module Hobo module Helper def self.add_to_controller(controller) controller.send(:include, self) controller.hide_action(self.instance_methods) end protected def uid @hobo_uid ||= 0 @hobo_uid += 1 end def current_user # simple one-hit-per-request cache @current_user ||= begin id = session._?[:user] (id && Hobo::Model.find_by_typed_id(id) rescue nil) || end end def logged_in? !current_user.guest? end def base_url "#{Rails.application.config.action_controller.relative_url_root}" end def controller_for(obj) if obj.is_a? Class else end end def subsite params[:controller]._?.match(/([^\/]+)\//)._?[1] end IMPLICIT_ACTIONS = [:index, :show, :create, :update, :destroy] def object_url(obj, *args) params = args.extract_options! action = args.first._?.to_sym options, params = params.partition_hash([:subsite, :method, :format]) options[:subsite] ||= self.subsite subsite, method = options.get :subsite, :method if obj.respond_to?(:member_class) && obj.respond_to?(:origin) && obj.origin # Asking for URL of a collection, e.g. category/1/adverts or category/1/adverts/new refl = obj.origin.class.reverse_reflection(obj.origin_attribute) owner_name = owner_name = owner_name.singularize if refl.macro == :has_many if action == :new action_path = "#{obj.origin_attribute}/new" action = :"new_for_#{owner_name}" elsif action.nil? action_path = obj.origin_attribute if method.to_s == 'post' action = :"create_for_#{owner_name}" else action = :"index_for_#{owner_name}" end end klass = obj.member_class obj = obj.origin else action ||= case options[:method].to_s when 'put'; :update when 'post'; :create when 'delete'; :destroy else; obj.is_a?(Class) ? :index : :show end if options[:method].to_s == 'post' && obj.try.new_record? # Asking for url to post new record to obj = obj.class end klass = if obj.is_a?(Class) obj elsif obj.respond_to?(:member_class) obj.member_class # We get here if we're passed a scoped class else obj.class end end if Hobo::Routes.linkable?(klass, action, options) url = base_url_for(obj, subsite, action) url += "/#{action_path || action}" unless params = make_params(params) params.blank? ? url : "#{url}?#{params}" end end def app_name(add_subsite=true) an = Rails.application.config.hobo.app_name if add_subsite && subsite subsite_name = t 'hobo.admin.subsite_name', :default => subsite.titleize an = an + " - #{subsite_name}" end an end def base_url_for(object, subsite, action) path = object.to_url_path or"cannot create url for #{object.inspect} (#{object.class})") "#{base_url}#{'/' + subsite unless subsite.blank?}/#{path}" end def recognize_page_path Rails.application.routes.recognize_path(params[:page_path]||request.fullpath) end def url_for_page_path(options={}) url_for recognize_page_path.merge(options) end def controller_action_from_page_path recognize_page_path.values_at(:controller,:action) end def _as_params(name, obj) if obj.is_a? Array {|x| _as_params("#{name}[]", x)}.join("&") elsif obj.is_a? Hash {|k,v| _as_params("#{name}[#{k}]", v)}.join("&") elsif obj.is_a? Hobo::RawJs "#{name}=' + #{obj} + '" else v = if obj.is_one_of?(ActiveRecord::Base, Array) "@" + typed_id(obj) else obj.to_s.gsub("'"){"\\'"} end "#{name}=#{v}" end end def make_params(*hashes) hash = {} hashes.each {|h| hash.update(h) if h} {|k,v| _as_params(k, v)}.join("&") end def type_id(type=nil) type ||= (this.is_a?(Class) && this) || this_type || this.class HoboFields.to_name(type) ||"/", "__") end def type_and_field(*args) type, field = args.empty? ? [this_parent.class, this_field] : args "#{type.typed_id}_#{field}" if type.respond_to?(:typed_id) end def model_id_class(object=this, attribute=nil) object.respond_to?(:typed_id) ? "model::#{typed_id(object, attribute).to_s.dasherize}" : "" end def can_create?(object=this) if object.is_a?(Class) and object < ActiveRecord::Base object = elsif (refl = object.try.proxy_reflection) && refl.macro == :has_many if Hobo.simple_has_many_association?(object) object = object.set_creator(current_user) else return false end end object.creatable_by?(current_user) end def can_update?(object=this) object.updatable_by?(current_user) end def can_edit?(*args) object, field = if args.empty? if this.respond_to?(:editable_by?) && !this_field_reflection [this, nil] elsif this_parent && this_field [this_parent, this_field] else [this, nil] end elsif args.length == 2 args else [this, args.first] end if !field && (origin = object.try.origin) object, field = origin, object.origin_attribute end object.editable_by?(current_user, field) end def can_delete?(object=this) object.destroyable_by?(current_user) end def can_call?(*args) method = args.last object = args.length == 2 ? args.first : this object.method_callable_by?