parse(running_pod_info)["status"]["startTime"]).strftime('%b %e, %H:%M') choice = "Pod already exists, running since #{started_at} UTC, what would you like to do?", { "Reattach to its container" => :attach, "Kill it and launch a fresh one" => :replace, "Keep it and start one with a different name" => :other, } ) delete_command = "#{proxy_env} kubectl delete pod #{pod_name} --context=#{fetch(:kubernetes_context)} --namespace=#{fetch(:namespace)}" case choice when :attach attach_command = "#{proxy_env} kubectl attach #{pod_name} -i --tty -c #{pod_name} --context=#{fetch(:kubernetes_context)} --namespace=#{fetch(:namespace)}" system "#{attach_command} && #{delete_command}" when :replace system delete_command run :local do comment "Lauching Pod #{color(pod_name, 36)} to run #{color(command, 36)}" end wait_for_image_and_run_command("#{pod_run_command} -- #{command}") when :other run_command(command, env_hash) end end end def wait_for_image_and_run_command(command) wait_until_image_ready(fetch(:image_tag)) system command end def apply_kubernetes_resources(options) run :local do comment "Applying all Kubernetes resources..." proxy_env = "HTTPS_PROXY=#{fetch(:proxy)}" if fetch(:proxy) filepaths = options&.[](:filepaths) || "config/deploy/#{fetch(:stage)}" render_cmd = "#{proxy_env} krane render --bindings=image_repo=#{fetch(:image_repo)},image_tag=#{fetch(:image_tag)},namespace=#{fetch(:namespace)} --current_sha #{fetch(:image_tag)} -f #{filepaths}" deploy_cmd = "#{proxy_env} krane deploy #{fetch(:namespace)} #{fetch(:kubernetes_context)} --stdin " deploy_cmd += options[:deployment_options] if options&.[](:deployment_options) ejson_secrets_path = "#{filepaths}/secrets.ejson" deploy_cmd += " --filenames #{ejson_secrets_path}" if File.exists?(ejson_secrets_path) command "#{render_cmd} | #{deploy_cmd}" end end