require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper') require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/data/models') # Higher level tests. class ActiveRecordTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup I18n.locale = :en reset_db! ActiveRecord::Base.locale = nil end def assert_translated(locale, record, names, expected) I18n.locale = locale assert_equal Array(expected), Array(names).map { |name| record.send(name) } end test "a translated record has translations" do assert_equal [], end test "saves a translated version of the record for each locale" do post = Post.create(:subject => 'title') I18n.locale = :de post.update_attributes(:subject => 'Titel') assert_equal 2, post.translations.size assert_equal %w(de en), assert_equal %w(Titel title), end test "a translated record has German translations" do I18n.locale = :de post = Post.create(:subject => 'foo') assert_equal 1, post.translations.size assert_equal [:de], { |t| t.locale } end test "modifiying translated fields while switching locales" do post = Post.create(:subject => 'title', :content => 'content') assert_equal %w(title content), [post.subject, post.content] I18n.locale = :de post.subject, post.content = 'Titel', 'Inhalt' assert_translated(:de, post, [:subject, :content], %w(Titel Inhalt)) assert_translated(:en, post, [:subject, :content], %w(title content)) assert_translated(:de, post, [:subject, :content], %w(Titel Inhalt)) post.reload assert_translated(:en, post, [:subject, :content], %w(title content)) assert_translated(:de, post, [:subject, :content], %w(Titel Inhalt)) end test "attribute writers do return their argument" do value = = 'foo' assert_equal 'foo', value end test "update_attribute succeeds with valid values" do post = Post.create(:subject => 'foo', :content => 'bar') post.update_attribute(:subject, 'baz') assert_equal 'baz', Post.first.subject end test "update_attributes fails with invalid values" do post = Post.create(:subject => 'foo', :content => 'bar') assert !post.update_attributes(:subject => '') assert_nil post.reload.attributes['subject'] assert_equal 'foo', post.subject end test "passing the locale to create uses the given locale" do post = Post.create(:subject => 'Titel', :content => 'Inhalt', :locale => :de) assert_equal :en, I18n.locale assert_nil ActiveRecord::Base.locale I18n.locale = :de assert_equal 'Titel', post.subject end test "passing the locale to attributes= uses the given locale" do post = Post.create(:subject => 'title', :content => 'content') post.update_attributes(:subject => 'Titel', :content => 'Inhalt', :locale => :de) post.reload assert_equal :en, I18n.locale assert_nil ActiveRecord::Base.locale assert_equal 'title', post.subject I18n.locale = :de assert_equal 'Titel', post.subject end test 'reload works' do post = Post.create(:subject => 'foo', :content => 'bar') post.subject = 'baz' post.reload assert_equal 'foo', post.subject end test "returns nil if no translations are found (unsaved record)" do post = => 'foo') assert_equal 'foo', post.subject assert_nil post.content end test "returns nil if no translations are found (saved record)" do post = Post.create(:subject => 'foo') post.reload assert_equal 'foo', post.subject assert_nil post.content end test "finds a German post" do post = Post.create(:subject => 'foo (en)', :content => 'bar') I18n.locale = :de post = Post.first post.subject = 'baz (de)' assert_equal 'baz (de)', Post.first.subject I18n.locale = :en assert_equal 'foo (en)', Post.first.subject end test "saves an English post and loads correctly" do post = Post.create(:subject => 'foo', :content => 'bar') assert post = Post.first assert_equal 'foo', post.subject assert_equal 'bar', post.content end test "returns the value for the correct locale, after locale switching" do post = Post.create(:subject => 'foo') I18n.locale = :de post.subject = 'bar' I18n.locale = :en post = Post.first assert_equal 'foo', post.subject I18n.locale = :de assert_equal 'bar', post.subject end test "returns the value for the correct locale, after locale switching, without saving" do post = Post.create :subject => 'foo' I18n.locale = :de