describe Spotlight::DashboardsController, type: :controller do routes { Spotlight::Engine.routes } let(:exhibit) { FactoryBot.create(:exhibit) } let(:repository) { double } before do allow(controller).to receive(:repository).and_return(repository) end describe 'when logged in' do let(:curator) { FactoryBot.create(:exhibit_curator, exhibit: exhibit) } before { sign_in curator } describe 'GET show' do it 'loads the exhibit' do exhibit.blacklight_configuration.index = { timestamp_field: 'timestamp_field' }! expect(controller).to receive(:search_results).with(sort: 'timestamp_field desc').and_return([double(:response), [{ id: 1 }]]) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Home', exhibit) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Dashboard', exhibit_dashboard_path(exhibit)) get :show, params: { exhibit_id: } expect(response).to render_template 'spotlight/dashboards/show' expect(assigns[:exhibit]).to eq exhibit expect(assigns[:pages].length).to eq exhibit.pages.length expect(assigns[:solr_documents]).to have(1).item end end describe 'GET analytics' do it 'loads the exhibit' do expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Home', exhibit) expect(controller).to receive(:add_breadcrumb).with('Analytics', analytics_exhibit_dashboard_path(exhibit)) get :analytics, params: { exhibit_id: } expect(response).to render_template 'spotlight/dashboards/analytics' expect(assigns[:exhibit]).to eq exhibit end end end describe 'when user does not have access' do before { sign_in FactoryBot.create(:exhibit_visitor) } it 'does not allow show' do get :show, params: { exhibit_id: } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.root_path end it 'does not allow analytics' do get :analytics, params: { exhibit_id: } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.root_path end end describe 'when not logged in' do describe 'GET show' do it 'redirects to the sign in form' do get :show, params: { exhibit_id: } expect(response).to redirect_to(main_app.new_user_session_path) expect(flash[:alert]).to be_present expect(flash[:alert]).to match(/You need to sign in/) end end end end