(current_user, method) end # can_view? has special behaviour if it's passed a class or an # association-proxy -- it instantiates the class, or creates a new # instance "in" the association, and tests the permission of this # object. This means the permission methods in models can't rely # on the instance being properly initialised. But it's important # that it works like this because, in the case of an association # proxy, we don't want to loose the information that the object # belongs_to the proxy owner. def can_view?(*args) # TODO: Man does this need a big cleanup! if args.empty? if this_parent && this_field object = this_parent field = this_field else object = this end elsif args.first.is_one_of?(String, Symbol) object = this field = args.first else object, field = args end if field # Field can be a dot separated path if field.is_a?(String) && (path = field.split(".")).length > 1 _, _, object = Dryml.get_field_path(object, path[0..-2]) field = path.last end elsif (origin = object.try.origin) object, field = origin, object.origin_attribute end @can_view_cache ||= {} @can_view_cache[ [object, field] ] ||= if !object.respond_to?(:viewable_by?) true elsif object.viewable_by?(current_user, field) # If possible, we also check if the current *value* of the field is viewable if field.is_one_of?(Symbol, String) && (v = object.send(field)) && v.respond_to?(:viewable_by?) v.viewable_by?(current_user, nil) else true end else false end end def select_viewable(collection=this) {|x| can_view?(x)} end def theme_asset(path) theme_path = Hobo.current_theme ? "hobothemes/#{Hobo.current_theme}/" : "" "#{base_url}/#{theme_path}#{path}" end def js_str(s) if s.is_a? Hobo::RawJs s.to_s else "'" + s.to_s.gsub("'"){"\\'"} + "'" end end def make_params_js(*args) ("'" + make_params(*args) + "'").sub(/ \+ ''$/,'') end def nl_to_br(s) s.to_s.gsub("\n", "
") if s end def transpose_with_field(field, collection=nil) collection ||= this matrix = {|obj| obj.send(field) } max_length = matrix.*.length.max matrix = do |a| a + [nil] * (max_length - a.length) end matrix.transpose end def new_for_current_user(model_or_assoc=nil) model_or_assoc ||= this if model_or_assoc.respond_to?(:new_candidate) model_or_assoc.user_new_candidate(current_user) else model_or_assoc.user_new(current_user) end end def defined_route?(r) @view.respond_to?("#{r}_url") end # Login url for a given user record or user class def forgot_password_url(user_class=Hobo::Model::User.default_user_model) send("#{}_forgot_password_url") rescue nil end # Login url for a given user record or user class def login_url(user_class=Hobo::Model::User.default_user_model) send("#{}_login_url") rescue nil end # Sign-up url for a given user record or user class def signup_url(user_class=Hobo::Model::User.default_user_model) send("#{}_signup_url") rescue nil end # Login url for a given user record or user class def logout_url(user_or_class=nil) c = if user_or_class.nil? current_user.class elsif user_or_class.is_a?(Class) user_or_class else user_or_class.class end send("#{}_logout_url") rescue nil end def current_page_url request.fullpath.match(/^([^?]*)/)._?[1] end def query_params query = request.fullpath =~ /\?([^?]+)/ && $1 result = if query query.gsub!('+', ' ') query.split('&').each do |param| name, val = param.split('=', 2) result[URI.unescape(name)] = val ? URI.unescape(val) : '' end end result end def linkable?(*args) options = args.extract_options! target = args.empty? || args.first.is_a?(Symbol) ? this : args.shift action = args.first if target.respond_to?(:member_class) && (origin = target.try.origin) klass = origin.class action = if action == :new "new_#{target.origin_attribute.to_s.singularize}" elsif action.nil? target.origin_attribute end elsif target.is_a?(Class) klass = target action ||= :index else klass = target.class action ||= :show end Hobo::Routes.linkable?(klass, action, options.reverse_merge(:subsite => subsite)) end def css_data(name, *args) "#{name.to_s.dasherize}::#{args * '::'}" end # --- ViewHint Helpers --- # def this_field_name this_parent.class.try.human_attribute_name(this_field) || this_field end def this_field_help this_parent.class.try.attribute_help(this_field.to_sym) || "" end # --- default Helpers --- # def your_default this == current_user ? "Your" : ('s') ? "#{}'" : "#{}'s") end # --- Debugging Helpers ---- # def abort_with(*args) raise args.*.pretty_inspect.join("-------\n") end def log_debug(*args) return if not logger logger.debug("\n### DRYML Debug ###") logger.debug(args.*.pretty_inspect.join("-------\n")) logger.debug("DRYML THIS = #{this.typed_id rescue this.inspect}") logger.debug("###################\n") args.first unless args.empty? end end end