post.subject = 'bar' I18n.locale = :en assert_equal 'foo', post.subject I18n.locale = :de assert_equal 'bar', post.subject end test "saves all locales, even after locale switching" do post = :subject => 'foo' I18n.locale = :de post.subject = 'bar' I18n.locale = :he post.subject = 'baz' I18n.locale = :en post = Post.first assert_equal 'foo', post.subject I18n.locale = :de assert_equal 'bar', post.subject I18n.locale = :he assert_equal 'baz', post.subject end test "works with associations" do blog = Blog.create post1 = blog.posts.create(:subject => 'foo') I18n.locale = :de post2 = blog.posts.create(:subject => 'bar') assert_equal 2, blog.posts.size I18n.locale = :en assert_equal 'foo', blog.posts.first.subject assert_nil blog.posts.last.subject I18n.locale = :de assert_equal 'bar', blog.posts.last.subject end test "works with simple dynamic finders" do foo = Post.create(:subject => 'foo') Post.create(:subject => 'bar') post = Post.find_by_subject('foo') assert_equal foo, post end test 'change attribute on globalized model' do post = Post.create(:subject => 'foo', :content => 'bar') assert_equal [], post.changed post.subject = 'baz' assert_equal ['subject'], post.changed post.content = 'quux' assert_member 'subject', post.changed assert_member 'content', post.changed end test 'change attribute on globalized model after locale switching' do post = Post.create(:subject => 'foo', :content => 'bar') assert_equal [], post.changed post.subject = 'baz' I18n.locale = :de assert_equal ['subject'], post.changed end test 'complex writing and stashing' do post = Post.create(:subject => 'foo', :content => 'bar') post.subject = nil assert_nil post.subject assert !post.valid? post.subject = 'stashed_foo' assert_equal 'stashed_foo', post.subject end test 'translated class locale setting' do assert ActiveRecord::Base.respond_to?(:locale) assert_equal :en, I18n.locale assert_nil ActiveRecord::Base.locale I18n.locale = :de assert_equal :de, I18n.locale assert_nil ActiveRecord::Base.locale ActiveRecord::Base.locale = :es assert_equal :de, I18n.locale assert_equal :es, ActiveRecord::Base.locale I18n.locale = :fr assert_equal :fr, I18n.locale assert_equal :es, ActiveRecord::Base.locale end test "untranslated class responds to locale" do assert Blog.respond_to?(:locale) end test "to ensure locales in different classes are the same" do ActiveRecord::Base.locale = :de assert_equal :de, ActiveRecord::Base.locale assert_equal :de, Parent.locale Parent.locale = :es assert_equal :es, ActiveRecord::Base.locale assert_equal :es, Parent.locale end test "attribute saving goes by content locale and not global locale" do ActiveRecord::Base.locale = :de assert_equal :en, I18n.locale Post.create :subject => 'foo' assert_equal :de, Post.first.translations.first.locale end test "attribute loading goes by content locale and not global locale" do post = Post.create(:subject => 'foo') assert_nil ActiveRecord::Base.locale ActiveRecord::Base.locale = :de assert_equal :en, I18n.locale post.update_attribute(:subject, 'foo [de]') assert_equal 'foo [de]', Post.first.subject ActiveRecord::Base.locale = :en assert_equal 'foo', Post.first.subject end test "access content locale before setting" do Globalize::ActiveRecord::ActMacro.class_eval "remove_class_variable(:@@locale)" assert_nothing_raised { ActiveRecord::Base.locale } end test "available_locales" do Post.locale = :de post = Post.create(:subject => 'foo') Post.locale = :es post.update_attribute(:subject, 'bar') Post.locale = :fr post.update_attribute(:subject, 'baz') assert_equal [:de, :es, :fr], post.available_locales assert_equal [:de, :es, :fr], Post.first.available_locales end test "saving record correctly after post-save reload" do reloader = Reloader.create(:content => 'foo') assert_equal 'foo', reloader.content end test "including translations" do I18n.locale = :de Post.create(:subject => "Foo1", :content => "Bar1") Post.create(:subject => "Foo2", :content => "Bar2") class << Post def translations_included self.all(:include => :translations) end end default = { |x| [x.subject, x.content] } with_include = { |x| [x.subject, x.content] } assert_equal