module ONCCertificationG10TestKit class SMARTAppLaunchInvalidAudGroup < Inferno::TestGroup title 'SMART App Launch Error: Invalid AUD Parameter' short_title 'SMART Invalid AUD Launch' input_instructions %( Register Inferno as a standalone application using the following information: * Redirect URI: `#{SMARTAppLaunch::AppRedirectTest.config.options[:redirect_uri]}` ) description %( # Background The Invalid AUD Sequence verifies that a SMART Launch Sequence, specifically the [Standalone Launch]( Sequence, does not work in the case where the client sends an invalid FHIR server as the `aud` parameter during launch. This must fail to ensure that a genuine bearer token is not leaked to a counterfit resource server. This test is not included as part of a regular SMART Launch Sequence because it requires the browser of the user to be redirected to the authorization service, and there is no expectation that the authorization service redirects the user back to Inferno with an error message. The only requirement is that Inferno is not granted a code to exchange for a valid access token. Since this is a special case, it is tested independently in a separate sequence. Note that this test will launch a new browser window. The user is required to 'Attest' in the Inferno user interface after the launch does not succeed, if the server does not return an error code. ) id :g10_smart_invalid_aud run_as_group config( inputs: { client_id: { name: :standalone_client_id, title: 'Standalone Client ID', description: 'Client ID provided during registration of Inferno as a standalone application' }, requested_scopes: { name: :standalone_requested_scopes, title: 'Standalone Scope', description: 'OAuth 2.0 scope provided by system to enable all required functionality', type: 'textarea', default: %( launch/patient openid fhirUser offline_access patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ ).gsub(/\s{2,}/, ' ').strip }, url: { title: 'Standalone FHIR Endpoint', description: 'URL of the FHIR endpoint used by standalone applications' }, smart_authorization_url: { title: 'OAuth 2.0 Authorize Endpoint', description: 'OAuth 2.0 Authorize Endpoint provided during the patient standalone launch' }, smart_token_url: { title: 'OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint', description: 'OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint provided during the patient standalone launch' } }, outputs: { state: { name: :invalid_aud_state } }, requests: { redirect: { name: :invalid_aud_redirect } } ) input_order :url, :standalone_client_id, :standalone_client_secret, :standalone_requested_scopes, :use_pkce, :pkce_code_challenge_method, :smart_authorization_url test from: :smart_app_redirect do input :client_secret, name: :standalone_client_secret, title: 'Standalone Client Secret', description: 'Client Secret provided during registration of Inferno as a standalone application' def aud '' end def wait_message(auth_url) %( Inferno will redirect you to an external website for authorization. **It is expected this will fail**. If the server does not return to Inferno automatically, but does provide an error message, you may return to Inferno and confirm that an error was presented in this window. * [Perform Invalid Launch](#{auth_url}) * [Attest launch failed](#{Inferno::Application['base_url']}/custom/smart/redirect?state=#{state}&confirm_fail=true) ) end end test do title 'Inferno client app does not receive code parameter redirect URI' description %( Inferno redirected the user to the authorization service with an invalid AUD. Inferno expects that the authorization request will not succeed. This can either be from the server explicitely pass an error, or stopping and the tester returns to Inferno to confirm that the server presented them a failure. ) uses_request :redirect run do params = request.query_parameters assert params['code'].blank?, 'Authorization has incorrectly succeeded because access code provided to Inferno.' pass_message = if params['error'].present? 'Server redirected the user back to the app with an error.' elsif params['confirm_fail'] 'Tester attested that the authorization service did not succeed due to invalid AUD parameter.' else 'Server redirected the user back to the app without an access code.' end pass pass_message end end end end