# Itch Client An itch.io screenscraping and automation utility. Originally written to help automate community copy rewards based on purchases and tips. ## Features * Log in and save cookies * Fetch and parse purchase CSV data, optionally by date * Fetch and parse reward redemption CSV data * Fetch reward data * Add/update/delete rewards * Fetch and update game theme and custom CSS data ## How fragile is it? Very fragile. Enjoy it while it lasts! ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'itch_client' ``` And then execute: $ bundle install Or install it yourself as: $ gem install itch_client ## Usage ### Authentication The itch client requires a username and password. It doesn't handle captchas, so ironically, 2fa must be enabled. ```ruby client = Itch.new(username: ENV['itch_username'], password: ENV['itch_password'], cookie_path: "./cookies.yml") client.totp = -> { puts "Enter your 2fa code: \n"; gets.chomp } client.logged_in? #=> false client.login client.logged_in? #=> true ``` After logging in, a cookie file will be saved at the `cookie_path` location if provided, and it won't be necessary to log in again until the cookie expires. ## Purchases Fetch purchases csv data ```ruby data = client.purchases.history #=> #<CSV io_type:Hash encoding:ASCII-8BIT lineno:0 col_sep:"," row_sep:"\n" quote_char:"\"" headers:true> data.each do |row| row.to_h #=> { # "id"=>"123456", # "object_name"=>"MyGame", # "amount"=>"3.00", # "source"=>"paypal", # "created_at"=>"2016-01-07 23:41:31 UTC", # "email"=>"email@example.com", # "full_name"=>nil, # "donation"=>"false", # "on_sale"=>"false", # "country_code"=>"CA", # "ip"=>"", # "product_price"=>"0", # "tax_added"=>"0.00", # "tip"=>"3.00", # "marketplace_fee"=>"0.30", # "source_fee"=>"0.40", # "payout"=>"payout_paid", # "amount_delivered"=>"2.00", # "currency"=>"USD", # "source_id"=>"PAYID-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP", # "billing_name"=>nil, # "billing_street_1"=>nil, # "billing_street_2"=>nil, # "billing_city"=>nil, # "billing_state"=>nil, # "billing_zip"=>nil, # "billing_country"=>nil # } end ``` Fetch one year of purchases ```ruby client.purchases.history_by_year(2021) ``` Fetch one month of purchases ```ruby client.purchases.history_by_month(5, 2019) ``` ## Games Find game by ID ```ruby client.game(12345) ``` Find game by name ```ruby client.game(name: 'MyItchGame') client.id # => 12345 ``` ### Game theme Fetch game theme information ```ruby client.game(12345).theme #=> { # "link_color"=>"#00ff00", # "screenshots_loc"=>"hidden", # "button_color"=>"#00ff00", # "banner_position"=>"align_center", # "background_repeat"=>"repeat-x", # "default_screenshots_loc"=>"sidebar", # "background_position"=>"align_right", # "header_font_family"=>"serif", # "background_image"=> # {"url"=>"https://itch.io/dashboard/upload-image?upload_id=54321", # "thumb_url"=>"https://img.itch.zone/aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoPqRsTuVwXyZ/original/aBcDe.png", # "id"=>6027863}, # "font_size"=>"large", # "bg_color"=>"#00ff00", # "header_text_color"=>"#00ff00", # "css"=>"body { color: blue; }", # "bg2_color"=>"#00ff00", # "banner_image"=> # {"url"=>"https://itch.io/dashboard/upload-image?upload_id=12345", # "thumb_url"=>"https://img.itch.zone/aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoPqRsTuVwXyZ/original/aBcDe.png", # "id"=>12345678}, # "text_color"=>"#00ff00", # "font_family"=>"pixel" # } ``` Update game theme information ```ruby game = client.game(12345) new_theme = game.theme new_theme['button_color'] = "#cccccc" new_theme['css'] = "body { background-color: orange; }" game.theme = new_theme ``` CSS Shortcuts ```ruby client.game(12345).css #=> body { background-color: orange; } client.game(12345).css = "body { background-color: green; }" ``` ### Rewards Fetch reward CSV data ```ruby client.game(12345).rewards.history #=> #<CSV io_type:Hash encoding:ASCII-8BIT lineno:0 col_sep:"," row_sep:"\n" quote_char:"\"" headers:true> data.each do |row| row.to_h #=> # { # "reward"=>"Free Community Copy", # "date"=>"2021-05-21 06:56:34 UTC", # "contact"=>nil, # "fulfilled"=>"false", # "shortcode"=>"VKDC-W4DD" # } end ``` #### Fetch current rewards ```ruby client.game(12345).rewards.list #=> [ #<Itch::Reward:0x0000557aa98c7930 @amount=1, @archived=false, @claimed=0, @description="<p>Hello. This is a reward description</p>", @id=123456789, @price="$5.00", @title="My Reward">, ] ``` #### Modify a reward Note: All rewards must be saved at once as follows, even if only one is being modified ```ruby rewards = client.game(12345).rewards.list rewards.first.amount #=> 10 rewards.first.amount = 15 #=> 15 client.game(12345).rewards.save(rewards) ``` #### Add a reward ```ruby rewards = client.game(12345).rewards.list new_reward = Itch::Reward.new( title: "My New Reward", description: "<p>Full content of reward description</p>", amount: 10, price: "$10.00" ) rewards << new_reward client.game(12345).rewards.save(rewards) ``` #### Archive a reward ```ruby rewards = client.game(12345).rewards.list rewards.first.archived = true client.game(12345).rewards.save(rewards) ``` #### Remove rewards ```ruby rewards = client.game(12345).rewards.list filtered_rewards = rewards.select do |reward| reward.amount > 5 end client.game(12345).rewards.save(filtered_rewards) ``` ### Bundles Fetch current bundles ```ruby client.bundles.list #=> [ #<Itch::Bundle:0x0000557aa98c7930 @id="123", @earnings=BigDecimal(123.00), @price=BigDecimal(10.00), @purchases=10, @title="My Bundle!" ] ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Billiam/itch-client. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).