{ "exercise": "trinary", "version": "1.0.0", "cases": [ { "description": "returns the decimal representation of the input trinary value", "cases": [ { "description": "trinary 1 is decimal 1", "property": "toDecimal", "input": 1, "expected": 1 }, { "description": "trinary 2 is decimal 2", "property": "toDecimal", "input": 2, "expected": 2 }, { "description": "trinary 10 is decimal 3", "property": "toDecimal", "input": 10, "expected": 3 }, { "description": "trinary 11 is decimal 4", "property": "toDecimal", "input": 11, "expected": 4 }, { "description": "trinary 100 is decimal 9", "property": "toDecimal", "input": 100, "expected": 9 }, { "description": "trinary 112 is decimal 14", "property": "toDecimal", "input": 112, "expected": 14 }, { "description": "trinary 222 is decimal 26", "property": "toDecimal", "input": 222, "expected": 26 }, { "description": "trinary 1122000120 is decimal 32091", "property": "toDecimal", "input": 1122000120, "expected": 32091 }, { "description": "invalid trinary digits returns 0", "property": "toDecimal", "input": "1234", "expected": 0 }, { "description": "invalid word as input returns 0", "property": "toDecimal", "input": "carrot", "expected": 0 }, { "description": "invalid numbers with letters as input returns 0", "property": "toDecimal", "input": "0a1b2c", "expected": 0 } ] } ] }