# Main module module Envlogic # Env module to get and set environment class Env < ActiveSupport::StringInquirer using StringRefinements # What environment key should be used by default FALLBACK_ENV_KEY = 'RACK_ENV' # What default environment should be asumed when there's nothing else FALLBACK_ENV = 'development' # @param klass [Class, Module] class/module for which we want to build a Envlogic::Env object # @return [Envlogic::Env] envlogic env object] # @example # Envlogic::Env.new(User) # @note Will load appropriate environment automatically def initialize(klass) env = ENV[app_dir_name.to_env_key] env ||= ENV[klass.to_s.to_env_key] env ||= ENV[FALLBACK_ENV_KEY] update(env || FALLBACK_ENV) end # @param environment [String] new environment that we want to set # @example # env.update('production') def update(environment) replace( ActiveSupport::StringInquirer.new(environment) ) end private # @return [String] name of the directory in which this application is # @note Will return only the last part, so if the dir is /home/apps/my_app it will # only return the 'my_app' part def app_dir_name Pathname.new(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE']) .dirname .basename .to_s end end end