require 'compass/commands/project_base' require 'compass/commands/update_project' module Compass module Commands module StatsOptionsParser def set_options(opts) opts.banner = %Q{ Usage: compass stats [path/to/project] [options] Description: Compile project at the path specified (or the current directory if not specified) and then compute statistics for the sass and css files in the project. Options: }.strip.split("\n").map{|l| l.gsub(/^ {0,10}/,'')}.join("\n") super end end class ProjectStats < UpdateProject register :stats def initialize(working_path, options) super assert_project_directory_exists! end def perform super require 'compass/stats' compiler = new_compiler_instance sass_files = sorted_sass_files(compiler) total_label = "Total (#{sass_files.size} files):" rows = [[ :-, :-, :-, :-, :-, :-, :-, :-, :- ], [ 'Filename', 'Rules', 'Properties', 'Mixins Defs', 'Mixins Used', 'Filesize', 'CSS Selectors', 'CSS Properties', 'CSS Filesize' ], [ :-, :-, :-, :-, :-, :-, :-, :-, :- ]] maximums = [ total_label.length, 5, 10, 14, 11, 13, 13, 14, 14 ] alignments = [ :left, :right, :right, :right, :right, :right, :right, :right, :right ] delimiters = [ ['| ', ' |'], [' ', ' |'], [' ', ' |'], [' ', ' |'], [' ', ' |'], [' ', ' |'], [' ', ' |'], [' ', ' |'], [' ', ' |'] ] formatters = [ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, :kb, nil, nil, :kb ] totals = [ total_label, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] columns = rows.first.size sass_files.each do |sass_file| css_file = compiler.corresponding_css_file(sass_file) unless sass_file[0..0] == '_' row = filename_columns(sass_file) row += sass_columns(sass_file) row += css_columns(css_file) row.each_with_index do |c, i| maximums[i] = [maximums[i].to_i, c.size].max totals[i] = totals[i] + c.to_i if i > 0 end rows << row end rows << [:-] * columns rows <<{|t| t.to_s} rows << [:-] * columns rows.each do |row| row.each_with_index do |col, i| print pad(col, maximums[i], :align => alignments[i], :left => delimiters[i].first, :right => delimiters[i].last, :formatter => formatters[i]) end print "\n" end if @missing_css_parser puts "\nInstall css_parser to enable stats on your css files:\n\n\tgem install css_parser" end end def pad(c, max, options = {}) options[:align] ||= :left if c == :- filler = '-' c = '' else filler = ' ' end c = send(:"format_#{options[:formatter]}", c) if options[:formatter] spaces = max - c.size filled = filler * [spaces,0].max "#{options[:left]}#{filled if options[:align] == :right}#{c}#{filled if options[:align] == :left}#{options[:right]}" end def format_kb(v) return v unless v =~ /^\d+$/ v = Integer(v) if v < 1024 "#{v} B" else v = v / 1024.0 "#{v.ceil} KB" end end def sorted_sass_files(compiler) sass_files = compiler.sass_files(:exclude_partials => false)! do |s| filename = Compass.deprojectize(s, File.join(Compass.configuration.project_path, Compass.configuration.sass_dir)) [s, File.dirname(filename), File.basename(filename)] end sass_files = sass_files.sort_by do |s,d,f| File.join(d, f[0] == ?_ ? f[1..-1] : f) end!{|s,d,f| s} end def filename_columns(sass_file) filename = Compass.deprojectize(sass_file, working_path) [filename] end def sass_columns(sass_file) sf = sf.analyze! %w(rule_count prop_count mixin_def_count mixin_count file_size).map do |t| sf.send(t).to_s end end def css_columns(css_file) if File.exists?(css_file) cf = cf.analyze! %w(selector_count prop_count file_size).map do |t| cf.send(t).to_s end else return [ '--', '--' , '--'] end rescue LoadError @missing_css_parser = true return [ 'DISABLED', 'DISABLED' ] end class << self def option_parser(arguments) parser = parser.extend(Compass::Exec::GlobalOptionsParser) parser.extend(Compass::Exec::ProjectOptionsParser) parser.extend(StatsOptionsParser) end def usage option_parser([]).to_s end def description(command) "Report statistics about your stylesheets" end def primary; false; end def parse!(arguments) parser = option_parser(arguments) parser.parse! parse_arguments!(parser, arguments) parser.options end def parse_arguments!(parser, arguments) if arguments.size == 1 parser.options[:project_name] = arguments.shift elsif arguments.size == 0 # default to the current directory. else raise Compass::Error, "Too many arguments were specified." end end end end end end