== 2.5.0 * Works better with Rails 3 * Bugfix: schema kept prepending additional newlines * Updates to make annotate smarter about when to touch a model * Recognize column+type, and don't change a file unless the column+type combination of the new schema are different than that of the old (i.e., don't regenerate if columns happen to be in a different order. That's just how life is sometimes.) * Grab old specification even if it has \r\n as line endings rather than pure \ns * Various warning and specification fixes * Fix "no such file to load -- annotate/annotate_models (MissingSourceFile)" error (require statements in tasks now use full path to lib files) * warn about macros, to mitigate when we're included during a production run, not just a rakefile run -- possibly at the expense of too much noise * Adding rake as a runtime dependency * If the schema is already in the model file, it will be replaced into the same location. If it didn't previously exist, it'll be placed according to the "position", as before. * Allow task loading from Rakefile for gems (plugin installation already auto-detects). * Add skip_on_db_migrate option as well for people that don't want it * Fix options parsing to convert strings to proper booleans * Add support for Fabrication fabricators * Leave magic encoding comment intact * Fix issue #14 - RuntimeError: Already memoized * Count a model as 'annotated' if any of its tests/fixtures are annotated * Support :change migrations (Rails 3.1) * Allow models with non-standard capitalization * Widen type column so we can handle longtexts with chopping things off. * Skip trying to get list of models from commandline when running via Rake (was preventing the use of multiple rake tasks in one command if one of them was db:migrate). * Add ability to skip annotations for a model by adding '# -*- SkipSchemaAnnotations' anywhere in the file. * Don't show column limits for integer and boolean types. * Add sorting for columns and indexes. (Helpful for out-of-order migration execution, but use --no-sort if you don't want this.) * Annotate unit tests in subfolders. * Add generator to install rakefile that automatically annotates on db:migrate. * Correct Gemfile to clarify which environments need which gems. * Add an .rvmrc to facilitate clean development. * Refactor out ActiveRecord monkey-patch to permit extending without side-effects. * Use ObjectSpace to locate models to facilitate handling of models with non-standard capitalization. Note that this still requires that the inflector be configured to understand the special case. * Merge against many of the older branches on Github whose functionality is already reflected to reduce confusion about what is and is not implemented here. * Accept String or Symbol for :position (et al) options. * Add RDoc output formatting as an option. * Add Markdown output formatting as an option. * Add option to force annotation regeneration. * Add new configuration option for controlling where info is placed in fixtures/factories. * Fix for models without tables. * Fix gemspec generation now that Jeweler looks at Gemfile. * Fix warning: `NOTE: Gem::Specification#default_executable= is deprecated with no replacement. It will be removed on or after 2011-10-01.` * Fix handling of files with no trailing newline when putting annotations at the end of the file. * Now works on tables with no primary key. * --format=markdown option * --trace option to help debug "Unable to annotate" errors * "Table name" annotation (if table name is different from model name) * "Human name" annotation (enabling translation to non-English locales) * Fix JRuby ObjectSpace compatibility bug (https://github.com/ctran/annotate_models/pull/85) * Fix FactoryGirl compatibility bug (https://github.com/ctran/annotate_models/pull/82) == 2.4.2 2009-11-21 * Annotates (spec|test)/factories/_factory.rb files == 2.4.1 2009-11-20 * Annotates thoughtbot's factory_girl factories (test/factories/_factory.rb) * Move default annotation position back to top == 2.4.0 2009-12-13 * Incorporated lots of patches from the Github community, including support for Blueprints fixtures * Several bug fixes == 2.1 2009-10-18 * New options * -R to require additional files before loading the models * -i to show database indexes in annotations * -e to exclude annotating tests or fixtures * -m to include the migration version number in the annotation * --model-dir to annotate model files stored a different place than app/models * Ignore unknown macros ('acts_as_whatever') == 2.0 2009-02-03 * Add annotate_models plugin fork additions * Annotates Rspec and Test Unit models * Annotates Object Daddy exemplars * Annotates geometrical columns * Add AnnotateRoutes rake task * Up gem structure to newgem defaults == 1.0.4 2008-09-04 * Only update modified models since last run, thanks to sant0sk1 == 1.0.3 2008-05-02 * Add misc changes from Dustin Sallings and Henrik N * Remove trailing whitespace * More intuitive info messages * Update README file with update-to-date example == 1.0.2 2008-03-22 * Add contributions from Michael Bumann (http://github.com/bumi) * added an option "position" to choose to put the annotation, * spec/fixtures now also get annotated * added a task to remove the annotations * these options can be specified from command line as -d and -p [before|after]