default, with_include end test "setting multiple translations at once with options hash" do Post.locale = :de post = Post.create(:subject => "foo1", :content => "foo1") Post.locale = :en post.update_attributes(:subject => "bar1", :content => "bar1") options = { :de => {:subject => "foo2", :content => "foo2"}, :en => {:subject => "bar2", :content => "bar2"} } post.set_translations options post.reload assert ["bar2", "bar2"], [post.subject, post.content] Post.locale = :de assert ["foo2", "foo2"], [post.subject, post.content] end test "setting only one translation with set_translations" do Post.locale = :de post = Post.create(:subject => "foo1", :content => "foo1") Post.locale = :en post.update_attributes(:subject => "bar1", :content => "bar1") options = { :en => { :subject => "bar2", :content => "bar2" } } post.set_translations options post.reload assert ["bar2", "bar2"], [post.subject, post.content] Post.locale = :de assert ["foo1", "foo1"], [post.subject, post.content] end test "setting only selected attributes with set_translations" do Post.locale = :de post = Post.create(:subject => "foo1", :content => "foo1") Post.locale = :en post.update_attributes(:subject => "bar1", :content => "bar1") options = { :de => { :content => "foo2" }, :en => { :subject => "bar2" } } post.set_translations options post.reload assert ["bar2", "bar1"], [post.subject, post.content] Post.locale = :de assert ["foo1", "foo2"], [post.subject, post.content] end test "setting invalid attributes raises ArgumentError" do Post.locale = :de post = Post.create(:subject => "foo1", :content => "foo1") Post.locale = :en post.update_attributes(:subject => "bar1", :content => "bar1") options = { :de => {:fake => "foo2"} } exception = assert_raise(ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError) do post.set_translations options end assert_equal "unknown attribute: fake", exception.message end test "reload accepting find options" do p = Post.create(:subject => "Foo", :content => "Bar") assert p.reload(:readonly => true, :lock => true) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { p.reload(:foo => :bar) } end test "dependent destroy of translation" do p = Post.create(:subject => "Foo", :content => "Bar") assert_equal 1, PostTranslation.count p.destroy assert_equal 0, PostTranslation.count end test "translating subclass of untranslated comment model" do translated_comment = TranslatedComment.create(:post => @post) assert_nothing_raised { translated_comment.translations } end test "modifiying translated comments works as expected" do I18n.locale = :en translated_comment = TranslatedComment.create(:post => @post, :content => 'foo') assert_equal 'foo', translated_comment.content I18n.locale = :de translated_comment.content = 'bar' assert assert_equal 'bar', translated_comment.content I18n.locale = :en assert_equal 'foo', translated_comment.content assert_equal 2, translated_comment.translations.size end test "can create a proxy class for a namespaced model" do assert_nothing_raised do module Foo module Bar class Baz < ActiveRecord::Base translates :bumm end end end end end test "attribute translated before type cast" do Post.locale = :en post = Post.create(:subject => 'foo', :content => 'bar') Post.locale = :de post.update_attribute(:subject, "German foo") assert_equal 'German foo', post.subject_before_type_cast Post.locale = :en assert_equal 'foo', post.subject_before_type_cast end test "don't override existing translation class" do assert end test "has_many and named scopes work with globalize" do blog = Blog.create assert_nothing_raised { blog.posts.foobar } end test "required_attribuets don't include non-translated attributes" do validations = [ stub(:name => :name, :macro => :validates_presence_of), stub(:name => :email, :macro => :validates_presence_of) ] User.expects(:reflect_on_all_validations => validations) assert_equal [:name], User.required_attributes end end # TODO error checking for fields that exist in main table, don't exist in # proxy table, aren't strings or text # # TODO allow finding by translated attributes in conditions? # TODO generate advanced dynamic finders?