# Angular Sprinkles

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Angular Sprinkles is a gem for writing Rails-flavored AngularJS.

- __No frontend setup required:__ By just requiring it in your project, Sprinkles dynamically generates an Angular application around your Rails templates. It's never been easier to start developing with Angular and Rails.
- __Rails as it was intended to be written:__ Angular's two-way data binding, directives, and function calls are all done in the view via helper methods, giving you just a sprinkle of JavaScript.
- __A cleaner approach to JavaScript:__ Sprinkles allows you to continue to write Rails applications as you always have without all of the nasty jQuery spaghetti.

## Setup

Add `angular_sprinkles` to your `Gemfile`.

gem 'angularjs-rails'
gem 'angular_sprinkles'

Add `yield :sprinkles` to the bottom of your body tag.


<%= yield %>

<%= yield :sprinkles %>

Include and `angular_sprinkles` into your `application.js`.

//= require angular_sprinkles
//= require_tree .

## Examples

- [Two-way binding](#two-way-binding)
- [Directives](#directives)
- [Controllers and Isolate Scopes](#controllers-and-isolate-scopes)
- [Inlining function calls](#inlining-function-calls)
- [Form helpers](#form-helpers)

### Two-way binding

Two-way binding works right out of the box with Sprinkles. Just wrap your objects with the `bindable` helper.

class UserController < ApplicationController
  def show
    # bindable gives your objects the bind method
    @user = bindable(User.find(params[:id]))

{{ <%= @user.bind(:name) %> }}
<input type="text" ng-model="<%= @user.bind(:name) %>" />

### Directives

Use custom directives with the `directive` helper.

sprinkles.directive('blink', function () {
  // re-implement the blink tag

<%= directive(:blink) do %>
  Hello, world
<% end %>

Directives can also return it's controller to a ruby block if the directive uses transclusion.

sprinkles.directive('someDirective', function () {
  return {
    transclude: true,
    template: '<div ng-transclude></div>',
    // note: 'controllerAs' must be the directive name + 'Ctrl'
    controllerAs: 'someDirectiveCtrl',
    controller: function () {
      this.alertMe = function (name) {
        alert('Hi, ' + name);

<%= directive(:someDirective) do |some_ctrl| %>
  <button ng-click="<%= some_ctrl.call('Gabe') %>">CLICK ME!</button>
<% end %>

### Controllers and Isolate Scopes

If you would rather skip the directive and just create a controller, there is the `ctrl` helper.

sprinkles.controller('someCtrl', function () {
  this.alertMe = function (name) {
    alert('Hi, ' + name);

<%= ctrl(:someCtrl) do |some_ctrl| %>
  <button ng-click="<%= some_ctrl.call('Gabe') %>">CLICK ME!</button>
<% end %>

This is good for localizing JavaScript behavior. Additionally, if you'd just like to create a new
scope, you can use the `isolate` helper which creates an "anonymous" controller to wrap your element.

<%= isolate do |iso_ctrl| %>
  <input ng-model="<%= iso_ctrl.bind(:isolated_binding) %>">
  {{ <%= iso_ctrl.bind(:isolated_binding) %> }}
<% end %>

In contrast with the `bind` helper, bindings made here do not apply to the scope of the root controller.

### Inlining function calls

Call services directly from the view with the `service` helper.

sprinkles.service('alertMe', function () {
  return function (input) {
    alert('Hello, ' + input);

<button ng-click="<%= service(:alert_me, "world") %>">Click me!</button>

### Form helpers

Sprinkles comes with helpers for automatically creating bindings with your form elements. Almost all of the usual form helpers are available with the `bind_*` prefix. (See [issue #4](https://github.com/BrewhouseTeam/angular_sprinkles/issues/4) for a list of helpers that are not currently supported).

<%= form_for @user do |f| %>
  <%= f.bind_text_field :name %>
  <%= f.bind_select :age, (1..99) %>
<% end %>

  <%=# This value is automatically bound to the input of the form %>
  {{ <%= @user.bind(:name) %> }}

Additionally, the `bind_form_for` helper will prevent the form from being submitted and bind the form submission to an Angular service.

sprinkles.service('userFormHandler', function () {
  // receives the object and the AngularJS representation of the form
  return function (user, form) {
    // do something with the result

<%= bind_form_for @user, :user_form_handler do |f| %>
  <%= f.bind_text_field :name %>
<% end %>

### I want more!

Also see the [demo application](https://github.com/BrewhouseTeam/angular_sprinkles_example) for more examples.

## Copyright

Copyright (c) 2014 Gabe Scholz, Brewhouse Software. See LICENSE.txt for further details.